
Dependents of mbed

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Bee rythm. Use arraty s and pointer
simple data logger writing to internal RAM. No existing over-written. search for next file count
Read an audio signal from the ADC, write it out to a file on the filestytem and perform a 1024 point FFT, writing frequency data to a csv file audio, FFT, sound
A simple Larsen scanner using the onboard LEDs.... because there aren't enough of these already.
A second version of the Larsen scanner, this time using the mbed's PwmOut library.
An example program showing how to use the Potentiometer on the Embedded Artists baseboard Analog, EA
A test example using the OLED display on the Embedded Artists Xpresso baseboard Artists, display, Embedded, OLED
This example uses the OLED display and the joystick on the Embedded Artists bseboard EA, joystick, OLED
Using the I2C LED driver on the Embedded Artists baseboard to control the LEDS. I2C, led, PCA9532
This example positions a lit LED in the I2C LED array using the rotary encoder Encoder, I2C, led, rotary
Demo program showing the LocalFileSystem in use file, Local, System
ADT7310 SPI Temperature Sensor
Some quick code to use UDP-only (no TCP) with mBed. Echos received packets and sends packets when a button is pressed UDP
led and serial test test
Example twitter program - directly from Rolfs pages, just repackaged for convenient import ethernet, http, twitter
Example HTTP client executing a script that returns the time ethernet, http, PHP
Example of how it might be good to start with the DS1306 Bringup, DS1306, SPI
Test application based on the AVR examples provided by ThaiEasyElec for their ELT240320ATP breakout board -- library works rather slow on the mbed platform.
serial communication @ 921600bps - Working fine on hyperterminal as well as bray's
Needs some work GPS, NMEA
sine wave from A_out p18
Sample code for how to erase/write LPC1768, LPC11U24, LPC1114, LPC812 and LPC824 internal flash memory. This program uses IAP call of MCU's ROM routines. The IAP library also supports read/write … EEPROM, IAP, In-Application Programming, internal EEPROM, internal flash memory
just a first time, try out........ another, flashing, from, LEDS, one, to
Fades the LEDs on the mbed so they look like the front of the Knightrider car :P demo, knightrider, led
My first program, using only the onboard LEDs to make a mini light patterns. Has 4 stages. beginners, light, show
Demo/test code: UART-I2C bridge. This program takes 3 byte data from terminal to write out in I2C bus. The 1st data is I2C address, second is register address and last …
Control of mbed using OSC. Based on code from the Make Controller. Right now you can turn the onboard LEDs on/off and toggle 8 digital out pins. More I/O will … osc, UDP
A Graphic Equaliser using 2 Analog inputs and an Fast Fourier Transform Equaliser, fast, FFT, Fourier, graphic, Transform, User_4574
BeeperMultiple2, with a better Hierarchy... audio, Beeper, Chords, multiple, sound
A sample serial program that prints basic values to a serial pc terminal nbitwonder, pc, Serial
Using a TEMT6000 light sensor (Sparkfun BOB-08688). Analog, light, sensor
Example using LIS302 accelerometer printing values over USB serial Serial, SPI
This is a test program for TEXT LCD (HD44780) , 40 char x 2 lines.
This is a test program for RTC function.
Flash Local Filesystem Test Program
Geodesic Light Dome Controller Program Geodesic, I2C, light, PCA9685
A simple example creating an incrementing filename filename, fopen, incrementing