
Dependents of mbed

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

See http://mbed.org/users/no2chem/notebook/ethernet-testing/ For usage information. diagnostics, ethernet, test
Implementation of USB Host for mbed 1768 which can access USB flash drives. See notebook page for details. fatfilesystem, flash, Host, USB
A test program to recreate the system hang bug if you don't have a putc in the interrupt routine handler... bug, interrupt, Serial
code_red's port of EasyWeb server for LPC1768, made to compile with mbed's online compiler. ethernet, http, HTTPServer
see http://mbed.org/users/no2chem/notebook/mbed-power-controlconsumption/ consumption, control, energy, Power
A simple binary counter program that uses the onboard mbed leds to represent bits mbed
128x64 grafical display with KS0107B and KS0108B controller
This program is for writing to PCA9532 on the LPCXpresso Base Board. PCA9532
Full ADC driver with demo burst, full, interrupt
Enhanced version of Simon Ford's RPC demo program allowing command-line editing and providing interactive help. Includes Stream (Serial, etc.) line editing routine in separate files. getline, rpc
3rd instalment of car automation Autonomous, car
v1.1 of orig program, slowly speeds up motor to find the poit at witch it gets stuck in the trigger or reaches top speed
A sample code for training. Using LPCXpresso baseboard. This program let 16 LEDs blink via I2C (PCA9532). Base, Board, I2C, LPCXpresso, PCA9532
A sample code for training. Using LPCXpresso baseboard. This program let 16 LEDs blink via I2C (PCA9532). Addition to that, the LED dim control is done by light sensor (ISL29003) … Base, Board, I2C, ISL29003, LPCXpresso, PCA9532
Modifed version of http://mbed.org/forum/mbed/topic/506/ to make it functional
A very basic example using the watchdog timer example, watchdog
NXP's driver library for LPC17xx, ported to mbed's online compiler. Not tested! I had to fix a lot of warings and found a couple of pretty obvious bugs, so the … driver, library, nxp
A sample code for training. PWM controlled LEDs on mbed. led, pwm
A temporary workaround for stdio hangs when using both inside and outside an interrupt hang, interrupt, Serial
WHOAMI Example for the LIS302 helloworld, LIS302
8 channels ADC ic communicating via SPI.