Dependents of MODSERIAL

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Final Jorine Aangepast
DemoState with IK and MotorControl and input vx_des and vy_des with potmeter1 and button2
code for Willem project group 19 Biorobotics
Minor fixes 11/8/18
modifications to run via legfile.txt and then exit, manage logfile versions, diagnostics file
doet met lampjes
Volledig besturingssysteem voor de myoelectrische prothese arm van mijn bachelor opdracht MyoArm
Code om de PID controller af te stellen aan de hand van een sinus golf
Code om 4 EMG te filteren, thresholds te zetten met kalibratie en met putty te kijken of die thresholds overschreden worden
most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown
GPS NMEA sentence reader for Nucleo boards. GPS, NEO-M8N, NMEA, Nucleo, stm32, ublox
This code will read from both heaters every 2 seconds
This code will read from both heaters every 2 seconds
Trying to encode a configuration file and a set of instructions to be passed to a microcontroller
First commit for threaded programme
Bmag incl gps rettelse
Combination of working libraries useful for the BioRobotics course.
LED and Serial Communication without Blocking
LED and Serial Communication without Blocking for lecture
blue led with character input
3 lampjes op command
3 lampjes op command
update with altimeter, swimfile.txt endleg.txt, etc see changes_13sep.txt also reset_PI()
ADC logging with demo drive board for calibration
Programma voor HIDScope (lecture 3 tutorial)