Dependents of SLCD

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

default eCompass example, but with desired serial communication
Demo that is loaded into KL46Z for class buttons, kl46z, LCD, NMHU, SSD341
Show the use of an interrupt routine for button push change on signal edge interrupt on change of state, kl46z, NMHU, SSD 341
modified from original -- NG
ssd3341 test of capacitive slider routines LK46Z, NMHU, pwm, Slider
Homework for week 4, modified from original program as per instructions - CKM
HW 4.2 Dorian Folie modified
Modified interesting blinky program for homework 4.1
first attempt at 5.1 homework. Swapped out wait function with a timer, and set up a statement to only print to terminal upon a 0.01 change in reading from the …
Modified from original code
Homework for week 5, #2. Sets up light sensor to control brightness of LEDs.
light sesnsor LEDs
led light on and off using light sensor
reading light sensor and out put between analog and digital
Simply creates a servo object from a motor object, to allow the control of the angle.
ssd3341 test of capacitive slider routinesb HW 5.2 LK46Z, NMHU, pwm, Slider
this is a game very similar to pong, use touch sensor to hit the ball on the LCD back and forth
This is a program that will create sine, square, and saw waveforms with the Analog out pin (18) on the FRDM-KL46Z
This is the initial commit for the voltmeter used in Lab 2. FRDM-KL46Z, LCD, voltmeter
Basis program for midterm Q2 AAA Fall 2016