Dependents of SLCD

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Use ISR instead of checking char buffer kl46z, NMHU, serial interrupt, Serial Library
Serial I/O program using rtos and ttreads for NMNU Ambient Computing kl46z, LCD, NMHU, rtos demo, serial port read
Precursor top to simple parser multi threaded use of c++ basic string library. For Ambient computing NMNU Spring 2015 basic string library, kl46z, NMHU, rtos, Serial Library
Example of checking for a valid note: Ambient computing, kl46z, LCD, NMHU, serial port
More generic and scalable parser kl46z, NMHU, Serial communication.
Merging isNote and isOct
A DMX based Dowser for projectors.
Magnetometer program example of use for NMHU students and others. kl46z, magnetometer, NMHU
Onshot program trigger for 555 chip kl46z, NMHU
Kitchen Timer example program. kl46z, NMHU, timer class
A simple example to drive an APA-102 LED strip. APA-102
Use of DAC output with terminal interface for control BiRa, kl46z, terminal interface
Test program using the LCD and touch pad to adjust the Analog output DAC on the KL46Z Port PTE30 analog out, capacitive touch and LCD, kl46z
Voice_masher_audio read KL46z
Punch program for HW 3.2
FFT power Spectrum on AQM1248 LCD. - FRDM-KL46Z - inner LCD - inner MAG3110 Magnetometer - AQM1248 micro graphical LCD - Dr.Ooura's very fast FFT library thanks. AQM1248, FFT, MAG3110
The use of the KL-46Z FRDM microcontroller to handle the I/O to detect water moisture and light exposure for a potted plant using a 555 Timer Chip and onboard visible …
202B voltage sensing
Simple demo reads the KL46Z's touch device and displays the value on the LCD demo, FRDM-KL46Z, kl46z, LCD, SLCD, starter, touch
LCD Example program with attached library kl46z, NMHU SSD, Onboard LCD demo
blink with button select and message to LCD buttons, kl46z, LCD, NMHU, SSD341
Output Random value to LCD
button interrupt with LED's and slider/LCD display demo buttons, demo, interrupt SSD 341, kl46z, NMHU, Slider
Using light sensor instead of dimming For use with NMHU AAA class 2014 HW 4.1 Q3 conditional print, kl46z, LCD, light sensor
reloj con sw1 sw3
Final Project DavidEstrada
Final, cambios pendientes
Demo of light sensor reading for NMHU Ambient computing Spring 2016 HW 2.1 LCD, light sensor, LK46Z
Test Demo for Ambient Light Sensor
Use of interrupts example for NMHU ambient computing class Sp2015. added MMA8451Q8 library to use as point of departure. interrupt useage, kl46z, NMHU
Updates and more comments KL46-FRDM
Pulls unique serial number from CPU and prints to serial console and displays on LCD. Used to generate a guaranteed unique ID for IoT apps where the IoT device needs … CPU ID, device serial number, unique device identifier