
Notebook page to detail the serial interface that will control a servo. Design originally implemented by the Arizona State University Targeting System Project (TSP) Group: Kirk Bennett, Kevin Kirkland, and … MATLAB, Remote Servo Control, Sentry Gun, Serial, Serial Communication, Servo, Targeting System
My finaly year project made simpler with the Mbed. Atomated, car
Prototyping a USB logic analyser as part of the beta test program for the mbed LPC11U24 analyser, logic, USB
Just a simple sample to run a mbed code on LPC1768 bare metal. bare metal, LPC1768, LPC1769, LPCXpresso
Add a simple multicast DNS announce to your mbed - causing its services to show up in zeroconf/bonjour browsers, webbrowsers, VNC clients and what not. bonjour, discovery, dns, mdns
Hardware JTAG port debugger, emulator, J-Link, JLINK, JTAG
Trying to connect a cheap radio-window-shutter-contact to my KNX-Installation-Bus-System KNX, RFM12B
Information about using hoperf transceiver-modules with mbed. Can be used to establish point-to-pint or mesh-communication. HOPERF, Mesh, RF22, RFM22, RFM22B, router, transceiver, wireless
A Summary of my robot dog project - codename ERIC ERIC, robot
IEC60601-1-8 Audible Alert Generator. Medical alarms tone sequences generated in software. Alert, Audible, goertzel, IEC60601-1-8
Driver for a 4 digit 14 segment Starburst LED display using SPI led, multiplexing, SPI
Table driven Finite State Machine library based on the Harel state machine, supporting actions on transitions, state entry and state exit. Finite State Machine, State Machine
This is simple Train Information Lib. - Next train time information - Delayed information lib, Train
mbedで古いマスクROM(2332 or 2316)を読み出して内容をファイルに落としてみました。