Stable version of the mDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is suitable for deployment scenarios. See lastest commit message for version of mbed-os library that has been tested against.

Dependents:   mdot_two_way unh-hackathon-example unh-hackathon-example-raw TelitSensorToCloud ... more

Fork of libmDot-dev-mbed5-deprecated by MultiTech

The Dot library provides a LoRaWan certified stack for LoRa communication using MultiTech mDot and xDot devices. The stack is compatible with mbed 5.

The name of the repository can be used to determine which device the stack was compiled for and if it's a development or production-ready build:

A changelog for the Dot library can be found here.

The Dot library version and the version of mbed-os it was compiled against can both be found in the commit message for that revision of the Dot library. Building your application with the same version of mbed-os as what was used to build the Dot library is highly recommended!

The Dot-Examples repository demonstrates how to use the Dot library in a custom application.

The mDot and xDot platform pages have lots of platform specific information and document potential issues, gotchas, etc, and provide instructions for getting started with development. Please take a look at the platform page before starting development as they should answer many questions you will have.


Full FOTA support is only available with mDot, xDot does not have the required external flash. xDot can use the FOTA example to dynamically join a multicast session only. After joining the multicast session the received Fragmentation packets could be handed to a host MCU for processing and at completion the firmware can be loaded into the xDot using the bootloader and y-modem. See xDot Developer Guide.

  • Add the following code to allow Fota to use the Dot instance


    // Initialize FOTA singleton
  • Add fragmentation handling the the PacketRx event


    virtual void PacketRx(uint8_t port, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot, uint8_t retries, uint32_t address, bool dupRx) {
        mDotEvent::PacketRx(port, payload, size, rssi, snr, ctrl, slot, retries, address, dupRx);

        if(port == 200 || port == 201 || port == 202) {
            Fota::getInstance()->processCmd(payload, port, size);

A definition is needed to enable Fragmentation support on mDot and save fragments to flash. This should not be defined for xDot and will result in a compiler error.


    "macros": [

The FOTA implementation has a few differences from the LoRaWAN Protocol

  • Fragmentation Indexing starts at 0
  • McKEKey is 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
  • Start Time is a count-down in seconds to start of session
diff -r ea598f178cce -r b630e18103e5 Lora.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lora.h	Thu Aug 04 15:11:24 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+/**   __  ___     ____  _    ______        __     ____         __                  ____
+ *   /  |/  /_ __/ / /_(_)__/_  __/__ ____/ /    / __/_ _____ / /____ __ _  ___   /  _/__  ____
+ *  / /|_/ / // / / __/ /___// / / -_) __/ _ \  _\ \/ // (_-</ __/ -_)  ' \(_-<  _/ // _ \/ __/  __
+ * /_/  /_/\_,_/_/\__/_/    /_/  \__/\__/_//_/ /___/\_, /___/\__/\__/_/_/_/___/ /___/_//_/\__/  /_/
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems        /___/
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Jason Reiss
+ * @date   10-31-2015
+ * @brief  lora namespace defines global settings, structures and enums for the lora library
+ *
+ * @details
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __LORA_H__
+#define __LORA_H__
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "MTSLog.h"
+//#include <cstring>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+namespace lora {
+    /**
+     * Frequency bandwidth of a Datarate, higher bandwidth gives higher datarate
+     */
+    enum Bandwidth {
+        BW_125,
+        BW_250,
+        BW_500,
+        BW_FSK = 50
+    };
+    /**
+     * Spreading factor of a Datarate, lower spreading factor gives higher datarate
+     */
+    enum SpreadingFactors {
+        SF_6 = 6,
+        SF_7,
+        SF_8,
+        SF_9,
+        SF_10,
+        SF_11,
+        SF_12,
+        SF_FSK,
+        SF_INVALID
+    };
+    /**
+     * Datarates for use with ChannelPlan
+     */
+    enum Datarates {
+        DR_0 = 0,
+        DR_1,
+        DR_2,
+        DR_3,
+        DR_4,
+        DR_5,
+        DR_6,
+        DR_7,
+        DR_8,
+        DR_9,
+        DR_10,
+        DR_11,
+        DR_12,
+        DR_13,
+        DR_14,
+        DR_15
+    };
+    const uint8_t MIN_DATARATE = (uint8_t) DR_0;             //!< Minimum datarate
+    const uint8_t MAX_PHY_PACKET_SIZE = 255;                    //!< Maximum size for a packet
+    const uint8_t MAX_APPS = 8;                                 //!< Maximum number of apps sessions to save
+    const uint8_t MAX_MULTICAST_SESSIONS = 8;                   //!< Maximum number of multicast sessions to save
+    const uint8_t EUI_SIZE = 8;                                 //!< Number of bytes in an EUI
+    const uint8_t KEY_SIZE = 16;                                //!< Number of bytes in an AES key
+    const uint8_t DEFAULT_NUM_CHANNELS = 16;                    //!< Default number of channels in a plan
+    const uint8_t DEFAULT_RX1_DR_OFFSET = 0;                    //!< Default datarate offset for first rx window
+    const uint8_t DEFAULT_RX2_DATARATE = 0;                     //!< Default datarate for second rx window
+    const uint8_t DEFAULT_TX_POWER = 14;                        //!< Default transmit power
+    const uint8_t DEFAULT_CODE_RATE = 1;                        //!< Default coding rate 1:4/5, 2:4/6, 3:4/7, 4:4/8
+    const uint8_t DEFAULT_PREAMBLE_LEN = 8;                     //!< Default preamble length
+    const int32_t MAX_FCNT_GAP = 16384;                         //!< Maximum allowed gap in sequence numbers before roll-over
+    const uint16_t PRIVATE_JOIN_DELAY = 1000;                   //!< Default join delay used for private network
+    const uint16_t PUBLIC_JOIN_DELAY = 5000;                    //!< Default join delay used for public network
+    const uint16_t DEFAULT_JOIN_DELAY = PRIVATE_JOIN_DELAY;     //!< Default join delay1
+    const uint16_t DEFAULT_RX_DELAY = 1000;                     //!< Default delay for first receive window
+    const uint16_t DEFAULT_RX_TIMEOUT = 3000;                   //!< Default timeout for receive windows
+    const uint8_t HI_DR_SYMBOL_TIMEOUT = 12;                    //!< Symbol timeout for receive at datarate with SF < 11
+    const uint8_t LO_DR_SYMBOL_TIMEOUT = 8;                     //!< Symbol timeout for receive at datarate with SF > 10
+    const uint16_t RX2_DELAY_OFFSET = 1000;                     //!< Delay between first and second window
+    const uint16_t RXC_OFFSET = 50;                             //!< Time between end of RXC after TX and RX1
+    const uint8_t US915_125K_NUM_CHANS = 64;                    //!< Number of 125k channels in US915 channel plan
+    const uint8_t US915_500K_NUM_CHANS = 8;                     //!< Number of 500k channels in US915 channel plan
+    const uint32_t US915_125K_FREQ_BASE = 902300000;            //!< Frequency base for 125k US915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t US915_125K_FREQ_STEP = 200000;               //!< Frequency step for 125k US915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t US915_500K_FREQ_BASE = 903000000;            //!< Frequency base for 500k US915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t US915_500K_FREQ_STEP = 1600000;              //!< Frequency step for 500k US915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t US915_500K_DBASE = 923300000;                //!< Frequency base for 500k US915 downlink channels
+    const uint32_t US915_500K_DSTEP = 600000;                   //!< Frequency step for 500k US915 downlink channels
+    const uint32_t US915_FREQ_MIN = 902000000;
+    const uint32_t US915_FREQ_MAX = 928000000;
+    const uint8_t US915_MIN_DATARATE = (uint8_t) DR_0;       //!< Minimum transmit datarate for US915
+    const uint8_t US915_MAX_DATARATE = (uint8_t) DR_4;       //!< Maximum transmit datarate for US915
+    const uint8_t US915_MIN_DATARATE_OFFSET = (uint8_t) 0;       //!< Minimum transmit datarate for US915
+    const uint8_t US915_MAX_DATARATE_OFFSET = (uint8_t) 3;       //!< Maximum transmit datarate for US915
+    const uint8_t AU915_125K_NUM_CHANS = 64;                    //!< Number of 125k channels in AU915 channel plan
+    const uint8_t AU915_500K_NUM_CHANS = 8;                     //!< Number of 500k channels in AU915 channel plan
+    const uint32_t AU915_125K_FREQ_BASE = 915200000;            //!< Frequency base for 125k AU915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t AU915_125K_FREQ_STEP = 200000;               //!< Frequency step for 125k AU915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t AU915_500K_FREQ_BASE = 915900000;            //!< Frequency base for 500k AU915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t AU915_500K_FREQ_STEP = 1600000;              //!< Frequency step for 500k AU915 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t AU915_500K_DBASE = 923300000;                //!< Frequency base for 500k AU915 downlink channels
+    const uint32_t AU915_500K_DSTEP = 600000;                   //!< Frequency step for 500k AU915 downlink channels
+    const uint32_t AU915_FREQ_MIN = 915000000;
+    const uint32_t AU915_FREQ_MAX = 928000000;
+    const uint8_t AU915_MIN_DATARATE = (uint8_t) DR_0;       //!< Minimum transmit datarate for AU915
+    const uint8_t AU915_MAX_DATARATE = (uint8_t) DR_4;       //!< Maximum transmit datarate for AU915
+    const uint8_t AU915_MIN_DATARATE_OFFSET = (uint8_t) 0;       //!< Minimum transmit datarate for AU915
+    const uint8_t AU915_MAX_DATARATE_OFFSET = (uint8_t) 3;       //!< Maximum transmit datarate for AU915
+    const uint8_t EU868_125K_NUM_CHANS = 16;                    //!< Number of 125k channels in EU868 channel plan
+    const uint8_t EU868_DEFAULT_NUM_CHANS = 3;                  //!< Number of defualt channels in EU868 channel plan
+    const uint32_t EU868_125K_FREQ_BASE = 868100000;            //!< Frequency base for 125k EU868 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t EU868_125K_FREQ_STEP = 200000;               //!< Frequency step for 125k EU868 uplink channels
+    const uint32_t EU868_RX2_FREQ = 869525000;                  //!< Frequency default for second rx window in EU868
+    const uint8_t EU868_TX_POWER_MAX = 14;                      //!< Max power for EU868 channel plan
+    // 0.1% duty cycle 863-868
+    // Limiting to 865-868 allows for 1% duty cycle
+    const uint32_t EU868_MILLI_FREQ_MIN = 865000000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_MILLI_FREQ_MAX = 868000000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_MILLI_1_FREQ_MIN = 868700000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_MILLI_1_FREQ_MAX = 869200000;
+    // 1% duty cycle
+    const uint32_t EU868_CENTI_FREQ_MIN = 868000000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_CENTI_FREQ_MAX = 868600000;
+    // 10% duty cycle
+    const uint32_t EU868_DECI_FREQ_MIN = 869400000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_DECI_FREQ_MAX = 869650000;
+    // Below 7dBm there is no duty cycle for these frequencies
+    // Up to 14dBm there is 1% duty cycle
+    const uint32_t EU868_VAR_FREQ_MIN = 869700000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_VAR_FREQ_MAX = 870000000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_FREQ_MIN = 863000000;
+    const uint32_t EU868_FREQ_MAX = 870000000;
+    const uint8_t EU868_MIN_DATARATE = (uint8_t) DR_0;       //!< Minimum transmit datarate for EU868
+    const uint8_t EU868_MAX_DATARATE = (uint8_t) DR_7;       //!< Maximum transmit datarate for EU868
+    const uint8_t EU868_MIN_DATARATE_OFFSET = (uint8_t) 0;       //!< Minimum transmit datarate for US915
+    const uint8_t EU868_MAX_DATARATE_OFFSET = (uint8_t) 5;       //!< Maximum transmit datarate for US915
+    const int16_t DEFAULT_FREE_CHAN_RSSI_THRESHOLD = -90;       //!< Threshold for channel activity detection (CAD) dBm
+    const uint8_t CHAN_MASK_SIZE = 16;                          //!< Number of bits in a channel mask
+    const uint8_t COMMANDS_BUFFER_SIZE = 15;                    //!< Size of Mac Command buffer
+    const uint8_t PKT_HEADER = 0;                               //!< Index to packet mHdr field
+    const uint8_t PKT_ADDRESS = 1;                              //!< Index to first byte of packet address field
+    const uint8_t PKT_FRAME_CONTROL = PKT_ADDRESS + 4;          //!< Index to packet fCtrl field @see UplinkControl
+    const uint8_t PKT_FRAME_COUNTER = PKT_FRAME_CONTROL + 1;    //!< Index to packet frame counter field
+    const uint8_t PKT_OPTIONS_START = PKT_FRAME_COUNTER + 2;    //!< Index to start of optional mac commands
+    const uint8_t PKT_JOIN_APP_NONCE = 1;                       //!< Index to application nonce in Join Accept message
+    const uint8_t PKT_JOIN_NETWORK_ID = 4;                      //!< Index to network id in Join Accept message
+    const uint8_t PKT_JOIN_NETWORK_ADDRESS = 7;                 //!< Index to network address in Join Accept message
+    const uint8_t PKT_JOIN_DL_SETTINGS = 11;                    //!< Index to downlink settings in Join Accept message
+    const uint8_t PKT_JOIN_RX_DELAY = 12;                       //!< Index to rx delay in Join Accept message
+    const uint8_t ADR_ACK_LIMIT = 64;                           //!< Number of packets without ADR ACK Request
+    const uint8_t ADR_ACK_DELAY = 32;                           //!< Number of packets to expect ADR ACK Response within
+    const uint16_t ACK_TIMEOUT = 2000;                          //!< Base millisecond timeout to resend after missed ACK
+    const uint16_t ACK_TIMEOUT_RND = 1000;                      //!< Random millisecond adjustment to resend after missed ACK
+    const uint8_t FRAME_OVERHEAD = 13;                          //!< Bytes of network info overhead in a frame
+    /**
+     * Settings to choose ChannelPlan
+     */
+    enum FrequencyBand {
+        EU868,      //!< EU 863-870 16 channel uplink
+        US915,      //!< US 902-928 64-125k/8-500k uplink and 8-500k downlink channels
+        AU915,      //!< US 915-928 64-125k/8-500k uplink and 8-500k downlink channels
+        CN779,      //!<
+        CN470,      //!<
+        EU433,      //!<
+    };
+    /**
+     * Settings for type of network
+     * PUBLIC - defaults to 5/6 second join windows and 0x34 sync word
+     * PRIVATE - defaults to 1/2 second join windows and 0x12 sync word
+     */
+    enum NetworkType {
+        PRIVATE = 0,
+        PUBLIC = 1,
+        PEER_TO_PEER = 4
+    };
+    /**
+     * Enum for on/off settings
+     */
+    enum Enabled {
+        OFF = 0,
+        ON = 1
+    };
+    /**
+     * Return status of mac functions
+     */
+    enum MacStatus {
+        LORA_OK = 0,
+        LORA_ERROR = 1,
+        LORA_JOIN_ERROR = 2,
+        LORA_SEND_ERROR = 3,
+        LORA_MIC_ERROR = 4,
+        LORA_ADDRESS_ERROR = 5,
+        LORA_ADR_OFF = 9,
+        LORA_BUSY = 10,
+        LORA_LINK_BUSY = 11,
+        LORA_RADIO_BUSY = 12,
+        LORA_BUFFER_FULL = 13,
+        LORA_JOIN_BACKOFF = 14,
+        LORA_NO_FREE_CHAN = 15,
+    };
+    /**
+     * State for Link
+     */
+    enum LinkState {
+        LINK_IDLE = 0,  //!< Link ready to send or receive
+        LINK_TX,        //!< Link is busy sending
+        LINK_ACK_TX,    //!< Link is busy resending after missed ACK
+        LINK_REP_TX,    //!< Link is busy repeating
+        LINK_RX,        //!< Link has receive window open
+        LINK_RX1,       //!< Link has first received window open
+        LINK_RX2,       //!< Link has second received window open
+        LINK_RXC,       //!< Link has class C received window open
+        LINK_P2P,       //!< Link is busy sending
+    };
+    /**
+     * State for MAC
+     */
+    enum MacState {
+        MAC_IDLE,
+        MAC_RX1,
+        MAC_RX2,
+        MAC_RXC,
+        MAC_TX
+    };
+    /**
+     * Operation class for device
+     */
+    enum MoteClass {
+        CLASS_A = 0x00, //!< Device can only receive in windows opened after a transmit
+        CLASS_B = 0x01, //!< Device can receive in windows sychronized with gateway beacon
+        CLASS_C = 0x02  //!< Device can receive any time when not transmitting
+    };
+    /**
+     * Direction of a packet
+     */
+    enum Direction {
+        DIR_UP = 0,     //!< Packet is sent from mote to gateway
+        DIR_DOWN = 1,   //!< Packet was received from gateway
+        DIR_PEER = 2    //!< Packet was received from peer
+    };
+    /**
+     * Received window used by Link
+     */
+    enum ReceiveWindows {
+        RX_1 = 1,           //!< First receive window
+        RX_2,               //!< Second receive window
+        RX_BEACON,          //!< Beacon receive window
+        RX_SLOT,             //!< Beacon Slot receive window
+        RX_TEST
+    };
+    /**
+     * Datarate range for a Channel
+     */
+    typedef union {
+            int8_t Value;
+            struct {
+                    int8_t Min :4;
+                    int8_t Max :4;
+            } Fields;
+    } DatarateRange;
+    /**
+     * Datarate used for transmitting and receiving
+     */
+    typedef struct Datarate {
+            uint8_t Index;
+            uint8_t Bandwidth;
+            uint8_t Coderate;
+            uint8_t PreambleLength;
+            uint8_t SpreadingFactor;
+            uint8_t Crc;
+            uint8_t TxIQ;
+            uint8_t RxIQ;
+            uint8_t SymbolTimeout();
+            Datarate();
+    } Datarate;
+    /**
+     * Channel used for transmitting
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t Index;
+            uint32_t Frequency;
+            DatarateRange DrRange;
+    } Channel;
+    /**
+     * Receive window
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t Index;
+            uint32_t Frequency;
+            uint8_t DatarateIndex;
+    } RxWindow;
+    /**
+     * Duty band for limiting time-on-air for regional regulations
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t Index;
+            uint32_t FrequencyMin;
+            uint32_t FrequencyMax;
+            uint8_t PowerMax;
+            uint16_t DutyCycle;          //!< Multiplier of time on air, 0:100%, 1:50%, 2:33%, 10:10%, 100:1%, 1000,0.1%
+            uint32_t TimeOffEnd;         //!< Timestamp when this band will be available
+    } DutyBand;
+    /**
+     * Device configuration
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t FrequencyBand;      //!< Used to choose ChannelPlan
+            uint8_t EUI[8];             //!< Unique identifier assigned to device
+    } DeviceConfig;
+    /**
+     * Network configuration
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t Mode;               //!< PUBLIC, PRIVATE or PEER_TO_PEER network mode
+            uint8_t Class;              //!< Operating class of device
+            uint8_t EUI[8];             //!< Network ID or AppEUI
+            uint8_t Key[16];            //!< Network Key or AppKey
+            uint8_t JoinDelay;          //!< Number of seconds to wait before 1st RX Window
+            uint8_t RxDelay;            //!< Number of seconds to wait before 1st RX Window
+            uint8_t ChannelGroup;       //!< ChannelGroup used for US915 hybrid operation 0:72 channels, 1:1-8 channels ...
+            uint8_t AckAttempts;        //!< Number of attempts to send packet and receive an ACK from server
+            uint8_t Retries;            //!< Number of times to resend a packet without receiving an ACK, redundancy
+            uint8_t ADREnabled;         //!< Enable adaptive datarate
+            uint8_t CADEnabled;         //!< Enable listen before talk/channel activity detection
+            uint8_t RepeaterMode;       //!< Limit payloads to repeater compatible sizes
+            uint8_t TxPower;            //!< Default radio output power in dBm
+            uint8_t TxPowerMax;         //!< Max transmit power
+            uint8_t TxDatarate;         //!< Datarate for P2P transmit
+            uint32_t TxFrequency;       //!< Frequency for P2P transmit
+            int8_t AntennaGain;         //!< Antenna Gain
+            uint8_t DisableEncryption;  //!< Disable Encryption
+            uint8_t DisableCRC;        //!< Disable CRC on uplink packets
+            uint16_t P2PACKTimeout;
+            uint16_t P2PACKBackoff;
+            uint8_t JoinRx1DatarateOffset;  //!< Offset for datarate for first window
+            uint32_t JoinRx2Frequency;      //!< Frequency used in second window
+            uint8_t JoinRx2DatarateIndex;   //!< Datarate for second window
+    } NetworkConfig;
+    /**
+     * Network session info
+     * Some settings are acquired in join message and others may be changed through Mac Commands from server
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t Joined;                     //!< State of session
+            uint8_t Rx1DatarateOffset;          //!< Offset for datarate for first window
+            uint32_t Rx2Frequency;              //!< Frequency used in second window
+            uint8_t Rx2DatarateIndex;           //!< Datarate for second window
+            uint8_t TxPower;                    //!< Current total radiated output power in dBm
+            uint8_t TxDatarate;                 //!< Current datarate can be changed when ADR is enabled
+            uint32_t Address;                   //!< Network address
+            uint32_t NetworkID;                 //!< Network ID 24-bits
+            uint8_t NetworkSessionKey[16];      //!< Network session key
+            uint8_t ApplicationSessionKey[16];  //!< Data session key
+            uint16_t ChannelMask[4];            //!< Current channel mask
+            uint16_t ChannelMask500k;           //!< Current channel mask for 500k channels
+            uint32_t DownlinkCounter;           //!< Downlink counter of last packet received from server
+            uint32_t UplinkCounter;             //!< Uplink counter of last packet received from server
+            uint8_t Redundancy;                 //!< Number of time to repeat an uplink
+            uint8_t MaxDutyCycle;               //!< Current Max Duty Cycle value
+            uint32_t JoinTimeOnAir;              //!< Balance of time on air used during join attempts
+            uint32_t JoinTimeOffEnd;            //!< RTC time of next join attempt
+            uint32_t JoinFirstAttempt;          //!< RTC time of first failed join attempt
+            uint32_t AggregatedTimeOffEnd;      //!< Time off air expiration for aggregate duty cycle
+            uint16_t AggregateDutyCycle;        //!< Used for enforcing time-on-air
+            uint8_t AckCounter;                 //!< Current number of packets sent without ACK from server
+            uint8_t AdrCounter;                 //!< Current number of packets received without downlink from server
+            uint8_t RxDelay;                    //!< Number of seconds to wait before 1st RX Window
+            uint8_t CommandBuffer[COMMANDS_BUFFER_SIZE]; //!< Buffer to hold Mac Commands and parameters to be sent in next packet
+            uint8_t CommandBufferIndex;         //!< Index to place next Mac Command, also current size of Command Buffer
+            bool SrvRequestedAck;               //!< Indicator of ACK requested by server in last packet received
+            bool DataPending;                   //!< Indicator of data pending at server
+            uint8_t RxTimingSetupReqReceived;   //!< Indicator that RxTimingSetupAns should be included in uplink
+            uint8_t RxParamSetupReqAnswer;      //!< Indicator that RxParamSetupAns should be included in uplink
+    } NetworkSession;
+    /**
+     * Multicast session info
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint32_t Address;               //!< Network address
+            uint8_t NetworkSessionKey[16];  //!< Network session key
+            uint8_t DataSessionKey[16];     //!< Data session key
+            uint32_t DownlinkCounter;       //!< Downlink counter of last packet received from server
+    } MulticastSession;
+    /**
+     * Application configuration
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t Port;                   //!< Port used by application
+            uint8_t AppEUI;                 //!< Application ID
+            uint8_t AppKey[16];             //!< Application Key
+    } ApplicationConfig;
+    /**
+     * Statistics of current network session
+     */
+    typedef struct Statistics {
+            uint32_t Up;                    //!< Number of uplink packets sent
+            uint32_t Down;                  //!< Number of downlink packets received
+            uint32_t Joins;                 //!< Number of join requests sent
+            uint32_t JoinFails;             //!< Number of join requests without response or invalid response
+            uint32_t MissedAcks;            //!< Number of missed acknowledgement attempts of confirmed packets
+            uint32_t CRCErrors;             //!< Number of CRC errors in received packets
+            int32_t AvgCount;              //!< Number of packets used to compute rolling average of RSSI and SNR
+            int16_t Rssi;                   //!< RSSI of last packet received
+            int16_t RssiMin;                //!< Minimum RSSI of last AvgCount packets
+            int16_t RssiMax;                //!< Maximum RSSI of last AvgCount packets
+            int16_t RssiAvg;                //!< Rolling average RSSI of last AvgCount packets
+            int16_t Snr;                     //!< SNR of last packet received
+            int16_t SnrMin;                  //!< Minimum SNR of last AvgCount packets
+            int16_t SnrMax;                  //!< Maximum SNR of last AvgCount packets
+            int16_t SnrAvg;                  //!< Rolling average SNR of last AvgCount packets
+    } Statistics;
+    /**
+     *  Testing settings
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t TestMode;
+            uint8_t SkipMICCheck;
+            uint8_t DisableDutyCycle;
+            uint8_t DisableRx1;
+            uint8_t DisableRx2;
+            uint8_t FixedUplinkCounter;
+            uint8_t DisableRandomJoinDatarate;
+    } Testing;
+    /**
+     * Combination of device, network, testing settings and statistics
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            DeviceConfig Device;
+            NetworkConfig Network;
+            NetworkSession Session;
+            ApplicationConfig Applications[MAX_APPS];
+            MulticastSession Multicast[MAX_MULTICAST_SESSIONS];
+            Statistics Stats;
+            Testing Test;
+    } Settings;
+    /**
+     * Downlink settings sent in Join Accept message
+     */
+    typedef union {
+            uint8_t Value;
+            struct {
+                    uint8_t Rx2Datarate :4;
+                    uint8_t Rx1Offset :3;
+                    uint8_t RFU :1;
+            };
+    } DownlinkSettings;
+    /**
+     * Frame structure for Join Request
+     */
+    typedef struct {
+            uint8_t Type;
+            uint8_t AppEUI[8];
+            uint8_t DevEUI[8];
+            uint8_t Nonce[2];
+            uint8_t MIC[4];
+    } JoinRequestFrame;
+    /**
+     * Mac header of uplink and downlink packets
+     */
+    typedef union {
+            uint8_t Value;
+            struct {
+                    uint8_t Major :2;
+                    uint8_t RFU :3;
+                    uint8_t MType :3;
+            } Bits;
+    } MacHeader;
+    /**
+     * Frame control field of uplink packets
+     */
+    typedef union {
+            uint8_t Value;
+            struct {
+                    uint8_t OptionsLength :4;
+                    uint8_t ClassB :1;
+                    uint8_t Ack :1;
+                    uint8_t AdrAckReq :1;
+                    uint8_t Adr :1;
+            } Bits;
+    } UplinkControl;
+    /**
+     * Frame control field of downlink packets
+     */
+    typedef union {
+            uint8_t Value;
+            struct {
+                    uint8_t OptionsLength :4;
+                    uint8_t FPending :1;
+                    uint8_t Ack :1;
+                    uint8_t RFU :1;
+                    uint8_t Adr :1;
+            } Bits;
+    } DownlinkControl;
+    /**
+     * Frame type of packet
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        FRAME_TYPE_JOIN_REQ = 0x00,
+        FRAME_TYPE_JOIN_ACCEPT = 0x01,
+        FRAME_TYPE_RFU = 0x06,
+    } FrameType;
+    /**
+     * LoRaWAN mote MAC commands
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        /* Class A */
+        MOTE_MAC_LINK_CHECK_REQ = 0x02,
+        MOTE_MAC_LINK_ADR_ANS = 0x03,
+        MOTE_MAC_DUTY_CYCLE_ANS = 0x04,
+        MOTE_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_ANS = 0x05,
+        MOTE_MAC_DEV_STATUS_ANS = 0x06,
+        MOTE_MAC_NEW_CHANNEL_ANS = 0x07,
+        /* Class B */
+        MOTE_MAC_PING_SLOT_INFO_REQ = 0x09,
+        MOTE_MAC_PING_SLOT_FREQ_ANS = 0x0a,
+        MOTE_MAC_BEACON_FREQ_ANS = 0x0c,
+        /* Multitech */
+        MOTE_MAC_PING_REQ = 0x80,
+        MOTE_MAC_CHANGE_CLASS = 0x81,
+    } MoteCommand;
+    /*!
+     * LoRaWAN server MAC commands
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        /* Class A */
+        SRV_MAC_LINK_CHECK_ANS = 0x02,
+        SRV_MAC_LINK_ADR_REQ = 0x03,
+        SRV_MAC_DUTY_CYCLE_REQ = 0x04,
+        SRV_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_REQ = 0x05,
+        SRV_MAC_DEV_STATUS_REQ = 0x06,
+        SRV_MAC_NEW_CHANNEL_REQ = 0x07,
+        SRV_MAC_RX_TIMING_SETUP_REQ = 0x08,
+        /* Class B */
+        SRV_MAC_PING_SLOT_INFO_ANS = 0x09,
+        SRV_MAC_PING_SLOT_FREQ_REQ = 0x0a,
+        SRV_MAC_BEACON_TIMING_ANS = 0x0b,
+        SRV_MAC_BEACON_FREQ_REQ = 0x0c,
+        /* Multitech */
+        SRV_MAC_PING_ANS = 0x80,
+        SRV_MAC_CHANGE_CLASS = 0x81,
+        SRV_MAC_MULTIPART_CHUNK = 0x84,
+        SRV_MAC_MULTIPART_END_REQ = 0x85,
+    } ServerCommand;
+    /**
+     * Random seed for software RNG
+     */
+    void srand(uint32_t seed);
+    /**
+     * Software RNG for consistent results across differing hardware
+     */
+    int rand(void);
+    /**
+     * Generate random number bounded by min and max
+     */
+    int32_t rand_r(int32_t min, int32_t max);
+    uint8_t CountBits(uint16_t mask);
+    /**
+     * Copy 3-bytes network order from array into LSB of integer value
+     */
+    void CopyNetIDtoInt(const uint8_t* arr, uint32_t& val);
+    /**
+     * Copy LSB 3-bytes from integer value into array network order
+     */
+    void CopyNetIDtoArray(uint32_t val, uint8_t* arr);
+    /**
+     * Copy 4-bytes network order from array in to integer value
+     */
+    void CopyAddrtoInt(const uint8_t* arr, uint32_t& val);
+    /**
+     * Copy 4-bytes from integer in to array network order
+     */
+    void CopyAddrtoArray(uint32_t val, uint8_t* arr);
+    /**
+     * Copy 3-bytes network order from array into integer value and multiply by 100
+     */
+    void CopyFreqtoInt(const uint8_t* arr, uint32_t& freq);
+    /**
+     * Reverse memory copy
+     */
+    void memcpy_r(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t n);