Laser Sensing Display for UI interfaces in the real world

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of skinGames_forktest by Alvaro Cassinelli

diff -r 7c54b6bca0e2 -r 3ba2b0ea9f33 Scene.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Scene.h	Wed Oct 16 16:14:27 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#ifndef SCENE_H
+#define SCENE_H
+#include <vector> 
+#include "matrixClass.h"
+#include "classLaserSensingTrajectory.h" // BaseObjet use instances of the classes LaserPoint and LaserSensingTrajectory (cannot forward declare only)
+//#include "LaserRenderer.h"
+// Forward declared classes (attention: a pointer to an "incomplete class" - eg, only forward declared - is not allowed. It is just like unsing an actual object...)
+class LaserRenderer;
+class laserSensingDisplay;
+// A base class for an "object":
+// Note: all the 3d coordinates of the object are in PROJECTOR coordinates in fact... we don't store a POSE for each object, but instead the
+// final RT*vi where vi are the points of the objects. 
+// Also, we store IN THE OBJECT the list of projected points (that is, the 3d points projected by using K). The object has methods to study this 
+// list (because projected points are also "sensed") and get information about light or dark zones.
+// Now, to be able to test things (where the object was "touched", etc), we may need to mantain a correspondence between the projected points 
+// and the original 3d point. There are two options: put them into a single structure "laserpoint", or use two separate arrays. 
+class BaseObject {
+ public: 
+    friend class Scene;
+    friend class LaserRenderer;
+    friend class laserSensingDisplay;
+    BaseObject(unsigned int _id=0):myID(_id) {}
+    ~BaseObject();
+    // Setters:
+    void setID(int _id) {myID=_id;}
+    void setColor( unsigned char _color) {myColor=_color;} // color is coded in three bits in fact (for RGB laser), or more or less...
+    // Per-object adjustement of mirror parameters (could be automated if we know the number of points, etc. For the time being, this is manual):
+    // Getters: 
+    int size() {return(vertexArray.size());} // ATTN: in principle, the vertexArray size and the myDisplaySensingBuffer number of points should be equal!! we could check this here?
+    int color() {return(myColor);}
+    int ID() {return (myID);}
+    Box3d getEnclosingBox();
+     // Building methods:
+     // NOTE: I will try to have an encapsulated class, so I prefer not to refer to global variables (like the renderer lsr)
+    void addVertex(V3& _v3, Mat44& _RT); // this add a vertex USING THE CURRENT MODELVIEW (in global lsr object). NOTE: it is NOT projected and added to the myDisplaySensingBuffer yet.
+    void clear(); // this deletes all the vertices and their projections from *this BaseObject instance
+    void transform(Mat44& _RT); // this transform all the vertices of the object by _RT
+    // void render(LaserRenderer* ptr_lsr); // this will project ALL the 3d points in the object vertexArray and store into display sensing buffer (myDisplaySensingBuffer), using 
+    // the current projection matrix and the current projecting mode in the global lsr object. NOTE: THE PREVIOUS DISPLAY BUFFER for this object is CLEARED. This ensures that when 
+    // "rendered", we have the same number of projected and 3d points 
+     // Sensing methods (note: only way to get data - touched, not touched, etc - through getters that will re-execute the processing on new data... 
+     // (we could have a boolean to check if new data is available, but since the displaying is done very fast, it is likely that we may need to re-compute
+     // the processing anyway...)
+    bool sense(void); 
+    unsigned char maxIntensity(void);
+    unsigned char minIntensity(void);
+    // Virtual methods? for more complex testing - like overall direction, or even motion in case of "sprites"
+    // ...
+    // NOTE: as always, I run into this annoying problem: if I have a vector of pointers to the base class, AND virtual methods, then I can store all the
+    // childrens pointers in the vector (using downcast "dynamic type casting" which won't slice the object). But then, it means the base class declaration 
+    // needs to know somehting about the children methods! (at least their types and names). THIS IS REALLY ANNOYING, because I would like to add new kind
+    // of children objects without needing to modify the base class declaration! How to do that? The thing is, sometimes I may need to call to a child method; 
+    // if the pointer points to an object that does not have this method implemented, NOTHING should happen (pure virtual function). Otherwise, it should work
+    // as specified by this child. This very much reminds me to weakly typed Objective-C polymorphic arrays... (NSArrays). How to do this in C++?
+  unsigned char myColor; // per object color (public because it will be used intensively by the displaying engine)
+   LaserSensingTrajectory displaySensingBuffer;
+ private:
+   int myID;
+    // Array of 3d coordinates and corresponding 2D projections with sense data:
+    // These are private, so we can ensure that their size is the same... 
+    vector<V3> vertexArray;
+    //LaserSensingTrajectory displaySensingBuffer; // the object displaySensingBuffer contains the trajectory of v2 projected points, as well
+    // as some methods to perform the analysis of the saccade. NOTE: I could have made BaseObject a CHILD of the clas LaserSensingTrajectory. But I prefer to 
+    // have a clear separation between sensing parameters "tweaking" (like mirror delays, setting methods and variables) and the more pure graphical BaseObject  
+    Box3d enclosingBox; // this will be filled when rendering the object or when explicitly computing the enclosing box
+// ==============================================================================================================================================
+// The scene, which is just a collection of objets, plus some methods to add objects, etc:
+class Scene {
+    friend class LaserRenderer;
+    friend class laserSensingDisplay;
+    Scene(): numTouchedObjects(0) {clear();}
+    ~Scene();
+    // or even TO TRANSFORM AND RENDER (but without modifying the original 3d points). 
+ // Create/destroy new objects:
+    // TWO WAYS to create objects: 
+    // (1) Use a strategy somehow similar to OpenGL, by using a "begin/end" structure 
+    // (2) Making a specific object class inheriting from Object struct (or class), and then ADD to the Scene:
+    void addObject(BaseObject* ptr_newObject);
+    void addCurrentObject(); // this adds the "current" object (pointed by ptr_currentObject)
+    void transform(Mat44& _RT); // this transform all the objects of the scene by _RT
+    // Rendering whole scene:
+    // void render(LaserRenderer* ptr_lsr);
+    void clear(); // "delete" all the objects in the scene (attn! if we store the objects in the scene as POINTERS, we must 'delete' the pointer created with 'new', 
+    // so the memory for the object is liberated by calling its destructor, and THEN clear the vector of pointers)
+    void deleteObject(int _id); // selective deletion (if we know the object index ; perhaps using a STL map with names?)
+     int totalObjects(); // number of objects in the scene 
+     int totalPoints(); // total number of points in the scene
+     int sense();
+//   Methods to "rearrange" the objects in the scene for rendering: 
+    // TO DO ........................   
+    // Pointer to the current object being built (in case we use begin/end methods for creating and adding new objects to the scene).
+    // In the future, we may have methods to set this pointer to some other object for adding vertices, changing color, etc. Perhaps not necessary...
+    BaseObject* ptr_currentObject; // made it public because accessed by the WRAPPER FUNCTION "vertex" (can be made a friend...)
+    // The array of objects in this scene: 
+    vector <BaseObject*> objectArray; // better to use a vector of pointer: the advantage would be, we could have a polymorphic superclass "Objects" with virtual methods...
+     //bool touchedScene;
+     int numTouchedObjects; // only modified and accessed when calling sense() method