
Dependencies of LPC1114_data_logger

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

Lib. for Atmel 1Mbits Serial EEPROM, AT24C1024B EEPROM
BMP180 is a digital barometric pressure sensor made by Bosch Sensortec (I2C Interface)
M41T62 is a serial real-time clock (RTC) made by STMicroelectronics. RTC
An eddied version of http://mbed.org/users/crazystick/code/DHT22/ for LPC11U24. All printf statements are removed and features requiring the real time clock are removed. DHT22, RHT03
In TextLCD_I2C_N Class, added void setContrast(unsigned char c) function as temporary. This is for ST7032i non-volume type contrast control.
Erik - / WakeUp Featured
Wake-up timer library to wake from deepsleep/power-down KL25z, LPC800-MAX, LPC812, powerdown, Sleep, wake-up
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