Expansion SW library to control high power stepper motor(s) using IHM03A1 expansion board(s) with Powerstep01 driver.


Dependents:   IHM03A1_ExampleFor1Motor HelloWorld_IHM03A1 IHM03A1_ExampleFor3Motors KYPHOS_Stepper_Motor_Control

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IHM03A1 by ST Expansion SW Team

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for X_NUCLEO_IHM03A1


handle_t Component's Context structure definition
PowerStep01 Class representing a Powerstep01 component


component_def.h [code] Generic header file containing a generic component's definitions and I/O functions
motor_def.h [code] This file contains all the functions prototypes for motor drivers
PowerStep01.cpp [code] Powerstep01 motor driver (Microstepping controller with power MOSFETs)
PowerStep01.h [code] This file contains the class of a Powerstep01 Motor Control component
PowerStep01_config.h [code] Predefines values for the Powerstep01 registers and for the devices parameters
PowerStep01_def.h [code]