11 years, 1 month ago.

mbed to mbed communication via serial

I'm having trouble communicating between two mbeds via serial. I connected each mbed's p9 and p10 to each other and tried to send messages, but it won't work. Am I doing something wrong?

3 Answers

11 years, 1 month ago.

You need to cross the connection! Connect p9-p10 and p10-p9. One is sending, other one is receiving, so now you have to mbeds trying to send data on the same line.

11 years, 1 month ago.

Connect p9 of first mbed to p10 of second, connect p10 of first mbed to p9 of second, connect gnd of both mbeds together. Make sure both mbeds use same baudrate. Test by sending and receiving single characters.

11 years, 1 month ago.

I think i have it connected correctly, but I'm having trouble sending and receiving commands. Can anybody help with that? maybe some example master/slave code?

If you have it connected as you posted before I know you don't have it connected correctly. What code are you using?

posted by Erik - 22 Apr 2013