6 years, 8 months ago.

mbed "Repository Server Error occurred. Creating fork instead."

I'm trying to publish changes to PokittoLib (Pokitto/PokittoLib) and am getting error:

"Repository Server Error occurred. Creating fork instead."

Is this internal server error or can it be caused by something in the repo? Worked ok some time ago, but not anymore.

I have the same issue for two of my libraries - its not just you.

posted by Andrew Boyson 04 Oct 2017

Considering there was a question about the same thing in 2015 and still not answered, I'm not exactly holding my breath

posted by Jonne Valola 04 Oct 2017

I'm also running into issues with publishing to repositories. I've pinged the compiler team. It might be related to the switch to os.mbed.com...

posted by Jan Jongboom 05 Oct 2017

I was able to create and publish a new Component lib and its example code (after the switch to os.mbed.com), but not able to update that after the initial publish.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 05 Oct 2017

2 Answers

6 years, 8 months ago.

Any luck with resolving this? I've ran into the same issues as well.

6 years, 8 months ago.

Publishing repositories should be fixed again.

It is, thank you.

posted by Andrew Boyson 06 Oct 2017