mbed.org search problem

25 Jul 2015

Hello everyone,

There is a problem with mbed search engine. For example when I search "mpu6050", I can not see the codes that I saw before. And this situation is valid for all of my codes. I can not find any of my codes when I search for them using tags.

What is the problem? Is it common for everyone? How do we fix it ?

Thank you.

25 Jul 2015
25 Jul 2015

Searching the codes from google using advanced search worked, but it seems like a temporary solution.

I want to be able to search from mbed.org to find any code, is there any solution to this ?

25 Jul 2015

Well, I guess I should explain more about the problem that I've encountered.

When I am trying to search the code that I wrote before, I can not find them. If I go to admin settings of the repository code and save it again, I can see them when I search on mbed.org.

Then after some time, It disappears again.

What can be done ?


25 Jul 2015

Get a plane ticket to Cambridge. Go to ARM building. Search mbed department. Keep slapping them until they fix it. Not much else you can do tbh ;).

25 Jul 2015

Pretty good advice, thanks Erik ;)