mbed library sources

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This library was superseded by mbed-dev - https://os.mbed.com/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-dev/.

Development branch of the mbed library sources. This library is kept in synch with the latest changes from the mbed SDK and it is not guaranteed to work.

If you are looking for a stable and tested release, please import one of the official mbed library releases:

Import librarymbed

The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.


targets/cmsis/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF51822/cmsis_nvic.c@ 104:a6a92e2e5a92

File content as of revision 270:e2babe29baf8:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library - cmsis_nvic for LCP407x_8x
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
 * CMSIS-style functionality to support dynamic vectors
#include "cmsis_nvic.h"

/* In the M0, there is no VTOR. In the LPC range such as the LPC11U,
 * whilst the vector table may only be something like 48 entries (192 bytes, 0xC0), 
 * the SYSMEMREMAP register actually remaps the memory from 0x10000000-0x100001FF 
 * to adress 0x0-0x1FF. In this case, RAM can be addressed at both 0x10000000 and 0x0
 * If we just copy the vectors to RAM and switch the SYSMEMMAP, any accesses to FLASH
 * above the vector table before 0x200 will actually go to RAM. So we need to provide 
 * a solution where the compiler gets the right results based on the memory map
 * Option 1 - We allocate and copy 0x200 of RAM rather than just the table
 *  - const data and instructions before 0x200 will be copied to and fetched/exec from RAM
 *  - RAM overhead: 0x200 - 0xC0 = 320 bytes, FLASH overhead: 0
 * Option 2 - We pad the flash to 0x200 to ensure the compiler doesn't allocate anything there  
 *  - No flash accesses will go to ram, as there will be nothing there
 *  - RAM only needs to be allocated for the vectors, as all other ram addresses are normal
 *  - RAM overhead: 0, FLASH overhead: 320 bytes
 * Option 2 is the one to go for, as RAM is the most valuable resource

#define NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS   (0x10000000)  // Location of vectors in RAM
#define NVIC_FLASH_VECTOR_ADDRESS (0x0)       // Initial vector position in flash
void NVIC_SetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t vector) {
    uint32_t *vectors = (uint32_t*)SCB->VTOR;
    uint32_t i;

    // Copy and switch to dynamic vectors if the first time called
        uint32_t *old_vectors = vectors;
        vectors = (uint32_t*)NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS;
        for (i=0; i<NVIC_NUM_VECTORS; i++) {
            vectors[i] = old_vectors[i];
        SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS;
    vectors[IRQn + 16] = vector;

uint32_t NVIC_GetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn) {
    uint32_t *vectors = (uint32_t*)SCB->VTOR;
    return vectors[IRQn + 16];

void NVIC_SetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t vector) {
   // int i;
    // Space for dynamic vectors, initialised to allocate in R/W
    static volatile uint32_t* vectors = (uint32_t*)NVIC_RAM_VECTOR_ADDRESS;
    // Copy and switch to dynamic vectors if first time called
    if((LPC_SYSCON->SYSMEMREMAP & 0x3) != 0x1) {     
      uint32_t *old_vectors = (uint32_t *)0;         // FLASH vectors are at 0x0
      for(i = 0; i < NVIC_NUM_VECTORS; i++) {    
            vectors[i] = old_vectors[i];
        LPC_SYSCON->SYSMEMREMAP = 0x1; // Remaps 0x0-0x1FF FLASH block to RAM block

    // Set the vector 
    vectors[IRQn + 16] = vector; 

uint32_t NVIC_GetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn) {
    // We can always read vectors at 0x0, as the addresses are remapped
    uint32_t *vectors = (uint32_t*)0; 

    // Return the vector
    return vectors[IRQn + 16];