mbeduino MP3 Sheild player MP3 player that runs on mebeduin with MP3 Shield. Regarding mbeduino, refer to: http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/notebook/mbeduino/ Regarding MP3 Shiled, refer to: http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9736

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystem

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 12 14:11:52 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+// mbeduino MP3 Shield Player
+// Note: 
+//  (1)Push reset button on the MP3 Sheild to reboot
+//   when this program does not work correctly.
+//  (2)Remenber the file system does not support long file/directory name.
+//  (3)I have confirmed MP3,Ogg,MIDI work correcly. 
+//   But other formats(WAV,WMA,AAC) do Not work. I don't know reason why...
+// 2010/10/12
+// ported on mbeduino with MP3 Shield by xshige
+#define mbeduino
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "VS1053.h"
+#ifdef mbeduino
+#include "ArduinoShield.h"
+MP3 Shield Pin Assigment on mbeduino
+Arduino MP3 Side:
+D5(GPIO3) NC 
+NC: means None-Connection so that I cut pin away. 
+ this program comming from the following code:
+ Arduino MP3 Shield MP3Player
+ 2010/10/3
+ This program comes from http://mbed.org/cookbook/VS1002-MP3-Decoder
+ (Very small modification done to fit latest libs)
+ Pin Assigenment for Arduino MP3 Shield
+ (VS1053 employed, issued by sparkfun.com)
+ MP3 Sheild Side   |  mbed Side
+ ---------------------------------------
+  D2(BSYNC)------------17
+  D3(DREQ)-------------16
+  D9(CS)---------------14
+  D11(MOSI)------------11
+  D12(MISO)------------12
+  D13(SCK)-------------13
+  GND------------------GND(1)
+  5V-------------------VU(39)
+  RESET----------------15
+ Volume will not used. (pin20 will not used)
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
+VS1053 mp3(
+//         PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sck, PinName cs, PinName rst,
+//         PinName dreq, PinName dcs, PinName vol)
+#ifndef mbeduino
+        p11, p12, p13, p14, p15,
+        p16, p17, p20); 
+#ifdef mbeduino
+        ARD_D11,ARD_D12,ARD_D13,ARD_D9,p15,
+        ARD_D3,ARD_D2,p20);
+DigitalOut common_cs(ARD_D10);
+DigitalOut sdFile_cs(p8);
+int main ()
+// make debug port Fast
+   Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//  pc.baud(9600);
+    pc.baud(115200);
+//  pc.baud(230400);
+#ifdef mbeduino
+// I am not sure that the followig code needed
+    common_cs = 1; // init for de-select????
+    sdFile_cs = 1;
+    wait_ms(100);
+    /*============================================================
+     * MP3 Initialising
+     *==========================================================*/
+    mp3._RST = 1;
+    mp3.cs_high();                           //chip disabled
+    mp3.sci_initialise();                    //initialise MBED
+    mp3.sci_write(0x00,(SM_SDINEW+SM_STREAM)); //  set mode reg.
+    mp3.sci_write(0x03, 0x9800);
+    mp3.sdi_initialise(); 
+    /*============================================================
+     * This is the good part
+     *==========================================================*/
+    /*====== Song Select ======*/
+ for(int a=1; a<24; a++)
+ {
+    printf("Song#:%d\r\n",a);    
+    int song_number = a;
+//    char list[10000] = {0};
+    char list[1000] = {0};
+    char str[16] = {"/sd/"};
+    unsigned int startplace = 0;
+    unsigned int endplace = 0;
+    unsigned int play = 0;
+    int num_of_files = 0;
+    DIR *d;
+    struct dirent *p;
+    d = opendir("/sd");
+    if(d != NULL) 
+           {
+               while((p = readdir(d)) != NULL) 
+           {
+               strcat(list, "*");
+               strcat(list, p->d_name);
+               num_of_files++;
+           }
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+         perror("Could not open directory!");
+    }
+    strcat(list, "*");                                //terminating *
+    while(play != song_number)
+    {
+        char symbol = list[startplace];
+        startplace++;
+        if(symbol == 0x2A)                        //0x2A = "*"    
+        {
+            play++;
+        }                        
+    }
+    play = 0;
+    while(play != (song_number+1))
+    {
+        char symbol = list[endplace];
+        endplace++;    
+        if(symbol == 0x2A)                        //0x2A = "*"    
+        {
+            play++;
+        }
+    }
+    strncat(str, &list[startplace], endplace-startplace);
+    str[(endplace-startplace)+3] = '\0';
+//printf("list: %s\r\n",list); //debug      
+    /*====== File Transfer ======*/
+    printf("Now Playing: %s\r\n",str);
+    FILE *song;
+    unsigned char array[512];
+    song = fopen(str, "rb");
+    if(!song) 
+    {
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    while(!feof(song))
+    {
+        int n=fread(&array, 1, sizeof(array), song);
+        mp3.writeStream(array,n);
+    }
+    mp3.terminateStream();
+    fclose(song);  //close the file
+  } // for 
+    printf("Done.\r\n");