This package includes the SharkSSL lite library and header files.

Dependents:   WebSocket-Client-Example SharkMQ-LED-Demo


Description: SharkSSL is an SSL v3.0 TLS v1.0/1.1/1.2 implementation of the TLS and SSL protocol standard. With its array of compile-time options and Raycrypto proprietary cryptographic algorithms, SharkSSL can be fine-tuned to a footprint that occupies less than 20 kB, while maintaining full x.509 authentication. The SharkSSL-Lite download includes a subset of SharkSSL and header files made for use in non-commercial and for evaluation purposes.




SharkSSL-Lite includes a limited set of ciphers. To use SharkSSL-Lite, the peer side must support Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and you must use ECC certificates. The peer side must also support the new ChaCha20/Poly1305 cipher combination.

ChaCha20 and Poly1305 for TLS is published RFC 7905. The development of this new cipher was a response to many attacks discovered against other widely used TLS cipher suites. ChaCha20 is the cipher and Poly1305 is an authenticated encryption mode.

SharkSSL-Lite occupies less than 20kB, while maintaining full x.509 authentication. The ChaCha20/Poly1305 cipher software implementation is equally as fast as many hardware accelerated AES engines.

Creating ECC Certificates for SharkSSL-Lite

The following video shows how to create an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) certificate for a server, how to install the certificate in the server, and how to make the mbed clients connecting to the server trust this certificate. The server in this video is installed on a private/personal computer on a private network for test purposes. The video was produced for the article How to run your own secure IoT cloud server.

diff -r 000000000000 -r e0adec41ad6b inc/WsClientLib.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/inc/WsClientLib.h	Wed Apr 06 00:46:36 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ *     ____             _________                __                _
+ *    / __ \___  ____ _/ /_  __(_)___ ___  ___  / /   ____  ____ _(_)____
+ *   / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ / / / / / __ `__ \/ _ \/ /   / __ \/ __ `/ / ___/
+ *  / _, _/  __/ /_/ / / / / / / / / / / /  __/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ / / /__
+ * /_/ |_|\___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_____/\____/\__, /_/\___/
+ *                                                       /____/
+ *
+ *                 SharkSSL Embedded SSL/TLS Stack
+ ****************************************************************************
+ *
+ *   $Id: WsClientLib.h 3616 2014-12-03 00:40:53Z wini $
+ *
+ *   COPYRIGHT:  Real Time Logic LLC, 2013
+ *
+ *   This software is copyrighted by and is the sole property of Real
+ *   Time Logic LLC.  All rights, title, ownership, or other interests in
+ *   the software remain the property of Real Time Logic LLC.  This
+ *   software may only be used in accordance with the terms and
+ *   conditions stipulated in the corresponding license agreement under
+ *   which the software has been supplied.  Any unauthorized use,
+ *   duplication, transmission, distribution, or disclosure of this
+ *   software is expressly forbidden.
+ *
+ *   This Copyright notice may not be removed or modified without prior
+ *   written consent of Real Time Logic LLC.
+ *
+ *   Real Time Logic LLC. reserves the right to modify this software
+ *   without notice.
+ *
+ *     
+ *     
+ ****************************************************************************
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _WsClientLib_h
+#define _WsClientLib_h
+#include "selib.h"
+/** @addtogroup WsClientLib
+/** @defgroup WebSocketOpcodes WebSocket Opcodes
+    @ingroup WsClientLib
+    \brief WebSocket Opcodes
+    RFC6455 Page 29 - Opcode -  4 bits
+    WebSocket Opcodes with FIN=1. We do not manage WebSocket fragments
+    (FIN=0/1) since it is rarely used and the complexity is not
+    something you want in a tiny device.
+/** Text */
+#define WSOP_Text   0x81
+/** Binary */
+#define WSOP_Binary 0x82
+/** RFC6455 5.5 -  Control Frame - Close */
+#define WSOP_Close  0x88
+/** RFC6455 5.5 -  Control Frame - Ping */
+#define WSOP_Ping   0x89
+/** RFC6455 5.5 - Control Frame - Pong */
+#define WSOP_Pong   0x8A
+/** @} */ /* end group WebSocketOpcodes */ 
+/** The WebSocket protocol is frame based and the following struct keeps state
+    information for #wscRead.
+typedef struct
+   /** The WebSocket frame length */
+   int frameLen;
+   /** Read frame data until: frameLen - bytesRead = 0 */
+   int bytesRead;
+   U8* overflowPtr; /* Set if: consumed more data from stream than frame len */ 
+   int overflowLen; /* overflowPtr len is used internally in wsRawRead */
+   int frameHeaderIx; /* Cursor used when reading frameHeader from socket */
+   U8 frameHeader[4]; /*[0] FIN+opcode, [1] Payload len, [2-3] Ext payload len*/
+   /** Set when the read function returns due to a timeout. */
+   U8 isTimeout;
+} WscReadState;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** Upgrades (morphs) an HTTPS request/response pair to a WebSocket
+  connection. Sends the HTTP request header to the server and
+  validates the server's HTTP response header -- the function
+  simulates a very basic HTTP client library. The function is designed
+  to be as simple as possible and the code is, for this reason, making
+  a few assumptions that could fail when used with a non traditional
+  HTTP server. Read the comments in the source code file WsClientLib.c
+  if you should experience problems.
+  \param wss the WebSocket protocol state information is stored in this
+  structure. All wss attributes must be initialized to zero before
+  calling this function for the first time.
+  \param s the SharkSslCon object
+  \param sock the SOCKET object
+  \param tmo in milliseconds. The timeout can be set to #INFINITE_TMO.
+  \param host is the server's host name
+  \param path is the path component of the wss URL and the path must
+  be to the server's WebSocket service.
+  \param origin some WebSocket server's may require an origin URL:
+ Set the parameter
+  to NULL if it's not required by the server. The Origin header should
+  only be required by a server when the request is sent from a
+  browser.
+   \return Zero success.
+ */
+int wscProtocolHandshake(WscReadState* wss,SharkSslCon *s,SOCKET* sock,U32 tmo,
+                         const char* host,const char* path,const char* origin);
+/** Sends binary data to server.
+    The function sets the WS frame header's opcode to binary. The WS
+    protocol supports two payload frame types, UTF8 and binary (RFC6455:
+    5.6 Data Frames). We are assuming that you will be using the binary
+    protocol for all data exchange.
+int wscSendBin(SharkSslCon *s, SOCKET* sock, U8* buf, int len);
+/** Sends a WebSocket control frame.
+    The code is used internally by the WebSocket functions. You can also use
+    this function to send your own control frames such as #WSOP_Ping.
+    See RFC6455: 5.5.  Control Frames
+ */
+int wscSendCtrl(
+   SharkSslCon *s,SOCKET* sock,U8 opCode, const U8* buf,int len);
+/** Sends a WebSocket close control frame to the server and closes the
+    connection.
+    \param s the SharkSslCon object.
+    \param sock the SOCKET object.
+    \param statusCode is a <a target="_blank" href=
+    "">
+    WebSocket status code</a>.
+ */
+int wscClose(SharkSslCon *s, SOCKET* sock, int statusCode);
+/** Wait for WebSocket frames sent by the server. The function
+    returns when data is available or on timeout. The function returns
+    zero on timeout, but the peer can send zero length frames so you must
+    verify that it is a timeout by checking the status of
+    WscReadState#isTimeout.
+    The WebSocket protocol is frame based, but the function can return
+    a fragment before the complete WebSocket frame is received if the frame
+    sent by the peer is larger than the SharkSSL receive buffer. The
+    frame length is returned in WscReadState#frameLen and the data
+    consumed thus far is returned in WscReadState#bytesRead. The
+    complete frame is consumed when frameLen == bytesRead.
+    \param wss is the WebSocket read state.
+    \param s the SharkSslCon object.
+    \param sock the SOCKET object.
+    \param buf is a pointer set to the SharkSSL receive buffer offset to
+    the start of the WebSocket payload data.
+    \param timeout in milliseconds. The timeout can be set to #INFINITE_TMO.
+    \return The payload data length or zero for zero length frames and
+    timeout. The function returns a negative value on error.
+int wscRead(
+   WscReadState* wss, SharkSslCon *s,SOCKET* sock, U8 **buf, U32 timeout);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/** @} */ /* end group WsClientLib */ 