Automotive Instruments

ECE 4180 Final Project Spring 2016 - Casey Lively, Dylan Slack, Tharangini Palanivel

This project makes use of the mbed in conjunction with a stepper motor, h-bridge, sdcard reader and LSM9DS1 IMU to record data such as RPM, lateral and translational Gs, speed, and direction of an automobile. 15 seconds of translational G data can be data-logged to a comma delimited text file on microSD card when activated with push-button. The information is displayed in a GUI (picture below) consisting of two gauges that show the RPM and speed along with the others presented in the format of a column.

/media/uploads/tpalanivel3/1.png /media/uploads/tpalanivel3/2.png /media/uploads/tpalanivel3/3.png /media/uploads/tpalanivel3/4.png

Windows C# Graphical User Interface



Vehicle Speed Sensor


Circuit Diagram /media/uploads/tpalanivel3/20160429_100816.jpg

Import libraryStepper_Motor_X27168

Add dynamic stepper position increasing

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