It's nucleo f4 DMA trandfer for ov7670&ILI9341.

Dependencies:   mbed ILI9341_SPI OV7670_SCCB

diff -r ba22760d537d -r 541e2adc765d main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Apr 28 11:47:31 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 29 13:39:26 2016 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "TIM_DMAInit.h"
 #include "SPI_DMAInit.h"
+#include "ILI9341.h"
+#include "SCCB.h"
+#include "GPIOInit.h"
@@ -36,166 +37,40 @@
 VCC - +5V
-  ********NUCLEOF401RE*******
-#define REG_COM1        0x04    /* Control 1 */
-#define REG_COM6        0x0f    /* Control 6 */
-#define REG_AECH        0x10    /* More bits of AEC value */
-#define REG_CLKRC       0x11    /* Clocl control */
-#define CLK_EXT         0x40    /* Use external clock directly */
-#define CLK_SCALE       0x3f    /* Mask for internal clock scale */
-#define REG_COM7        0x12    /* Control 7 */
-#define COM7_RESET      0x80    /* Register reset */
-#define COM7_FMT_MASK   0x38
-#define COM7_FMT_VGA    0x00
-#define COM7_FMT_CIF    0x20    /* CIF format */
-#define COM7_FMT_QVGA   0x10    /* QVGA format */
-#define COM7_FMT_QCIF   0x08    /* QCIF format */
-#define COM7_RGB        0x04    /* bits 0 and 2 - RGB format */
-#define COM7_YUV        0x00    /* YUV */
-#define COM7_BAYER      0x01    /* Bayer format */
-#define COM7_PBAYER     0x05    /* "Processed bayer" */
-#define REG_COM8        0x13    /* Control 8 */
-#define REG_COM9        0x14    /* Control 9  - gain ceiling */
-#define REG_TSLB        0x3a    /* lots of stuff */
-#define REG_COM15       0x40    /* Control 15 */
-#define COM15_R10F0     0x00    /* Data range 10 to F0 */
-#define COM15_R01FE     0x80    /*            01 to FE */
-#define COM15_R00FF     0xc0    /*            00 to FF */
-#define COM15_RGB565    0x10    /* RGB565 output */
-#define COM15_RGB555    0x30    /* RGB555 output */
-#define REG_COM16       0x41    /* Control 16 */
-#define COM16_AWBGAIN   0x08    /* AWB gain enable */
-#define REG_COM17       0x42    /* Control 17 */
-#define COM17_AECWIN    0xc0    /* AEC window - must match COM4 */
-#define COM17_CBAR      0x08    /* DSP Color bar */
-#define REG_CMATRIX_BASE 0x4f
-#define CMATRIX_LEN 6
-#define REG_CMATRIX_SIGN 0x58
-#define REG_BRIGHT      0x55    /* Brightness */
-#define REG_CONTRAS     0x56    /* Contrast control */
-#define REG_GFIX        0x69    /* Fix gain control */
-#define REG_REG76       0x76    /* OV's name */
-#define R76_BLKPCOR     0x80    /* Black pixel correction enable */
-#define R76_WHTPCOR     0x40    /* White pixel correction enable */
-#define REG_RGB444      0x8c    /* RGB 444 control */
-#define R444_ENABLE     0x02    /* Turn on RGB444, overrides 5x5 */
-#define R444_RGBX       0x01    /* Empty nibble at end */
-#define REG_HAECC1      0x9f    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 1 */
-#define REG_HAECC2      0xa0    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 2 */
-#define REG_BD50MAX     0xa5    /* 50hz banding step limit */
-#define REG_HAECC3      0xa6    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 3 */
-#define REG_HAECC4      0xa7    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 4 */
-#define REG_HAECC5      0xa8    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 5 */
-#define REG_HAECC6      0xa9    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 6 */
-#define REG_HAECC7      0xaa    /* Hist AEC/AGC control 7 */
-#define REG_BD60MAX     0xab    /* 60hz banding step limit */
 uint8_t dma_buf[145][300];
 uint8_t flag_dma;
 InterruptIn VSYNC(PD_2);
 SPI spi(PA_7,PA_6,PA_5);
-DigitalOut dc(PA_4);
-DigitalOut rs(PA_12);
-DigitalOut cs(PA_11);
-DigitalInOut SDA(PC_10);
-DigitalInOut SCL(PC_12);
+ili9341_spi lcd(spi,PA_11,PA_4,PA_12);
+ov7670_sccb sccb(PC_10,PC_12);
 PortIn cdata(PortB, 0x00ff);
-void window (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
-void pixel(int x, int y, int color);
-void vline(int x, int y0, int y1, int color);
-void circle(int x0, int y0, int r, int color);
-void fillcircle(int x0, int y0, int r, int color);
-void fillrect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color);
-void wr_cmd(unsigned char cmd);
-void wr_dat(unsigned char dat);
-char rd_byte(unsigned char cmd);
-int rd_32(unsigned char cmd);
-int  Read_ID(void);
-void tft_reset();
-void fillrect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color);
-void I2cstart(void);
-void I2cstop(void);
-void I2cout(unsigned char datar);
-void c(unsigned char adrs,unsigned char datak);
-void cam_init();
 void camdma_start();
-void test_color();
 int main() {
- GPIO_InitTypeDef gpioconf1; 
-     gpioconf1.Pin = GPIO_PIN_8 |   GPIO_PIN_9  |   GPIO_PIN_10 |   GPIO_PIN_11 |   GPIO_PIN_12 |   GPIO_PIN_13 |GPIO_PIN_14    |   GPIO_PIN_15;//pa13
-    gpioconf1.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
-    gpioconf1.Pull = GPIO_PULLDOWN;
-    gpioconf1.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH; 
-    HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &gpioconf1);
-     GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; 
-  /*Configure GPIO pin : PC9 MCO2 for cam XCLK*/    
-  __GPIOC_CLK_ENABLE();    
-  GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_9;    
-  GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;    
-  GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;    
-  GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_LOW;    
-  GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF0_MCO;    
-  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
-    // spi_Init();
+    gpio_Init();
-    tft_reset(); 
-     SDA.output();
-    SCL.output(); 
+    lcd.tft_reset(); 
- VSYNC.rise(&camdma_start);//PCLK割り込み    
- cam_init();
+ VSYNC.rise(&camdma_start);    
+ sccb.cam_init();
- wr_cmd(0x2C);
+ lcd.wr_cmd(0x2C);
@@ -207,548 +82,12 @@
-void wr_cmd(unsigned char cmd)
-    dc = 0;
-    cs = 0;
-    spi.write(cmd);      // mbed lib
-    dc = 1;
-void wr_dat(unsigned char dat)
-   spi.write(dat);      // mbed lib
-char rd_byte(unsigned char cmd)
-    char r;
-    dc = 0;
-    cs = 0;
-    spi.write(cmd);      // mbed lib
-    cs = 1;
-    r = spi.write(0xff);
-    cs = 1;    
-    return(r);
-// read 32 bit
-int rd_32(unsigned char cmd)
-    int d;
-    char r;
-    dc = 0;
-    cs = 0;
-    d = cmd;
-    d = d << 1;
-    spi.format(9,3);    // we have to add a dummy clock cycle
-    spi.write(d);
-    spi.format(8,3);   
-    dc = 1;
-    r = spi.write(0xff);
-    d = r;
-    r = spi.write(0xff);
-    d = (d << 8) | r;
-    r = spi.write(0xff);
-    d = (d << 8) | r;
-    r = spi.write(0xff);
-    d = (d << 8) | r;
-    cs = 1;    
-    return(d);
-int  Read_ID(void){
-    int r;
-    r = rd_byte(0x0A);
-    r = rd_byte(0x0A);
-    r = rd_byte(0x0A);
-    r = rd_byte(0x0A);
-    return(r);
-// Init code based on MI0283QT datasheet
-void tft_reset()
-    cs = 1;                           // cs high
-    dc = 1;                           // dc high 
-    rs = 0;                        // display reset
-    wait_us(50);
-    rs = 1;                       // end hardware reset
-    wait_ms(5);
-    wr_cmd(0x01);                     // SW reset  
-    wait_ms(5);
-    wr_cmd(0x28);                     // display off  
-    /* Start Initial Sequence ----------------------------------------------------*/
-     wr_cmd(0xCF);                     
-     spi.write(0x00);
-     spi.write(0x83);
-     spi.write(0x30);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xED);                     
-     spi.write(0x64);
-     spi.write(0x03);
-     spi.write(0x12);
-     spi.write(0x81);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xE8);                     
-     spi.write(0x85);
-     spi.write(0x01);
-     spi.write(0x79);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xCB);                     
-     spi.write(0x39);
-     spi.write(0x2C);
-     spi.write(0x00);
-     spi.write(0x34);
-     spi.write(0x02);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xF7);                     
-     spi.write(0x20);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xEA);                     
-     spi.write(0x00);
-     spi.write(0x00);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xC0);                     // POWER_CONTROL_1
-     spi.write(0x26);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xC1);                     // POWER_CONTROL_2
-     spi.write(0x11);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xC5);                     // VCOM_CONTROL_1
-     spi.write(0x35);
-     spi.write(0x3E);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xC7);                     // VCOM_CONTROL_2
-     spi.write(0xBE);
-     cs = 1; 
-     wr_cmd(0x36);                     // MEMORY_ACCESS_CONTROL
-     spi.write(0x48);
-     cs = 1; 
-     wr_cmd(0x3A);                     // COLMOD_PIXEL_FORMAT_SET
-     spi.write(0x55);                 // 16 bit pixel 
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xB1);                     // Frame Rate
-     spi.write(0x00);
-     spi.write(0x1B);               
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xF2);                     // Gamma Function Disable
-     spi.write(0x08);
-     cs = 1; 
-     wr_cmd(0x26);                     
-     spi.write(0x01);                 // gamma set for curve 01/2/04/08
-     cs = 1; 
-     wr_cmd(0xE0);                     // positive gamma correction
-     spi.write(0x1F); 
-     spi.write(0x1A); 
-     spi.write(0x18); 
-     spi.write(0x0A); 
-     spi.write(0x0F); 
-     spi.write(0x06); 
-     spi.write(0x45); 
-     spi.write(0x87); 
-     spi.write(0x32); 
-     spi.write(0x0A); 
-     spi.write(0x07); 
-     spi.write(0x02); 
-     spi.write(0x07);
-     spi.write(0x05); 
-     spi.write(0x00);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xE1);                     // negativ gamma correction
-     spi.write(0x00); 
-     spi.write(0x25); 
-     spi.write(0x27); 
-     spi.write(0x05); 
-     spi.write(0x10); 
-     spi.write(0x09); 
-     spi.write(0x3A); 
-     spi.write(0x78); 
-     spi.write(0x4D); 
-     spi.write(0x05); 
-     spi.write(0x18); 
-     spi.write(0x0D); 
-     spi.write(0x38);
-     spi.write(0x3A); 
-     spi.write(0x1F);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0x2A);
-    spi.write(0);
-    spi.write(0);
-    spi.write(0);
-    spi.write(0x95);
-    cs = 1;
-    wr_cmd(0x2B);
-    spi.write(0);
-    spi.write(0);
-    spi.write(0x00);
-    spi.write(0x90);
-    cs = 1;
-     //wr_cmd(0x34);                     // tearing effect off
-     //_cs = 1;
-     //wr_cmd(0x35);                     // tearing effect on
-     //_cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xB7);                       // entry mode
-     spi.write(0x07);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0xB6);                       // display function control
-     spi.write(0x0A);
-     spi.write(0x82);
-     spi.write(0x27);
-     spi.write(0x00);
-     cs = 1;
-     wr_cmd(0x11);                     // sleep out
-     cs = 1;
-     wait_ms(100);
-     wr_cmd(0x29);                     // display on
-     cs = 1;
-     wait_ms(100);
- }
- void pixel(int x, int y, int color)
-    wr_cmd(0x2A);
-    spi.write(x >> 8);
-    spi.write(x);
-    cs = 1;
-    wr_cmd(0x2B);
-    spi.write(y >> 8);
-    spi.write(y);
-    cs = 1;
-    wr_cmd(0x2C);  // send pixel
-    //#if defined TARGET_KL25Z  // 8 Bit SPI
-    spi.write(color >> 8);
-    spi.write(color & 0xff);
-    /*#else 
-    SPI::format(16,3);                            // switch to 16 bit Mode 3
-    SPI::write(color);                              // Write D0..D15
-    SPI::format(8,3);
-    #endif*/
-    cs = 1;
-void window (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
-    wr_cmd(0x2A);
-    spi.write(x >> 8);
-    spi.write(x);
-    spi.write((x+w-1) >> 8);
-    spi.write(x+w-1);
-    cs = 1;
-    wr_cmd(0x2B);
-    spi.write(y >> 8);
-    spi.write(y);
-    spi.write((y+h-1) >> 8);
-    spi.write(y+h-1);
-    cs = 1;
-void vline(int x, int y0, int y1, int color)
-    int h;
-    h = y1 - y0 + 1;
-    window(x,y0,1,h);
-    wr_cmd(0x2C);  // send pixel
-    //#if defined TARGET_KL25Z  // 8 Bit SPI
-    for (int y=0; y<h; y++) {
-        spi.write(color >> 8);
-        spi.write(color & 0xff);
-    } 
-  /*  #else 
-    SPI::format(16,3);                            // switch to 16 bit Mode 3
-    for (int y=0; y<h; y++) {
-        SPI::write(color);
-    }
-    SPI::format(8,3);*/
-    //#endif
-    cs = 1;
-    //WindowMax();
-    return;
-void fillcircle(int x0, int y0, int r, int color)
-    int x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r, e2;
-    do {
-        vline(x0-x, y0-y, y0+y, color);
-        vline(x0+x, y0-y, y0+y, color);
-        e2 = err;
-        if (e2 <= y) {
-            err += ++y*2+1;
-            if (-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0;
-        }
-        if (e2 > x) err += ++x*2+1;
-    } while (x <= 0);
-void circle(int x0, int y0, int r, int color)
-    int x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r, e2;
-    do {
-        pixel(x0-x, y0+y,color);
-        pixel(x0+x, y0+y,color);
-        pixel(x0+x, y0-y,color);
-        pixel(x0-x, y0-y,color);
-        e2 = err;
-        if (e2 <= y) {
-            err += ++y*2+1;
-            if (-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0;
-        }
-        if (e2 > x) err += ++x*2+1;
-    } while (x <= 0);
-    }
- void fillrect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color)
-    int h = y1 - y0 + 1;
-    int w = x1 - x0 + 1;
-    int pixel = h * w;
-    //window(x0,y0,w,h);
-    wr_cmd(0x2C);  // send pixel 
-    //#if defined TARGET_KL25Z  // 8 Bit SPI
-    for (int p=0; p<pixel; p++) {
-        spi.write(color >> 8);
-        spi.write(color & 0xff);
-    }
-   /*#else
-    SPI::format(16,3);                            // switch to 16 bit Mode 3
-    for (int p=0; p<pixel; p++) {
-        SPI::write(color);
-    }
-    SPI::format(8,3);
-    #endif*/
-    cs = 1;
-    //WindowMax();
-    return;
-void I2cstart(void)
-SDA=1;SCL=1;        /* SCL,SDAは常時Highとする */
-        wait_us(2);
-      SDA=0;
-      wait_us(2);                                   // SDA出力
- void I2cstop(void)
-          SCL=0;                                                // 先にSDA Low
-        wait_us(2);
-        SDA=0;                                              // SCL Low
-        wait_us(2);
-       SCL=1;                                          // SDA Low                                      // 出力モードに戻す SDA =Low
-        wait_us(2);
-         SDA=1;                                             // 先にSCLをHigh
-        wait_us(2);
-                                                        // 後からSDAをHigh
-  void I2cout(unsigned char datar)
-        int ia;
-       for(ia=0;ia<8;ia++){
-          SCL=0;
-          if(datar & 0x80){SDA=1;}
-          else SDA=0;
-          datar<<=1;
-           wait_us(1);
-          SCL=1;
-          wait_us(2);
-          SCL=0;
-          wait_us(1);//wait();
-       }
-        wait_us(1);
-          SCL=1;
-          datar<<=1;
-          wait_us(2);
-          SCL=0;
-           wait_us(1);
-      void c(unsigned char adrs,unsigned char datak)
-    I2cstart();
-    I2cout(0x42);
-    I2cout(adrs);
-    I2cout(datak);
-    I2cstop();
-         wait_ms(10);
-void cam_init(){
-        c(REG_COM7, COM7_RESET);                        //0x12:COM7(Reset,QCIF,Cbar,RGBformat)
-        wait_ms(200);                                                //200ms
-        c(REG_COM7,COM7_RGB|COM7_FMT_QCIF);                //0x12:COM7        ,  0x0C)        //QCIF, RGB
-        c(REG_RGB444, 0x00);        //0x8c:RGB 444 control
-        c(REG_COM1, 0x00); //0x40                                               //0x04:COM1(CCIR656,AEC)        //0)        //0x40)
-        c(REG_COM15, COM15_R01FE|COM15_RGB565);        //0x40:COM15
-        c(REG_COM9, 0x48);                        // 38 0x14:COM9=max AGC gain ceiling, Freeze AGC/AEC
-       //c(0x3d,0xc3);        //(REG_COM13, COM13_GAMMA|COM13_UVSAT|0x2)        //0x3d:COM13
-        c(REG_HAECC7,0x94);                //0xaa:Hist AEC/AGC control 7        c(0xAA,0x94)        //AEC algorithm
-        c(REG_TSLB,0x04);                //0x3a:Neg,UVval,YUYV,window        TSLB_YLAST)                //0x04)        //0x0C)        //0x80)        //0x00)        //0x04)
-        c(0x20,0x04);                        //ADCCTR0, A/D range&ref, mu0102
-        /******* ringo *********/
-       c(REG_COM8,0xfd); //AGC,AWB OFF,res OK
-         c(0x10,0x0f);//AECコントロール(中位ビット)
-         c(0x07,0x00);//AECコントロール(上位ビット)
-        //by Mr.Shiono
-        c(0x01,0x40);
-        c(0x02,0x60);
-        c(0x03,0x0a);
-        c(0x0c,0x00);
-        c(0x0e,0x61);
-        c(0x0f,0x4b);
-        c(0x15,0x00);
-        c(0x16,0x02);
-        c(0x17,0x18); //HSTART
-        c(0x18,0x01);
-        c(0x19,0x02);
-        c(0x1a,0x7a);
-        c(0x1e,0x07);
-        c(0x21,0x02);
-        c(0x22,0x91);
-        c(0x29,0x07);
-        c(0x32,0xb6);
-        c(0x33,0x0b);
-        c(0x34,0x11);
-        c(0x35,0x0b);
-        c(0x37,0x1d);
-        c(0x38,0x71);
-        c(0x39,0x2a);
-        c(0x3b,0x92);//com11 ナイトモード
-        c(0x3c,0x78);
-        c(0x3d,0xc3);
-        c(0x3e,0x00);
-        c(0x3f,0x00);
-        c(0x41,0x08);
-        c(0x41,0x38);
-        c(0x43,0x0a);
-        c(0x44,0xf0);
-        c(0x45,0x34);
-        c(0x46,0x58);
-        c(0x47,0x28);
-        c(0x48,0x3a);
-        c(0x4b,0x09);
-        c(0x4c,0x00);
-        c(0x4d,0x40);
-        c(0x4e,0x20);
-        c(0x4f,0x80);//c(0x4f,0x80);    彩度調整
-        c(0x50,0x80);//c(0x50,0x80);
-        c(0x51,0x00);
-        c(0x52,0x22);//c(0x52,0x22);
-        c(0x53,0x5e);//c(0x52,0x5e);
-        c(0x54,0x80);//c(0x54,0x80);
-        c(0x56,0x40);
-        c(0x58,0x9e);
-        c(0x59,0x88);
-        c(0x5a,0x88);
-        c(0x5b,0x44);
-        c(0x5c,0x67);
-        c(0x5d,0x49);
-        c(0x5e,0x0e);
-        c(0x69,0x00);
-        c(0x6a,0x40);
-        c(0x6b,0x0a);
-        c(0x6c,0x0a);
-        c(0x6d,0x55);
-        c(0x6e,0x11);
-        c(0x6f,0x9f);
-        c(0x70,0x3a);
-        c(0x71,0x35);
-        c(0x72,0x11);
-        c(0x73,0xf0);
-        c(0x74,0x10);
-        c(0x75,0x05);
-        c(0x76,0xe1);
-        c(0x77,0x01);
-        c(0x78,0x04);
-        c(0x79,0x01);
-        c(0x8d,0x4f);
-        c(0x8e,0x00);
-        c(0x8f,0x00);
-        c(0x90,0x00);
-        c(0x91,0x00);
-        c(0x96,0x00);
-        c(0x96,0x00);                        //?
-        c(0x97,0x30);
-        c(0x98,0x20);
-        c(0x99,0x30);
-        c(0x9a,0x00);
-        c(0x9a,0x84);                        //?
-        c(0x9b,0x29);
-        c(0x9c,0x03);
-        c(0x9d,0x4c);
-        c(0x9e,0x3f);
-        c(0xa2,0x02);
-        c(0xa4,0x88);
-        c(0xb0,0x84);
-        c(0xb1,0x0c);
-        c(0xb2,0x0e);
-        c(0xb3,0x82);
-        c(0xb8,0x0a);
-        c(0xc8,0xf0);
-        c(0xc9,0x60);
-        c(0x6b,0x40);//入力クロックx4
-        c(REG_CLKRC,0x40);   //0xaf                     //PCLK*(1/48)
 void camdma_start()
     HAL_DMA_Start_IT(&DMA_HandleType/*DMA初期設定構造体*/, (uint32_t)&GPIOB->IDR/*&0x00ff転送元アドレス*/, (uint32_t)dma_buf/*転送先アドレス*/,43500/*データ転送回数*/);
     HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&spi1, (uint8_t*)dma_buf, sizeof(dma_buf));
-  // HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&ADC_1_dma,(uint32_t*)ad_dma_buf,3);
\ No newline at end of file