Platform game written for the GHI/OutrageousCircuits RETRO game device. Navigate the caves collecting all the pickups and avoiding the creatures and haunted mine carts that patrol the caves. Oh and remember to watch out for the poisonous plants... This game demonstrates the ability to have multiple animated sprites where the sprites can overlap the background environment. See how the player moves past the fence and climbs the wall in the 3rd screen.

Dependencies:   mbed

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for RETRO-CaveDweller


Color565 Color palete support for 16bit RGB colors with 565 color format
LCD_ST7735 LCD_ST7735 is a simple driver for the ST7735 LCD controller


Assets.h [code]
Bitmap4bpp.cpp [code]
Bitmap4bpp.h [code]
Block.h [code]
BouncingEnemy.h [code]
Color565.cpp [code]
Color565.h [code]
Fix16.h [code]
font_IBM.h [code]
Game.cpp [code]
Game.h [code]
GameEngine.h [code]
GameInput.cpp [code]
GameInput.h [code]
GameObject.cpp [code]
GameObject.h [code]
ImageFrame.h [code]
LCD_ST7735.cpp [code]
LCD_ST7735.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
Maps.cpp [code]
Maps.h [code]
OneBitSound.cpp [code]
OneBitSound.h [code]
PatrollingEnemy.h [code]
Player.h [code]
Point.h [code]
Rect.h [code]
Scene.cpp [code]
Scene.h [code]
Screen1.h [code]
Screen2.h [code]
Screen3.h [code]
Screen4.h [code]
ScreenIntro.h [code]
SoundBlock.cpp [code]
SoundBlock.h [code]
SoundChannel.cpp [code]
SoundChannel.h [code]
SoundEffects.h [code]
Sprite.h [code]
SpriteSheet.h [code]