HID Joystick - For use with X-Plane or other programs that can read HID JoySticks

Dependencies:   USBDevice mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of JoyStick by Ries Twisk

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for JoyStick


AnalogFilterInterface Analog filter Interface This is the base class if you want to create your own filters and beable to chain them within analog inputs
AnalogInFiltered Analog input, this reads a analog value from a PIN and send the data through the filterchain
AutoScale Auto scale a analog input to it's desired min/max values This is handy of you connect a potentiometer to a analog input where you cannot make the full values, but your flight simulator expects full values
LowPassFilter A simple First Order Low Pass filter for analog input's This is a IIR filter based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iir_filter
SimpleButtonDecoder ButtonDecoder
USBJoystick USBJoystick example


AnalogFilterInterface.cpp [code]
AnalogFilterInterface.h [code]
AnalogInFiltered.cpp [code]
AnalogInFiltered.h [code]
AutoScale.cpp [code]
AutoScale.h [code]
Button.cpp [code]
Button.h [code]
LowPassFilter.cpp [code]
LowPassFilter.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
SimpleButtonDecoder.cpp [code]
SimpleButtonDecoder.h [code]
USBJoystick.cpp [code]
USBJoystick.h [code]