
Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed Xbus

Fork of MTi-1_example by Xsens

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Oct 14 14:37:09 2015 +0200
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 21 14:28:26 2017 +0000
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@
  * The Nucleo board should be connected to the MTi1 development board using the
  * Arduino compatible headers on the Nucleo board as follows:
- * | Nucleo pin | MTi1 func.  | MTi1 dev. pin | Used for PSEL |
- * |------------|-------------|---------------|---------------|
- * | 5V         | VDD         | P300-1        | Any           |
- * | IORef      | VDDIO       | P300-2        | Any           |
- * | GND        | GND         | P300-3        | Any           |
- * | D2         | nRST        | P300-5        | Any           |
- * | SCL/D15    | UART_TX/SCL | P300-9        | UART / I2C    |
- * | SDA/D14    | UART_RX/SDA | P300-11       | UART / I2C    |
- * | D3         | DRDY        | P300-15       | SPI / I2C     |
- * | SCK/D13    | SCK/ADD0    | P300-17       | SPI / I2C     |
- * | MISO/D12   | MISO/ADD1   | P300-19       | SPI / I2C     |
- * | MOSI/D11   | MOSI/ADD2   | P300-21       | SPI / I2C     |
- * | CS/D10     | nCS         | P300-23       | SPI           |
+ * | Nucleo pin | MTi1 func.  | MTi1 dev. pin | Used for PSEL | frdm pin	  |
+ * |------------|-------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|
+ * | 5V         | VDD         | P300-1        | Any           | 5V			  |
+ * | IORef      | VDDIO       | P300-2        | Any           | 3V3???		  |
+ * | GND        | GND         | P300-3        | Any           | GND			  |
+ * | D2         | nRST        | P300-5        | Any           | D2			  |
+ * | SCL/D15    | UART_TX/SCL | P300-9        | UART / I2C    | D15			  |
+ * | SDA/D14    | UART_RX/SDA | P300-11       | UART / I2C    | D14			  |
+ * | D3         | DRDY        | P300-15       | SPI / I2C     | D9			  |
+ * | SCK/D13    | SCK/ADD0    | P300-17       | SPI / I2C     | D13			  |
+ * | MISO/D12   | MISO/ADD1   | P300-19       | SPI / I2C     | D12			  |
+ * | MOSI/D11   | MOSI/ADD2   | P300-21       | SPI / I2C     | D11			  |
+ * | CS/D10     | nCS         | P300-23       | SPI           | D10			  |
  * Communication with the host PC is achieved using the built-in USB serial
  * bridge of the Nucleo board. Communication with the MT is achieved through
@@ -82,11 +82,13 @@
 #include "xbusdef.h"
 // Select communication interface to use for MTi
 #error "Must select communication interface by defining one of: MTI_USES_I2C_INTERFACE, MTI_USES_SPI_INTERFACE or MTI_USES_UART_INTERFACE"
+//#define TARGET_K64F
 #if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F302R8)
@@ -124,6 +126,26 @@
 #define MT_NRESET 	PTD3
 #define MT_DRDY 	PTD2
+#elif defined(TARGET_K64F)
+#define PC_TX 		USBTX		//usb?
+#define PC_RX 		USBRX		//usb?
+#define MT_TX 		PTC17		//d1
+#define MT_RX 		PTC16		//d0
+#define MT_SDA 		PTE25		//d14
+#define MT_SCL 		PTE24		//d15
+#define MT_ADD0 	PTD1		//d13	
+#define MT_ADD1 	PTD3		//d12
+#define MT_ADD2 	PTD2		//d11
+#define MT_MOSI 	PTD2		//d11
+#define MT_MISO 	PTD3		//d12
+#define MT_SCLK 	PTD1		//d13
+#define MT_nCS 		PTD0		//d10
+#define MT_NRESET 	PTB9		//d2
+#define MT_DRDY 	PTC4		//d9
 #elif defined(TARGET_LPC4088)
 #define PC_TX 		USBTX