Adafruit Bluefruit LE

What is it?

Simple Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device to communicate with iOS or Android devices. Can be integrated as a 'traditional' UART data link (with RX and TX characteristic).

Where to buy /media/uploads/realnicksheehan/adable2.jpg

Product Specifications

  • Chipset nRF8001
  • Bluetooth v4.0 Low Energy
  • Size 29mm*28mm*0.8mm

Pin Description

BLE PinMBED PinDescription
SCKp7 SPI SCKSPI data clock pin, connect to your SPI master clock out
MISOp6 MISOSPI data out pin, data is sent from the module on this pin. Data level is 3V but that is fine for 5V microcontrollers
MOSIp6 MOSISPI data in pin, data is sent to the module on this pin
REQp9 DigitalInOutbasically what the nRF8001 considers the 'SPI Chip Select' pin, an input
RDYp8 DigitalInOutdata-ready pin, an interrupt output from the breakout to the microcontroller letting it know that data is ready to read
ACT--output from the module, lets the host know when the nRF8001 is busy
RST--reset pin input
3Vo--output from the onboard 3.3V regulator, you can grab up to 100mA from this pin.
GNDGNDcommon ground for data and power
VIN3.3 VOUT3-5 VDC input to power the breakout


Import programECE4180Lab4_2

Adafruit LE nRF8001 using RedBearLabs library

Further Information

More information can be found in the guide (although Arduino focused) at the link:

1 comment on Adafruit Bluefruit LE:

02 Jun 2015

Hi, I´m trying to run ECE4180Lab4_2 program but I have no luck. in the compiler I have 3 alerts: Warning: CharacteristicValueChanged inherits implicit virtual in "BLE_nRF8001/BLE_nRF8001/BLEPeripheral.h", Line: 47, Col: 12 Warning: CanNotifyCharacteristic inherits implicit virtual in "BLE_nRF8001/BLE_nRF8001/BLEPeripheral.h", Line: 48, Col: 12 Warning: CanIndicateCharacteristic inherits implicit virtual in "BLE_nRF8001/BLE_nRF8001/BLEPeripheral.h", Line: 49, Col: 12

Is this OK? When I run the program I get the "Serial begin!" message on serial and the program seems to freeze and It don´t show any other messages. Anybody know what´s the problem?

I´m using the EFM32 Zero Gecko and the Adafruit Bluefruit LE. The wire I´m using: SPI spi(PD7, PD6, PC15); BLE_RDY(PC2); BLE_REQ(PC14);

I´m newbie and I really appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks.

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