xbee communication for UWB quadcopter project Originally by Greg Abdo Forking to reduce impact of interrupt by moving packetbuilder out of the interrupt and letting be handled in the main loop

Fork of com by Prosper Van


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
22:0e8e22f161ff 2014-11-02 oprospero Clean up default tip
21:117e01fc0373 2014-10-23 oprospero reverted back to single Serial
20:95244d4f47f6 2014-10-22 oprospero currently debuging
19:dc9d18037565 2014-10-21 oprospero Added tx serial object
18:19bcb2dbf3c8 2014-10-15 oprospero changed input polarity
17:acef0fb07510 2014-10-06 oprospero Working ; 255
16:89695823d407 2014-09-25 oprospero changed to started char instead of ending
15:3f742edaa359 2014-08-27 oprospero Changed to new controls.; Off load code from RX callback to main loop
14:d2acb373d81c 2014-05-25 oprospero changed buffer size to power of 2
13:2fb7b19dcd70 2014-05-22 oprospero fixed random burst hopefully and improved packet drops
12:bf4642578682 2014-04-26 oprospero initial changed from orginal
11:d1f488302d06 2014-04-25 oprospero small updates;
10:ec36e1b59a39 2014-04-25 oprospero iunno;
9:1190db2717a8 2014-04-24 oprospero Add protection against early ending packet
8:951c71c71b2d 2014-04-23 oprospero overflowing queue will force a pop instead of clear
7:662171c0e984 2014-04-22 oprospero disable interrupt during acknowledge
6:4d96c8776442 2014-04-22 oprospero fixed ackPacket values
5:7cdf299ea7a4 2014-04-22 oprospero fixed previous commit. Added txQueue initialization
4:f8e953201251 2014-04-22 oprospero move acknowledge out of RX interrupt into loop
3:42e37cdab039 2014-04-20 oprospero Changed commands to switch statements
2:bd1621102cad 2014-04-20 oprospero clean ups
1:4f53de75bc96 2014-02-15 oprospero Update new commands tirms
0:26a151d2c6db 2014-01-08 oprospero Create two serial instance for Rx and Tx