Version 2.0 of TextLCD_SB1602E. The old class driver has been rewritten in more common manner of I2C devices.

Dependents:   SB1602E_Hello BME280_LCD PreHeater PreHeater ... more

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00001 /** Text LCD module "SB1602E" class library
00002  *
00003  *  @author  Tedd OKANO, Masato YAMANISHI & Toyomasa Watarai
00004  *  @version 2.1
00005  *  @date    07-April-2015
00006  *
00007  *  SB1602E is an I2C based low voltage text LCD panel (based Sitronix ST7032 chip)
00008  *  The module by StrawberryLinux
00009  * (Online shop page (Japanese))
00010  * (datasheet of the chip)
00011  *
00012  *  This is a library to operate this module easy.
00013  *
00014  *  Released under the Apache 2 license License
00015  *
00016  *  revision history (class lib name was "TextLCD_SB1602E")
00017  *    revision 1.0  22-Jan-2010   a. 1st release
00018  *    revision 1.1  23-Jan-2010   a. class name has been changed from lcd_SB1602E to TextLCD_SB1602E
00019  *                                b. printf() added
00020  *                                c. copyright notice added
00021  *    revision 1.3  02-May-2014   a. puticon() added (for SB1602B) by Masato YAMANISHI san
00022  *    revision 2.0  20-Oct-2014   a. class name is changed and published as "SB1602E"
00023  *                                b. re-written for better usability
00024  *    revision 2.1  07-Apl-2015   a. add printf() with X and Y position
00025  *                                b. add setter for number of chars in a line (e.g. 8x2 LCD support)
00026  */
00028 #ifndef        MBED_SB1602E
00029 #define        MBED_SB1602E
00031 #include    <stdarg.h>
00032 #include    "mbed.h"
00033 #include    "SB1602E.h"
00036 /** SB1602E class
00037  *
00038  *  This is a driver code for the SB1602E LCD module.
00039  *  This class provides interface for ST7032 operation and accessing its registers.
00040  *
00041  *  Example:
00042  *  @code
00043  *  #include "mbed.h"
00044  *  #include "SB1602E.h"
00045  *  
00046  *  SB1602E lcd(  p9, p10 );  //  SDA, SCL
00047  *  
00048  *  int main() {
00049  *      lcd.printf( 0, "Hello world!" );    //  line# (0 or 1), string
00050  *      lcd.printf( 1, "pi = %.6f", 3.14159265 );
00051  *  }
00052  *  @endcode
00053  */
00054 class SB1602E
00055 {
00056 public:
00058     /** Create a SB1602E instance which is connected to specified I2C pins with specified address
00059      *
00060      * @param I2C_sda I2C-bus SDA pin
00061      * @param I2C_scl I2C-bus SCL pin
00062      * @param init_massage string to initialize the LCD
00063      */
00064     SB1602E( PinName I2C_sda, PinName I2C_scl, char *init_massage = NULL );
00066     /** Create a PCA9629A instance connected to specified I2C pins with specified address
00067      *
00068      * @param I2C object (instance)
00069      * @param init_massage string to initialize the LCD
00070      */
00071     SB1602E( I2C &i2c_, char *init_massage = NULL );
00073     /** Destractor
00074      */
00075     ~SB1602E();
00077     /** Printf
00078      *
00079      *  printf function with line number. 
00080      *  it can be used like
00081      *
00082      *  lcd.printf( 0, "Hello world!" );
00083      *  lcd.printf( 1, "pi = %.6f", 3.14159265 );
00084      *
00085      * @param line line# (0 for upper, 1 for lower)
00086      * @param format following parameters are compatible to stdout's printf
00087      */
00088     void printf( char line, char *format, ... );
00090     /** Printf
00091      *
00092      *  printf function with X and Y character position on the LCD.
00093      *  it can be used like
00094      *
00095      *  lcd.printf( 0, 0, "Hello world!" );
00096      *  lcd.printf( 4, 1, "pi = %.6f", 3.14159265 );
00097      *
00098      * @param x X horizontal character position on the LCD
00099      * @param y Y vertical character position on the LCD
00100      * @param format following parameters are compatible to stdout's printf
00101      */
00102     void printf( char x, char y, char *format, ... );
00104     /** Put character : "putc()"
00105      *
00106      * @param line line# (0 for upper, 1 for lower)
00107      * @param c character code
00108      */
00109     void putc( char line, char c );
00111     /** Put string : "puts()"
00112      *
00113      * @param line line# (0 for upper, 1 for lower)
00114      * @param s pointer to a string data
00115      */
00116     void puts( char line, char *s );
00118     /** Put character into specified screen position
00119      *
00120      * @param c character code
00121      * @param x horizontal character position on the LCD
00122      * @param y vertical character position on the LCD
00123      */
00124     void putcxy( char c, char x, char y );
00126     /** Clear the LCD
00127      */
00128     void clear( void );
00130     /** Contrast adjustment
00131      *
00132      * @param contrast value (from 0x00 to 0x3E)
00133      */
00134     void contrast( char contrast );
00136     /** Put a custom character given as bitmap data
00137      *
00138      * @param c_code character code
00139      * @param cg pointer to bitmap data (array of 8 bytes)
00140      * @param x horizontal character position on the LCD
00141      * @param y vertical character position on the LCD
00142      */
00143     void put_custom_char( char c_code, const char *cg, char x, char y );
00145     /** Set CGRAM (set custom bitmap as a character)
00146      *
00147      * @param c_code character code
00148      * @param cg pointer to bitmap data (array of 8 bytes)
00149      */
00150     void set_CGRAM( char char_code, const char* cg );
00152     /** Set CGRAM (set custom bitmap as a character)
00153      *
00154      * @param c_code character code
00155      * @param v bitmap data (5 bit pattern in this variable are copied to all row of a character bitmap)
00156      */
00157     void set_CGRAM( char char_code, char v );
00159     /** Icon operation (for SB1602B)
00160      *
00161      * @param flg bitpattern to choose ICON
00162      */
00163     void puticon( unsigned short flg );
00165     /** Set number of charactors in a line
00166      *
00167      * @param ch number of charactors in a line
00168      */
00169     void setCharsInLine( char ch ) { charsInLine = ch; };
00171 private:
00172     char    curs[2];
00173     void    init( char *init_massage );
00174     void    clear_lest_of_line( char line );
00175     int     lcd_write( char first, char second );
00176     int     lcd_command( char command );
00177     int     lcd_data( char data );
00178     I2C     *i2c_p;
00179     I2C     &i2c;
00180     char    i2c_addr;
00181     char    charsInLine;
00183 private:
00184     typedef enum {
00186         Comm_FunctionSet_Normal      = 0x38,
00187         Comm_FunctionSet_Extended    = 0x39,
00188         Comm_InternalOscFrequency    = 0x14,
00189         Comm_ContrastSet             = 0x78,
00190         Comm_PwrIconContrast         = 0x5E,
00191         Comm_FollowerCtrl            = 0x6A,
00192         Comm_DisplayOnOff            = 0x0C,
00193         Comm_ClearDisplay            = 0x01,
00194         Comm_EntryModeSet            = 0x06,
00195 #else
00196         Comm_FunctionSet_Normal      = 0x38,
00197         Comm_FunctionSet_Extended    = 0x39,
00198         Comm_InternalOscFrequency    = 0x14,
00199         Comm_ContrastSet             = 0x70,
00200         Comm_PwrIconContrast         = 0x5C,
00201         Comm_FollowerCtrl            = 0x60,
00202         Comm_DisplayOnOff            = 0x0C,
00203         Comm_ClearDisplay            = 0x01,
00204         Comm_EntryModeSet            = 0x04,
00205         Comm_ReturnHome              = 0x02,
00206 #endif
00207         Comm_SetCGRAM                = 0x40
00208     } _commands;
00210     typedef enum {
00211         MaxCharsInALine              = 0x10, //    buffer depth for one line (no scroll function used)
00212         COMMAND                      = 0x00,
00213         DATA                         = 0x40
00214     } _constants;
00215 }
00216 ;
00218 #endif