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MatrixMath Class Reference

MatrixMath Class Reference

This class provides STATIC methods to preform operations over Matrix Objects version 0.8. More...

#include <MatrixMath.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static Matrix Transpose (const Matrix &Mat)
 Transposes Matrix, return new Object.
static Matrix Inv (const Matrix &Mat)
 Calculate the inverse of a nxn Matrix BUT check first if the determinant is != 0.
static float det (const Matrix &Mat)
 Calculates the determinant of a Matrix.

Detailed Description

This class provides STATIC methods to preform operations over Matrix Objects version 0.8.

Methods will be added as neccesary.

Definition at line 27 of file MatrixMath.h.

Member Function Documentation

float det ( const Matrix Mat ) [static]

Calculates the determinant of a Matrix.

Matmatrix to calculate.
the determinant.

Definition at line 102 of file MatrixMath.cpp.

Matrix Inv ( const Matrix Mat ) [static]

Calculate the inverse of a nxn Matrix BUT check first if the determinant is != 0.

Same matrix will be return if Det( Mat ) == 0.

Matmatrix to calcute inverse.
Matrix Inverse

Definition at line 25 of file MatrixMath.cpp.

Matrix Transpose ( const Matrix Mat ) [static]

Transposes Matrix, return new Object.

Transpose matrix.

Matmatrix to calculate
the determinant

Definition at line 14 of file MatrixMath.cpp.