Working Maveric

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for MAVErIC_TEST


As5047 Interfacing with the AMS AS5047P magnetic rotary sensor using SPI protocol AS5047 uses 16-bit transfer; We use two 8-bit transfers for compatibility with 8-bit SPI master devices SPI protocol: Mode = 1: clock polarity = 0 --> clock pulse is high clock phase = 1 --> sample on falling edge of clock pulse
CANopen Device driver that offers methods to communicate with CANopen slave devices, like industrial I/O or servo drives
Controller This class implements the robot controller
ControllerScript This is an application specific implementation of the http script
CANopen::Delegate This Delegate is an interface for receivers of CANopen objects
HTTPScript This is the abstract http script superclass that needs to be derived by application specific http scripts
HTTPServer The HTTPServer class implements a simple webserver that is able to transmit files over an ethernet connection and allows to call scripts that are registered with the server
LowpassFilter This class implements a time-discrete 2nd order lowpass filter for a series of data values
MaxonEPOS4 Device driver for maxon motor EPOS4 servo controllers
Motion This class keeps the motion values position and velocity , and offers methods to increment these values towards a desired target position or velocity
NavigationScript This is an application specific implementation of the http script
RegulationScript This is an application specific implementation of the http script
Signal This class manages the handling of unique signal flags to trigger rtos threads
StateMachine This class implements the state machine of the robot controller
Task This is an abstract task class with a method that is called periodically by a task sequencer
TaskMoveTo This is a specific implementation of a task class that moves the robot to a given pose
TaskWait This is a specific implementation of a task class that waits for a given duration


As5047.cpp [code]
As5047.h [code]
CANopen.cpp [code]
CANopen.h [code]
Controller.cpp [code]
Controller.h [code]
ControllerScript.cpp [code]
ControllerScript.h [code]
HTTPScript.cpp [code]
HTTPScript.h [code]
HTTPServer.cpp [code]
HTTPServer.h [code]
LowpassFilter.cpp [code]
LowpassFilter.h [code]
Main.cpp [code]
MaxonEPOS4.cpp [code]
MaxonEPOS4.h [code]
mbed_config.h [code]
Motion.cpp [code]
Motion.h [code]
NavigationScript.cpp [code]
NavigationScript.h [code]
PID.cpp [code]
PID.h [code]
RegulationScript.cpp [code]
RegulationScript.h [code]
SDBlockDevice.cpp [code]
SDBlockDevice.h [code]
Signal.cpp [code]
Signal.h [code]
StateMachine.cpp [code]
StateMachine.h [code]
Task.cpp [code]
Task.h [code]
TaskMoveTo.cpp [code]
TaskMoveTo.h [code]
TaskWait.cpp [code]
TaskWait.h [code]