just a test

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of scoreLight_Advanced by Alvaro Cassinelli

--- a/soundSpot.h	Fri Sep 21 10:02:35 2012 +0000
+++ b/soundSpot.h	Sun Sep 23 10:11:43 2012 +0000
@@ -1,143 +1,148 @@
-#ifndef SOUNDSPOT_H
-#define SOUNDSPOT_H
-//#define SEND_AS_BLOB // for test (sending positions in a single OSC blob chunk)
-//#define SEND_AS_STRING
-// The global object OSC for sending/receiving messages:
-#include "mbedOSC.h"
-extern OSCMessage recMes;
-extern OSCMessage sendMes;
-extern OSCClass osc;
-extern DigitalOut myled2; // for tests...
-#include "classLaserSensingTrajectory.h"
-#include "classRigidScafold.h"
-#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-// This is a polymorphic class, and elasticLoop, livingSpot are derived classes that
-// instantiate particular methods (update, etc).
-class soundSpot {
-protected: // (note: protected means that the child classes will have access to these variables/methods; private means that only this class members have access)
-    // number of points of this blob:
-    int numPoints; // this in fact is equal to sensingTrajectory.size() for instance.
-    Timer measureSendPeriod;
-    // CONSTRUCTOR AND DESTRUCTOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    soundSpot();
-    // Destructor (virtual, because one can only delete an object of a derived type
-    // through a pointer to one of its base classes IF the base class has a virtual destructor)
-    virtual ~soundSpot();// { cout<<"Destroying Base";}
-    // METHODS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // COMMON methods to all the kind of blobs:
-    // (1) properties of the visible loop:
-    void setColor(unsigned char c);
-    // (2) Sending modes:
-    void stopAllSending(void);
-    void resetAllSendingModes(void);
-    void initCommonVariables();
-    void sendData(void); // send data common to all kind of blobs
-    // VIRTUAL METHODS (common to all blobs, but each type of blob will implement it differently):
-    // Blob creation:
-    virtual void setRegionMotion(float mmix, float mmiy, float mmax, float mmay)=0;
-// virtual void createBlob()=0; // note: the number of masses in the blob will be given from the scafold.
-//  virtual void createBlob(int _id, ElasticLoopMode _elasticBlobMode, vector2D _initPos)=0;
-    // Update:
-    virtual void update(void)=0;
-    virtual void computeBoundingBox(void)=0; // this is virtual because the displayed blob may be the scafold itself (in case of laser spot), or the elastic loop.
-    // Draw (on lsdTrajectory):
-    virtual void draw(void)=0; // NOTE: this method actually "renders" the trajectory using the laser renderer (not yet done)
-// Send data through OSC:
-    virtual void sendDataSpecific(void)=0; // send data specific to each blob
-// Some parameters (very different treatement for each type of blob):
-    virtual void speedFactor(float speedfactor=100.0)=0;
-    // DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    int identifier; //0, 1, 2...
-    char spotName[20]; //spot, elastic,... (this may be useful to set particular variables by forcing type cast (bad, but couldn't find a more elegant solution for the moment)
-    unsigned char blobColor, transientBlobColor; // transient blob color is the color of the blob when touching something for instance. 
-    // initial position and speed of the blob:
-    vector2Df startCenter;
-    vector2Df startSpeed;
-    // Special fields:
-    vector2Df gravity;
-    // SCAFOLD (rigid structure of points, with a center and methods to create it):
-    RigidScafold bluePrint;
-    LaserSensingTrajectory displaySensingBuffer;
-// the following are common to all kind of blobs, but the way these quantities are calculated (in the update() method) differs greatly:
-    vector2Df totalLightForce;
-    vector2Df recenteringVectorLoop;
-    float angleCorrectionForceLoop;
-    float angleRecenteringVector; // auxiliary variables for sending data (for the recenteringVectorLoop)
-    float normRecenteringVector;
-    // Geometry/kinematics of the loop:
-    float cx, cy, w, h;
-    float area, approxArea;
-    float totalKineticEnergy;
-    bool render; // when false, the blob is NOT RENDERED
-    bool standByMode; // when true, the blob is NOT UPDATED
-    // something touched the blob:
-    bool searchActive;
-    bool firstTimeNoTouch;
-    //bool lightTouched; // belongs to the lsdTrajectory
-    int noTouchedCounter;
-    vector2Df randomForce;
-    // the blob touched the wall limits (these variables are updated in the "update" method, and implemented differently for each blob)
-    bool blobWallCollision;
-    int wallCounter;
-    // HARDWARE SENDING MODE (can be changed by serial or osc commands):
-    unsigned short periodSendingData; // max data rate for sending data (in ms)
-    bool sendSerial;
-    bool sendOSC;
-    bool sendingOnlyWhenTouch; // when this is "true", data will be send ONLY when something touches the blob (border or light touch). Note that the max speed of sending
-                               // will be limited to periodSendingData. 
-    // SENDING modes for things COMMON TO ALL THE KIND OF BLOBS:
-    // (d) Light sensing statistics:
-    bool sendingBlobMaxMin; // max and min intensities are calculated directly from the lsdTrajectory
-    bool sendingTouched; // when someone touches the blob (can be calculated directly from the lsdTrajectory)
-    bool sendingLightForce; // the total light force (note: this CANNOT be calculated on the lsdTrajectory, but on the update method, particular to each loop).
-    // (e) Recentering vector: (note: redundant with sendingLightForce, IF the correction angle is known).
-    bool sendingRecenteringVector;
-    bool sendingRecenteringAngle;
-    bool sendingRecenteringNorm;
-    // SPECIFIC TO EACH BLOB (move this from here, use virtual methods to set their values):
-    // (a) anchor mass data:
-    bool sendingAnchorPosition;
-    bool sendingAnchorForce; // this is the total force on the anchor mass, not just the recentering force
-    bool sendingAnchorTouchWall;
-    // (b) data from blob points:
-    bool sendingLoopPositions;
-    bool sendingLoopForces;// this is not just the forces from light, but all the forces in each particle
-    bool sendingLoopForcesLight;
-    bool sendingLoopRegions; // from this we can detect "hits"
-    bool sendingLoopTouchWall;
-    // (c) Blob geometry/kinematics:
-    bool sendingBlobArea;
-    bool sendingKineticEnergy;
-    bool sendingBlobNormals;
-    bool sendingBlobAngles; // redundant with sendingBlobNormals, but simplified (only angle of normal)
+#ifndef SOUNDSPOT_H
+#define SOUNDSPOT_H
+//#define SEND_AS_BLOB // for test (sending positions in a single OSC blob chunk)
+//#define SEND_AS_STRING
+// The global object OSC for sending/receiving messages:
+#include "mbedOSC.h"
+extern OSCMessage recMes;
+extern OSCMessage sendMes;
+extern OSCClass osc;
+extern DigitalOut myled2; // for tests...
+#include "classLaserSensingTrajectory.h"
+#include "classRigidScafold.h"
+#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+// This is a polymorphic class, and elasticLoop, livingSpot are derived classes that
+// instantiate particular methods (update, etc).
+class soundSpot {
+protected: // (note: protected means that the child classes will have access to these variables/methods; private means that only this class members have access)
+    // number of points of this blob:
+    int numPoints; // this in fact is equal to sensingTrajectory.size() for instance.
+    Timer measureSendPeriod;
+    // CONSTRUCTOR AND DESTRUCTOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    soundSpot();
+    // Destructor (virtual, because one can only delete an object of a derived type
+    // through a pointer to one of its base classes IF the base class has a virtual destructor)
+    virtual ~soundSpot();// { cout<<"Destroying Base";}
+    // METHODS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // COMMON methods to all the kind of blobs:
+    // (1) properties of the visible loop:
+    void setColor(unsigned char c);
+    // (2) Sending modes:
+    void stopAllSending(void);
+    void resetAllSendingModes(void);
+    void initCommonVariables();
+    void sendData(void); // send data common to all kind of blobs
+    // VIRTUAL METHODS (common to all blobs, but each type of blob will implement it differently):
+    // Blob creation:
+    virtual void setRegionMotion(float mmix, float mmiy, float mmax, float mmay)=0;
+// virtual void createBlob()=0; // note: the number of masses in the blob will be given from the scafold.
+//  virtual void createBlob(int _id, ElasticLoopMode _elasticBlobMode, vector2D _initPos)=0;
+    // Update:
+    virtual void update(vector2Df referencePos=vector2Df(0,0))=0;
+    virtual void computeBoundingBox(void)=0; // this is virtual because the displayed blob may be the scafold itself (in case of laser spot), or the elastic loop.
+    // Draw (on lsdTrajectory):
+    virtual void draw(void)=0; // NOTE: this method actually "renders" the trajectory using the laser renderer (not yet done)
+// Send data through OSC:
+    virtual void sendDataSpecific(void)=0; // send data specific to each blob
+// Some parameters (very different treatement for each type of blob):
+    virtual void speedFactor(float speedfactor=100.0)=0;
+   virtual void explosion()=0; // not very nice programming style, it should be a MODE instead or something like that. 
+   virtual vector2Df getCenter()=0;
+   virtual void resetPositionSpeed()=0; 
+   virtual void setPositionSpeed(vector2Df _pos, vector2Df _spe)=0;
+    // DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    int identifier; //0, 1, 2...
+    char spotName[20]; //spot, elastic,... (this may be useful to set particular variables by forcing type cast (bad, but couldn't find a more elegant solution for the moment)
+    unsigned char blobColor, transientBlobColor; // transient blob color is the color of the blob when touching something for instance. 
+    // initial position and speed of the blob:
+    vector2Df startCenter;
+    vector2Df startSpeed;
+    // Special fields:
+    vector2Df gravity;
+    // SCAFOLD (rigid structure of points, with a center and methods to create it):
+    RigidScafold bluePrint;
+    LaserSensingTrajectory displaySensingBuffer;
+// the following are common to all kind of blobs, but the way these quantities are calculated (in the update() method) differs greatly:
+    vector2Df totalLightForce;
+    vector2Df recenteringVectorLoop;
+    float angleCorrectionForceLoop;
+    float angleRecenteringVector; // auxiliary variables for sending data (for the recenteringVectorLoop)
+    float normRecenteringVector;
+    // Geometry/kinematics of the loop:
+    float cx, cy, w, h;
+    float area, approxArea;
+    float totalKineticEnergy;
+    bool render; // when false, the blob is NOT RENDERED
+    bool standByMode; // when true, the blob is NOT UPDATED
+    // something touched the blob:
+    bool searchActive;
+    bool firstTimeNoTouch;
+    //bool lightTouched; // belongs to the lsdTrajectory
+    int noTouchedCounter;
+    vector2Df randomForce;
+    // the blob touched the wall limits (these variables are updated in the "update" method, and implemented differently for each blob)
+    bool blobWallCollision;
+    int wallCounter;
+    // HARDWARE SENDING MODE (can be changed by serial or osc commands):
+    unsigned short periodSendingData; // max data rate for sending data (in ms)
+    bool sendSerial;
+    bool sendOSC;
+    bool sendingOnlyWhenTouch; // when this is "true", data will be send ONLY when something touches the blob (border or light touch). Note that the max speed of sending
+                               // will be limited to periodSendingData. 
+    // SENDING modes for things COMMON TO ALL THE KIND OF BLOBS:
+    // (d) Light sensing statistics:
+    bool sendingBlobMaxMin; // max and min intensities are calculated directly from the lsdTrajectory
+    bool sendingTouched; // when someone touches the blob (can be calculated directly from the lsdTrajectory)
+    bool sendingLightForce; // the total light force (note: this CANNOT be calculated on the lsdTrajectory, but on the update method, particular to each loop).
+    // (e) Recentering vector: (note: redundant with sendingLightForce, IF the correction angle is known).
+    bool sendingRecenteringVector;
+    bool sendingRecenteringAngle;
+    bool sendingRecenteringNorm;
+    // SPECIFIC TO EACH BLOB (move this from here, use virtual methods to set their values):
+    // (a) anchor mass data:
+    bool sendingAnchorPosition;
+    bool sendingAnchorForce; // this is the total force on the anchor mass, not just the recentering force
+    bool sendingAnchorTouchWall;
+    // (b) data from blob points:
+    bool sendingLoopPositions;
+    bool sendingLoopForces;// this is not just the forces from light, but all the forces in each particle
+    bool sendingLoopForcesLight;
+    bool sendingLoopRegions; // from this we can detect "hits"
+    bool sendingLoopTouchWall;
+    // (c) Blob geometry/kinematics:
+    bool sendingBlobArea;
+    bool sendingKineticEnergy;
+    bool sendingBlobNormals;
+    bool sendingBlobAngles; // redundant with sendingBlobNormals, but simplified (only angle of normal)
\ No newline at end of file