Laser Sensing Display for UI interfaces in the real world

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of skinGames_forktest by Alvaro Cassinelli

diff -r 7c54b6bca0e2 -r 3ba2b0ea9f33 LaserRenderer.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LaserRenderer.h	Wed Oct 16 16:14:27 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+   ** Name: LaserRenderer.h
+   ** Description: THIS IS BASICALLY A "STATE MACHINE" with push/pop methods for RT, K, and some methods to modify/load these matrices; also, it provides methods to rendre objects and scenes, but
+   this may be done by using methods belonging to these objects instead (perhaps clearer).
+   ** Notes:
+       (1) I have separated the transformation (RT) from the projection (K) in the "render" methos. The reason is, we may want to FIRST get the list of all the points in 3d
+   coordinates, so we can apply a transformation in the future, without going through the process of re-building objects.
+       (2) the real "projection matrix" as defined in Hartley & Zisserman is P= K[R|t], a 3x4 matrix. K and R are 3x3 matrices, t is a 1x3 vector. P takes vector X (homogeneous)
+   to x (its projection, also in homogeneous coordinates).
+   It can be written as:
+        P = K[I|0][R|t]                                                [R|t]                                           [R|t]
+                  [0 1], with K[I|0] a 3x4 matrix (K a 3x3 matrix) and [0 1] a 4x4 matrix: The matrix K and the matrix [0 1] are the matrices I call "intrinsics" (K) and "pose" (RT).
+   The advantages of doing this are clear: the product of the "pose" matrices will account for composition of rotations AND translation in homogeneous coordinates.
+   Note that we don't really care if after discarding the last component w (after multiplying by [I|0]), the 3d vector does not represent the real 3d coordinate, but just
+   some point in the ray. This is because K produces the projection in 2d ALSO in homogeneous coordinates, so that dividing by w=z (some z on the ray!) will give the real image point.
+   (but of course, we may WANT to obtain the real 3d coordiante perhaps; see matrixClass.h)
+   Also note that the only interest of having K as a 3x3 matrix instead of 2x3 is to be able to combine PROJECTION matrices: something we DON'T use!
+   More precisely, we have: RT=EXTRINSICSxMODELVIEW, with MODELVIEW being the pose of the object in CAMERA coordinates.
+   EXTRINSICS is loaded once, MODELVIEW changes (data sent by the computer).
+      (3) On the "scaleFactorProjector": it is necessary when we use a different projector resolution while "scanning" with the laser, say, we
+   have a laser scanner capable of 4095x4095 "pixels", but we form an image which is 600x600. If we then run a camera-projector calibration routine, the
+   final intrinsics matrix won't be right: the "pixel size" is wrong, by a factor 4096/600 - remember that the camera intrinsics contain the focal length
+   and the origin IN PIXELS units). This is the role of "scaleFactorProjector". Hopefully, it will be alwyas set to 1 (because we either correct the intrinsics
+   before loading, or because we calibrated the projector USING A METHOD THAT DOES NOT IMPLIES SUB-RESOLUTION "SCANNING")
+#include <vector>
+#include "matrixClass.h"
+#include "Scene.h"
+#include "laserSensingDisplay.h"
+//extern LaserRenderer lsr; // note: object is pre-instantiated in LaserRenderer.cpp
+// ==============================================================================================================================
+// Note: we can "pack" all this methods in an object, and make this object "global" (external, pre-instantiated), or just define all the functions global.
+// I prefer the first approach, in case I need to extend the class, and also to avoid needed to define namespaces for functions with the same name. Anyway, we always can
+// "wrap" the methods in global functions (like "begin/end"...) to make it looks more like normal openGL (see "WrapperFunctions.h").
+class LaserRenderer
+    LaserRenderer();
+    ~LaserRenderer();
+    void init(); // default init parameters for the pose, K
+    void close();// perhaps nothing needed (unless the displaying engine is part of this class, but I will use wrappers)
+    // Loading matrices from data sent by the computer or from a system file (or default global arrays):
+    // The results of pose estimation:
+    void loadPoseMatrix(float m[12]); // load RT[4][4]
+    // And the results form calibration:
+    void loadProjMatrix(float m[9], float scaleFactorProjector); // load K[3][3]
+    void loadExtrinsicsMatrix(float m[12]); //load EXTRINSICS[4][4]
+    void setIdentityPose(void);   // Set RT=ID44
+    void setExtrinsicsPose(void); // directly sets RT=EXTRINSICS (i.e., the modelview is the identity...)
+    void setIdentityProjection(void); // Set K=ID33
+    // More advanced settings:
+    void setOrthoProjection(); // in the future, it can take parameters (clipping planes) as in glOrtho
+    //void setFrustumProjection(...); // to do
+    void setColor(unsigned char _c) {color=_c;}
+    // Euclidian transformations (operate on the right of RT):
+    void translate(float x, float y, float z);
+    void rotateX(float thetadeg);
+    void rotateY(float thetadeg);
+    void rotateZ(float thetadeg);
+    void flipX(); 
+    void flipY();
+    void flipZ();
+    void resize(float rx, float ry, float rz); // multiplies the current RT matrix by a diagonal resizing matrix
+    // Compose RT with an arbitrary transformation (multiplies the current pose matrix (RT) with m to give the new pose matrix RT):
+    void multPoseMatrix(const Mat44 m) ;
+    void multPoseMatrix(const float m[12]);
+    // Push/Pop methods: this is the main interest of this programming structure (I mean, the "state machine" for the rendering variables, useful to create
+    // complex objects with nested parts inheriting the current pose):
+    void pushPoseMatrix(void);
+    void popPoseMatrix(void);
+    void pushProjMatrix(void);
+    void popProjMatrix(void);
+    void pushColor(void);
+    void popColor(void);
+    // Point projection functions - made inline for efficiency:
+    V2 renderPointProj(const V3& v3);
+    V2 renderPointOrth(const V3& v3);
+    // Projection of whole objects and scenes:
+    void renderObject(BaseObject* ptObject);
+    void renderObject(BaseObject* ptObject, Mat44& moreRT); // applies supplemental transformation, but without modifying the original 3d points in vertexArray
+    void renderScene(Scene* ptr_scene);
+    void renderScene(Scene* ptr_scene, Mat44& moreRT);      // applies supplemental transformation, but without modifying the original 3d points in vertexArray
+    Mat44 EXTRINSICS; // this is the camera-projector extrinsics, to be loaded (or set in hard) only ONCE in principle
+    Mat44 RT; // Current pose matrix (contains rotation AND translation) in projector coordinate frame (if we first set the pose to EXTRINSICS) or camera frame (if we
+    // first set the pose as the identity).
+    vector <Mat44> RT_Stack;
+    Mat33 K; // Current projection matrix (do we really need a stack here? probably not...)
+    float scaleFactorProjector;
+    vector <Mat33> K_Stack;
+    vector <float> scaleFactor_Stack;
+    unsigned char color; // current color
+    vector <unsigned char> color_Stack;
+    // .... DO DO!!
+    // The Scene (a collection of objects):
+    // QUESTION: SHOULD THIS BE AN INSTANCE VARIABLE OF the LASER RENDERER OBJECT? the laser renderer object may be a GLOBAL object that can be used by ANY Scene,
+    // BaseObject, etc to get the proper modelview, projection matrix, colors, etc while building objects or rendering them...
+    // Scene myScene;
+    // (for the time being, I will make scene a GLOBAL. This seems clearer since we can use Scene/BaseObjects methods WITHTOUT the need to access data (pose, K) from the same lsr!!
+    // Finally, the displaying engine:
+    // laserSensingDisplay lsd;
+    // Again, I will make it GLOBAL. Wrapper functions will take care that the displaying engine is properly linked to the scene to display, as well as attach/detach the interrupt when
+    // modifying the scene...
+// =================================================================================================================================================
+// inline methods:
+// Note: per-point rendering is actually just for tests... not efficient to call a function for each point in the object/scene
+inline V2 LaserRenderer::renderPointProj(const V3& v3)
+    // V2 v2=((K*v3)*scaleFactorProjector);
+    V2 lp((K*v3)*scaleFactorProjector); // create new 2D coordinates point with projected coordinates. Note first the projection K*v3, leaving a v2 vector,
+    // then the simple rescaling by scaleFactorProjector (see note (3) above).
+    // Finally, check viewport limits (we could do non isotropic scaling too, but this is normally in K with different focal lengths... ):
+    // For the time being, we will just check that the values are not outside the DAC mirror range (0-4095). Note: it cannot be <0, because v2 is unsigned short (uint16_t).
+    if (lp.x > MAX_AD_MIRRORS) lp.x=MAX_AD_MIRRORS;  // constrain( lp.x, minViewportX,  maxViewportX);
+    else if (lp.x < MIN_AD_MIRRORS) lp.x=MIN_AD_MIRRORS;  // constrain( lp.x, minViewportX,  maxViewportX);
+    if (lp.y > MAX_AD_MIRRORS) lp.y=MAX_AD_MIRRORS;
+    else if (lp.y < MIN_AD_MIRRORS) lp.y=MIN_AD_MIRRORS;
+    return(lp);
+inline V2 LaserRenderer::renderPointOrth(const V3& v3)
+    V2 lp(v3.x, v3.y);
+    // Finally, check viewport limits (we could do non isotropic scaling too, but this is normally in K with different focal lengths... ):
+    if (lp.x > MAX_AD_MIRRORS) lp.x=MAX_AD_MIRRORS;  // constrain( lp.x, minViewportX,  maxViewportX);
+    else if (lp.x < MIN_AD_MIRRORS) lp.x=MIN_AD_MIRRORS;  // constrain( lp.x, minViewportX,  maxViewportX);
+    if (lp.y > MAX_AD_MIRRORS) lp.y=MAX_AD_MIRRORS;
+    else if (lp.y < MIN_AD_MIRRORS) lp.y=MIN_AD_MIRRORS;
+    return(lp);