The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.

Dependents:   hello SerialTestv11 SerialTestv12 Sierpinski ... more

Issue: Pinname A6(PA_7) and A7(PA_2) are undeclared in NUCLEO-F303K8; and these pins cannot be used as AnalogIn.

Pinname A6(PA_7) and A7(PA_2) are undelared in NUCLEO-F303K8. If I use PA_7 and PA_2 instead, I can compile a program with no error.

Moreover, if I try to use PA_7 and PA_2 pins as AnalogIn, the written program is always hanged up.

The example is as below;


AnalogIn analog_test(PA_2); 
pc.printf("Value: %f\r\n",;