
Dependents of mbed

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Display text on screen.
Programm for changing alarm setting, trackpad input to select number (hours/minutes) and then potentiometer input to select value of each.
alarm with reset
buzzer test (note changed from piezo to buzzer for volume)
"Hail to the Victors"
Communicates with the WiFi - be very careful when using as it is tempremental.
Thanks to Zoltan Hudak publish the way to use STM32F103c8t6 on mbed. Now, this example can let you use it with a encoder. Encoder, mbed, STM32F103C8T6
thanks to Zoltan Hudak publish the way to use stm32f103c8t6 on mbed. now you can use it with Lidar Lite Lidar, Lite, STM32F103C8T6
thanks to Zoltan Hudak publish the way to use stm32f103c8t6 on mbed. now you can use it with MPC4725 DAC dac, MPC4725, STM32F103C8T6
thanks to Zoltan Hudak publish the way to use stm32f103c8t6 on mbed. now you can use it with stepper driver
thanks to Zoltan Hudak publish the way to use stm32f103c8t6 on mbed. now you can use it with vl6180 tof sensor
thanks to Zoltan Hudak publish the way to use stm32f103c8t6 on mbed. now you can use it with Wii IRcam
Display Oled Driver SSD1306 I2C 128x64
new battery bar
/ MainSketch Featured
Contains the main execution of the clock uses headers to import functions
programma steve fine giornata 23-05
Theis Rotating Platform Demo code
Thesis Rotating Platform, Uart Control
Example hello program using MiCS6814_GasSensor library
PRO2_Team 1_collected code with ticker and headers_not working yet
An floppy drive audio generator using dsp on live audio
Simple test for Version Control System
Test code for the touch display, should output the number 12.
Working on general setpage rendering 15:00 wed
Mon repository
Mon répertoire de BG
mon repertory
Bijour le peuple coumment ca va ? nardin
Both displays functioning independently, we will use this program to bring them both into the same code.
Basis of functionality (needs flashing, capacitance and set touch) 15:45 wed
Library to calculate movement and to draw the objects in the pong game
Nucleo Deep Sleep wakeup Nucleo
H-brug test op cny70
Here, alternative functions and classes for STM32. The program contains a class for the I2C software bus, a class for working with a watchdog timer and time delay functions based … delay, delay_us, DWT, HAL, I2C, Nucleo, software, software i2c, stm32, STM32F103, watchdog
matrix de led