
Dependents of mbed

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Final project 4180 Spring 2017 Heart Rate detection interfaced with bluetooth and MATLAB for signal processing. By: Prashanth Collapancheri and Venu Ganti
Adapting nRF24L01p sample to Bluepill
Code for the first mbed for the drum hero project
music player, led, motor
Added Soft Iron Calibration
Phlebot's onboard code
Fix: start calibration on STM32F3
Ece4180 final proj. not complete and doesn't compile bc weird header file error lololol
amazon distribution center
Allows SMS to be sent to query Alexa. Also allows HTTP requests to be sent to Alexa via an ESP8266-hosted web server. Alexa, Amazon, dot, IOT
I2C to BLE nano with notifications to pi using original mbed os code
Roomba Final Project with working RTOS
1sec vor 1sek retour
Schaltet die Motoren des B17 ein und aus (je 1 sec)
7 Segment-Hex
7 Segment Binaer
Lauflicht mit HEXA - Zahlen
Quadrat fahren
Programme de test de la lib HTRC110
its a leap based haptic arm robot
MQTT from mbed to node with pressure sensor data retrieval
QuickClick, a reaction timing game which allows single and multiplayer mode.
barebones communication to gui
Autonomous navigating robot that tracks its position over time. Logged position data is sent over BT and displayed in a C# GUI on a supporting computer. ECE4180 Final Project Spr2017.
4180 Parts Checkout System
An m3pi demo program for Bluetooth control.
Farbsensor richtig
MLX90614 Basic Code
led hello world