
Dependents of mbed

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

an example of transmitting floating numbers (RX)
an example of transmitting floating numbers (TX)
Kodingan 5 April setting kecepatan power screw
5 april ganti kecepatan power screw
All the commit done for assignment 3
This is an example program to fetch data of DHT11 Sensors DHT11, Humidity, l476, Nucleo, sensor, Temperature
Simple example to read humidity and temperature from DHT11 sensor DHT11, Humidity, l476, sensor, stm32, Temperature
This program will output the latitude and longitude of grove GPS Sensor attached to FRDMK64F on tera term
Sample code for AT&T IoT Services DevLab with IoT StarterKit.
Hello Wheel
welcome referance
Fertiges FuncGen
Common anode LED version of my Smart Nightlight program. For use at the Adrift faculty development activity. CdS photocell, RGB LED, smart nightlight
Un serveur web embarqué pour mbed, commande de leds, lecture potentiometre en utilisant rpc.
need other parts to work together such as *.m file and drivers including NI VISA and STM32 board. Teraterm is useful.
Project aiming to do a Bluetooth Low Energy IoT devices, which measure temperature and humidity. Bluetooth achieved with the IDB05A1 shield. Temperature/humidity achieved with a DHT11 sensor. Project working, tested … BLE, bluetooth, DHT11, Humidity, l476, stm32, Temperature
get internet time on k64f
initial commit
Simple program for temperature sensing using a NTC temperature sense resistor and internal mbed A:D converter NTC, Temperature
modified to work with MultiTech mDot on UDK2.0
Wireless Communication Project, Bluetooth Door Lock System, Seneca College January 2017
k64f watchdog example K64F
this is what this program does.