Smartage application

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial SX1276GenericLib USBDeviceHT mbed Crypto X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2

Fork of STM32L0_LoRa by Helmut Tschemernjak


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
34:8393ded26b4f 2018-09-17 marcozecchini Bug fixed 4 default tip
33:4aacefcb2b48 2018-09-17 marcozecchini Better exposed code
32:c22ce5fdacbf 2018-09-17 marcozecchini Bug fixed 4
31:6bf5a868695f 2018-09-17 marcozecchini Bug fixed 3;
30:d43802606136 2018-09-17 marcozecchini bug fixed2
29:04e1489f8fe2 2018-09-17 marcozecchini Bug fixed
28:9d7be893610d 2018-05-31 marcozecchini added ack constraint in rxdone
27:d308dd4d8f51 2018-05-30 marcozecchini Encrypting version
26:d93f1206909c 2018-05-30 marcozecchini WORKING WITHOUT ENC
25:18a57be7bb17 2018-05-25 marcozecchini Gyroscope implementation works fine
24:bb733d746bda 2018-05-25 marcozecchini sensor measuring added
23:5d46bbe685a1 2018-05-23 marcozecchini Wait and sleep added to the project
22:2c1359292de1 2018-05-22 marcozecchini get_distance() addition
21:5d64f9f79190 2018-05-22 marcozecchini Working version
20:1557c9d9c183 2018-05-17 marcozecchini First working version of Smartage on Discovery-L072z;
19:7763501775e5 2018-05-17 marcozecchini First working version for Discovery-L072Z
18:d5527ce82e6b 2018-03-12 Helmut64 Fixed the Heltec SPI SLCK Pin.
17:98f2528e8399 2018-02-23 Helmut64 Added Heltec L4 board Pins into PinMap.h; Added USBDevice library to support USBSerial console IO; Moved helper code into utils.cpp; Moved dprintf support with var args and serial or USBSerial output.; Added compile time version support to set RTC to compi...
16:675f4d0ee9e9 2018-02-22 Helmut64 Added proper PinMap for the Heltec Board; updated libs
15:c70f65d606c4 2018-01-30 Helmut64 Added STM32L432KC into PinMap.h
14:0a23f0ff71ce 2017-11-26 Helmut64 Updated SX1276 lib
13:5a32a1922fbc 2017-08-08 Helmut64 Updated target to TARGET_DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1; Use latest mbed version.; No need to set the system clock anymore because LRWAN1 is not included in mbed.; Updated to latest SX1276GenericLib.
12:aa287e51c09e 2017-07-11 Helmut64 Updated SX1276GenerlicLib. (Arduino compatibility work)
11:d3a591c20cd7 2017-06-29 Helmut64 Added Radio callback this pointer and userData. This makes it easier to pass context into the interrupt callbacks. The this pointer allows to call C++ functions easier.; Update SX1276GenericLib
10:e589a497bd64 2017-06-23 Helmut64 Updated to use latest SX1276GenericLib.
9:2f9e4be4d046 2017-05-30 Helmut64 Defined missing PC_13 for the LRWAN1 board.; Updated to latest mbed and SX1276Generic libs
8:3b0d7b4ff28f 2017-05-19 Helmut64 Updated description.
7:6a8a82bfb0c6 2017-05-19 Helmut64 Update SX1276GenericLib, Lora frequencies are now specified in Hz.
6:1b598b0e52e4 2017-05-19 Helmut64 Updated SX12GenerlicLib; Radio Init has now a return value true of a Radio chip is detected.
5:e3b39ae71d3c 2017-05-17 Helmut64 Updated SX1276GenericLib
4:1413cd44cb4b 2017-05-16 Helmut64 Updated to newer 1276GenericLib
3:dc560d3e9070 2017-05-14 Helmut64 Added Radio pointer to callbacks.
2:772fb0dbccef 2017-05-11 Helmut64 Updated SX1276Generic lib.
1:65d602e2d746 2017-05-10 Helmut64 Added simple sleep to save power.
0:c43b6919ae15 2017-05-10 Helmut64 Initial checkin Lora support for the STM B_L072Z_LRWAN1 board out of the box.;