
Dependents:   Xadow_Watch_OLED Seeed_Arch_GPRS_V2_Humidty_Alert

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DS1337.cpp	Tue Apr 01 07:01:08 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include "DS1337.h"
+// NOTE: To keep the math from getting even more lengthy/annoying than it already is, the following constraints are imposed:
+//   1) All times are in 24-hour format (military time)
+//   2) DayOfWeek field is not used internally or checked for validity. Alarm functions may optionally set alarms repeating on DayOfWeek, but this feature has not been tested yet.
+//   3) This library's buffer stores all times in raw BCD format, just as it is sent from the RTC.
+//      It is not converted to/from 'real' (binary) values until needed via get...() and set...() functions.
+//      In other words, don't go hacking around and reading from the rtc_bcd[] buffer directly, unless you want the raw BCD results.
+// Cumulative number of days elapsed at the start of each month, assuming a normal (non-leap) year.
+unsigned int monthdays[] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};
+extern I2C i2c;
+unsigned char DS1337::getRegister(unsigned char registerNumber)
+    uint8_t val = registerNumber;
+    i2c.write(DS1337_CTRL_ID,(char *)&val,1);
+    i2c.stop();
+, (char *)&val, 1);
+    return val;
+void DS1337::setRegister(unsigned char registerNumber, unsigned char value)
+    uint8_t val[2];
+    val[0] = registerNumber;
+    val[1] = value;
+    i2c.write(DS1337_CTRL_ID, (char *)val, 2);
+void DS1337::readTime(void)
+    uint8_t val = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(DS1337_CTRL_ID,(char *)&val,1);
+    i2c.stop();
+, (char *)rtc_bcd, 7);
+unsigned char DS1337::getSeconds()
+    return bcd2bin(rtc_bcd[DS1337_SEC]);
+unsigned char DS1337::getMinutes()
+    return bcd2bin(rtc_bcd[DS1337_MIN]);
+unsigned char DS1337::getHours()
+    return bcd2bin(rtc_bcd[DS1337_HR]);
+unsigned char DS1337::getDays()
+    return bcd2bin(rtc_bcd[DS1337_DATE]);
+unsigned char DS1337::getDayOfWeek()
+    return bcd2bin(rtc_bcd[DS1337_DOW]);
+unsigned char DS1337::getMonths()
+    return bcd2bin(rtc_bcd[DS1337_MTH]);
+unsigned int DS1337::getYears()
+    return 2000 + bcd2bin(rtc_bcd[DS1337_YR]);
+void DS1337::setSeconds(unsigned char v)
+    rtc_bcd[DS1337_SEC] = bin2bcd(v);
+void DS1337::setMinutes(unsigned char v)
+    rtc_bcd[DS1337_MIN] = bin2bcd(v);
+void DS1337::setHours(unsigned char v)
+    rtc_bcd[DS1337_HR] = bin2bcd(v);
+void DS1337::setDays(unsigned char v)
+    rtc_bcd[DS1337_DATE] = bin2bcd(v);
+void DS1337::setDayOfWeek(unsigned char v)
+    rtc_bcd[DS1337_DOW] = bin2bcd(v);
+void DS1337::setMonths(unsigned char v)
+    rtc_bcd[DS1337_MTH] = bin2bcd(v);
+void DS1337::setYears(unsigned int v)
+    if (v>1999)
+    {
+        v -= 2000;
+    }
+    rtc_bcd[DS1337_YR] = bin2bcd(v);
+void DS1337::setTime()
+    char set_[8];
+    set_[0] = 0x00;
+    for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
+    {
+        set_[i+1] = rtc_bcd[i];
+    }
+    i2c.write(DS1337_CTRL_ID, set_, 8);
+byte DS1337::bcd2bin(byte v)
+   return (v&0x0F) + ((v>>4)*10);
+byte DS1337::bin2bcd(byte v)
+   return ((v / 10)<<4) + (v % 10);
+void DS1337::stop(void)
+    setRegister(DS1337_SP, getRegister(DS1337_SP) | DS1337_SP_EOSC);
+void DS1337::start(void)
+    setRegister(DS1337_SP, getRegister(DS1337_SP) & !DS1337_SP_EOSC);