Beagleboard xM & mbed & Matlab

My plans for my next project is to interface the mbed LPC1768 with the Beagleboard xM. The BB xM is really required to take things to the next level. Since Matlab/Simulink now has built in support for model code generation in Simulink Student Version as of 2012a, I can fairly easily do complex control loops, image processing, Guidance Navigation & Control, etc. with the BB-xM from within Matlab/Simulink.

Yes it's possible to get rid of the mbed all together and just go with the BB-xM, but I found that the mbed is really versatile and easy to interface with many kinds of hardware. The BB-xM requires logic level translation on everything, pin multiplexing, and also has no PWM out for servos.


My plan is to just start simple, first I'm going to get the BB-xM USB-A to mbed USB virtual serial port working in Simulink. Next I plan to have the mbed do the serial packet processing from the UM6 IMU and send the IMU data to the BB-xM running the Simulink Model. From there I can use Simulink to evaluate the Kalman Filter utilized on the UM6.

Eventually I'm going to hook up a USB camera to the beagleboard, try to do some video processing and compression, and then send it out with the DNT900 1W RF Modem.

UPDATE 10/04/12: Finally got BB-xM running a Simulink model... The model's just a simple random number generator that communicates with UDP over a usb wifi dongle to another Simulink model running on a PC. The Simulink block for the BB-xM are pretty limited, and the only communication blocks are for UDP. So I have two options write a custom Matlab function block for serial communications on the BB-xM, or try to get UDP going on the mbed...

UPDATE 10/06/12: These are useful links about communication between Beagleboard and mbed...

Found the "Bible" for this project... Axelson, Jan, "USB Embedded Hosts: The Developer's Guide," Lakeview Research, 2011. 152 pages. ISBN: 978-1-931448-24-6. Going to order it on amazon... All the examples are for the BeagleBoard-xM running Ubuntu 11.04, same as the provided Matlab BB-xM image, I think... There is a free download for Ch2: There are free code examples:

Going to try this code on the BB-xM to communicate to the mbed usb virtual serial port:

 * usb_serial_port.c
 *  Created on: Sept 13, 2011
 *      Author: Jan Axelson

// Demonstrates communications on a USB virtual serial port.
// Tested with a USB/serial-port adapter that contains an FT232B USB UART.

// Use a null-modem connection to attach the port to a physical or virtual
// serial port on a PC. On the PC, use any terminal emulator to
// communicate with the port at 9600 8-N-1, no flow control.

// To turn on the usr0 LED on the BeagleBoard, type led1on and press <Enter>.
// To turn off the usr0 LED on the BeagleBoard, type led1off and press <Enter>.
// Ctrl+C or a "closeapp" command terminates the program.

// (The only USB-specific code is naming ttyUSB0 as the port.
// Everything else is identical to accessing a physical serial port.)

// To compile the application, copy led_control.h and led_control.c
// to the subdirectory led_control.

// To gain access to the LEDs, run the application with administrative privileges 
// (From the file's directory, use "sudo ./usb_serial_port".)
// Or set up a udev rule as described in led_control.c.

// This file, led_control.h, and led_control.c are available at

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include "/led_control.h"

void respond_to_command(char *read_buffer, int chars_read);
void serial_port_close();
int serial_port_open(void);
int serial_port_read(char *read_buffer, size_t max_chars_to_read);
void serial_port_write(char *write_buffer);
void sigint_handler(int sig);


static const char *PORT_NAME = "/dev/ttyUSB0";

int serial_port;
struct termios options_original;

// Opens the USB serial port and continuously attempts to read from the port.
// On receiving data, looks for a defined command.

int main()
	int chars_read;
	char read_buffer[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH + 1] = {0};


	if (serial_port != -1)
		// Assign a handler to close the serial port on Ctrl+C.

		signal (SIGINT, (void*)sigint_handler);

		serial_port_write("USB virtual serial port test program\r\n");
		serial_port_write("To control the usr0 LED, type led1on or led1off and press <Enter>\r\n");
		serial_port_write("To end the remote application, type closeapp and press <Enter> \r\n");

		printf("Waiting to receive commands...\n");
	printf("Press Ctrl+C to exit the program.\n");

	// The main program loop:

	for (;;)
		if (serial_port != -1)
			// Read received data into the buffer
			// up to but not including the buffer's terminating null.

			chars_read = serial_port_read(read_buffer, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH);
			if (chars_read > 0)
				// Data was read.

				respond_to_command(read_buffer, chars_read);
		// The application can perform other tasks here.
	return 0;

// Looks for defined commands and takes appropriate action.
// read_buffer - the data to examine.

void respond_to_command(char *read_buffer, int chars_read)
	// Terminate the data read with a null to enable using string functions 
	// on the data read.

	if (strstr(read_buffer, "led1on") != NULL)
		led_control(0, 1);
		serial_port_write("led1 is on\r\n");
		printf("led1 is on\r\n");
	else if (strstr(read_buffer, "led1off") != NULL)
		led_control(0, 0);
		serial_port_write("led1 is off\r\n");
		printf("led1 is off\r\n");
	else if (strstr(read_buffer, "closeapp") != NULL)
		// Ignore undefined commands.

// Resets the terminal and closes the serial port.

void serial_port_close()

// Opens a USB virtual serial port at ttyUSB0.
// returns - the port's file descriptor or -1 on error.

int serial_port_open(void)
  struct termios options;

  serial_port = open(PORT_NAME, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);

  if (serial_port != -1)
	  printf("Serial Port open\n");
 	  tcgetattr(serial_port, &options);
	  cfsetispeed(&options, B115200);
	  cfsetospeed(&options, B115200);
	  options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);
	  options.c_lflag |= ICANON;
	  tcsetattr(serial_port, TCSANOW, &options);
	  printf("Unable to open /dev/ttyUSB0\n");
  return (serial_port);

// Attempts to read up to 10 bytes from the serial port.
// If data was read, calls a routine to examine the received data
// and take action.
// *read_buffer - the buffer that will contain the data read.
// max_chars_to_read - the maximum number of characters to read.
// returns - 0 if data was received, -1 if no data received.

int serial_port_read(char *read_buffer, size_t max_chars_to_read)
	int chars_read = read(serial_port, read_buffer, max_chars_to_read);

	return chars_read;

// Writes data to the port.
// Parameter:  write_buffer - the data to write to the port.
// *write_buffer - the buffer that contains the data to write.

void serial_port_write(char *write_buffer)
	int bytes_written;
	size_t len = 0;

	len = strlen(write_buffer);
	bytes_written = write(serial_port, write_buffer, len);
	if (bytes_written < len)
		printf("Write failed \n");

// Executes when the user presses Ctrl+C.
// Closes the port, resets the terminal, and exits the program.

void  sigint_handler(int sig)
	exit (sig);

UPDATE: 10/09/2012 Finally got the mbed to toggle the BB-xM usrled1 on and off. Next steps are to modify the code above to read the UM6 data from the mbed within the matlab program running on the BB-xM.

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