Quad X Type Multicopter

Dependencies:   IAP

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Feb 13 16:07:07 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 14 08:15:03 2014 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+/*  PWM Output
+        type    |   M1      |   M2      |   M3      |   M4      |   M5      |   M6
+    ------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------
+    Quad-X      |FL Thr ESC |FR Thr ESC |BL Thr ESC |BR Thr ESC |   -       |   -  
+    Quad-H      |FL VP Ser  |FR VP Ser  |BL VP Ser  |BR VP Ser  |Thr ESC    |   -
+    Delta       |FL Tro ESC |L Ale Ser  |R Ale Ser  |Rud Ser    |   -       |   -     
+    Delta-TW    |FL Tro ESC |L Ale Ser  |R Ale Ser  |Rud Ser    |FR Thr ESC |   - 
+    Airplane    |Thr ESC    |Ail Ser    |Ele Ser    |Rud Ser    |Ail Ser    |   -
+    Ele:Elevator, Rud:Rudder, Ail:Aileron, Thr:Throttle, Ale:Alevon
+    ESC:for ESC, Ser:for Servo, VP:Variable Pitch
+    F:Front,  B:Back,  L:Light,  R:Right
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "math.h"
 #include "I2cPeripherals.h"
@@ -6,107 +20,127 @@
 #include "PulseWidthCounter.h"
 #include "string"
 #include "SerialLcd.h"
-#include  "IAP.h"
-#include "PID.h"
+//#include "PID.h"
 #include "SoftPWM.h"
+#include "PulseOut.h"
+#include "Limiter.h"
+    #include  "IAP.h"
 //Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); 
-//Gravity at Earth's surface in m/s/s
-#define g0 9.812865328
-//Convert from radians to degrees.
-#define toDegrees(x) (x * 57.2957795)
-//Convert from degrees to radians.
-#define toRadians(x) (x * 0.01745329252)
-//ITG-3200 sensitivity is 14.375 LSB/(degrees/sec).
-#define GYROSCOPE_GAIN (1 / 14.375)
-//Full scale resolution on the ADXL345 is 4mg/LSB.
-#define ACCELEROMETER_GAIN (0.004 * g0)
-//Updating filter at 40Hz.
-#define FILTER_RATE 0.05
-//At rest the gyroscope is centred around 0 and goes between about
-//-5 and 5 counts. As 1 degrees/sec is ~15 LSB, error is roughly
-//5/15 = 0.3 degrees/sec.
+#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
+    DigitalInOut pwmpin[] = { p21,p22,p23,p24 };
+//    #ifdef LPCXpresso
+//        #define LED1 P0_22
+//    #endif
+    DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+//    DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+    InterruptIn ch1(p5);
+    PulseWidthCounter ch[6] = { p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11 };
+    PwmOut pwm[6] = { p21,p22,p23,p24,p25,p26 };
+//    SoftPWM pwm[6] = { p21,p22,p23,p24,p25,p26 };
+    SoftPWM buzz(p20);
+    I2cPeripherals i2c(p28,p27); //sda scl
+    SerialLcd lcd(p13,p14);
+    #define MEM_SIZE        256
+    #define TARGET_SECTOR   29     //  use sector 29 as target sector if it is on LPC1768
+    IAP iap;
+#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+    DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+    InterruptIn ch1(PC_2);
+//    PulseWidthCounter ch[6] = { PA_0,PA_1,PA_4,PB_0,PC_1,PC_0 };
+    PulseWidthCounter ch[6] = { A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5 };
+    PwmOut pwm[6] = { D8,D9,D10,D11,D12,D14 };
+//    PwmOut pwm[6] = { D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7 };
+//    SoftPWM pwm[6] = { PB_3,PB_4,PB_10,PC_6,PB_6,PA_7 };
+    SoftPWM buzz(PB_13);
+//    I2cPeripherals i2c(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL); //sda scl
+    I2cPeripherals i2c(D5,D7); //sda scl
+    SerialLcd lcd(PA_11,PA_12);
+    #define MEM_SIZE        256
+    #define EXTERNAL_EEPROM                 //24AAXX/24LCXX/24FCXX EEPROM
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC11U24) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U35_401) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U35_501)
+    DigitalInOut pwmpin[] = { P0_14,P0_2,P0_23,P0_17 };
+    DigitalOut led1(P0_21);
+//    DigitalOut led2(P0_21);
+    InterruptIn ch1(P0_9);
+    PulseWidthCounter ch[5] = { P0_8,P0_10,P0_7,P0_22,P1_15 };
+//    SoftPWM pwm[4] = { P0_14,P0_2,P0_23,P0_17 };
+    PulseOut pwm[6] = { P0_14,P0_2,P0_23,P0_17,p0_20,p015 };
+    Ticker Tpwm;
+    #define SOFTPWM
+    SoftPWM buzz(P1_19);
+    I2cPeripherals i2c(P0_5,P0_4); //sda scl
+    SerialLcd lcd(P0_19,P0_18);
+    #define MEM_SIZE        256
+    #define TARGET_EEPROM_ADDRESS   64
+//    #define EXTERNAL_EEPROM
+    #define INTERNAL_EEPROM
+    IAP iap;
+#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1114)   // LPC1114
+    DigitalInOut pwmpin[] = { dp1,dp2,dp18,dp24 };
+    DigitalOut led1(dp28);
+    InterruptIn ch1(dp4);
+    PulseWidthCounter ch[5] = { dp9,dp10,dp11,dp13,dp26 };
+//    SoftPWM pwm[4] = { dp1,dp2,dp18,dp24 };
+    PulseOut pwm[6] = { dp1,dp2,dp18,dp24,dp17,dp6 };
+    Ticker Tpwm;
+    #define SOFTPWM
+    SoftPWM buzz(dp25);
+    I2cPeripherals i2c(dp5,dp27); //sda scl
+    SerialLcd lcd(dp16,dp15);
+    #define MEM_SIZE        256
+    #define EXTERNAL_EEPROM
-#ifdef TARGET_LPC1114   // LPC1114
-//    PulseOut pwm[4] = { dp1,dp2,dp18,dp24 );
-    #define LED1 dp28
-    #define p5 dp4
-    #define p6 dp9
-    #define p7 dp10
-    #define p8 dp11
-    #define p9 dp13
-    #define p10 dp26
-    #define p13 dp16
-    #define p21 dp1
-    #define p22 dp2
-    #define p23 dp18
-    #define p24 dp24
-    #define p26 dp25
-    #define p27 dp27
-    #define p28 dp5
-#else                   //LPC1768
-    #ifdef LPCXpresso
-        #define LED1 P0_22
-    #endif
-DigitalInOut pwmpin[] = { p21,p22,p23,p24 };
-DigitalOut led1(LED1);
-DigitalOut led2(LED2);
-InterruptIn ch1(p5);
-PulseWidthCounter ch[5] = { p6,p7,p8,p9,p10 };
-#if defined(SOFT_PWM) || defined(TARGET_LPC1114)
-SoftPWM pwm[4] = { p21,p22,p23,p24 };
-PwmOut pwm[4] = { p21,p22,p23,p24 };
-SoftPWM buzz(p26);
 Timer CurTime;
 //Timer ElapTime;
 Timer CycleTime;
 Timer FlyghtTime;
-//Ticker tick;
-//Ticker tick100ms;
-//Ticker mixTime;
-I2cPeripherals i2c(p28,p27); //sda scl
-SerialLcd lcd(p13);
 config conf;
-PID pid[3];
-#ifdef TARGET_LPC1114
-//LPC1114 Flash Memory read/write
-    #define MEM_SIZE        256
-    #define TARGET_SECTOR   7     //  use sector 29 as target sector if it is on LPC1768
-//LPC1768 Flash Memory read/write
-    #define MEM_SIZE        256
-    #define TARGET_SECTOR   29     //  use sector 29 as target sector if it is on LPC1768
-#ifndef LocalFileOut
-IAP iap;
+//PID pid[4];
+Limiter gyroLimit[3] = {300,300,300};
+Limiter accLimit[3] = {0.5,0.5,0.5};
+Limiter pwmLimit[4] = {50,50,50,50};
+//PID height;
 float TotalTime = 0;;
 int channel = 0;
-//int intrupt_cnt = 0;
-//int intrupt_cnt2 = 0;
-int volatile CH[5];
+int Signal[9] = { _THR,_AIL,_ELE,_RUD,_GYRO,_AUX1,_AUX2,_AUX3,_AUX4 };
+volatile int CH[9];
 volatile int M[6];
 volatile float Gyro[3];
-volatile float Accel[3];
-volatile float Accel_Save[3];
+volatile float Accel[3]= {0,0,0};
+volatile float Accel_Angle[3];
+volatile float Accel_Save[3]= {0,0,0};
 volatile float Angle[3];
 volatile float Gyro_Ref[3];
 volatile float Gyro_Save[3];
-volatile int Stick[5];
-volatile int Stick_Save[3];
+volatile int Stick[6];
+volatile int Stick_Save[6];
+int PWM_Init[5][6] = {  1080,1080,1080,1080,1080,1080,      //Quad_X
+                        1500,1500,1500,1500,1080,1080,      //Quad_H
+                        1080,1500,1500,1500,1500,1080,      //Delta
+                        1080,1500,1500,1500,1080,1500,      //Delta_TW
+                        1080,1500,1500,1500,1500,1080      //AirPlane
+                        };
 //int Stick_Max[3];
 float Press;
+float Base_Press;
 char InPulseMode;               //Receiver Signal Type    's':Serial, 'P':Parallel
 //volatile bool tick_flag;
 //volatile bool buzz_flag;
-float interval;
+volatile float interval;
 float pid_interval;
-int pid_reg[3];
+//int pid_reg[4];
 int loop_cnt;
+float target_height;
+float cuurent_height;
+float base_throttol;
+int throttol;
+bool hov_control;
+float Rdata;
 void initialize();
 void FlashLED(int );
@@ -128,18 +162,19 @@
 void LCD_printf(char *);
 void LCD_cls();
 void LCD_locate(int,int);
-void tick_interrupt()
+void Servo_Reverse(int,int);
+#ifdef SOFTPWM
+void Tpwm_interrupt()
-    tick_flag = true;    
+    for ( int i=0; i<4; i++ ) pwm[i].start();    
-void PulseCheck()
+void PulseCheck()               //cppm信号のチェック
-void PulseAnalysis()            //Interrupt Pin5
+void PulseAnalysis()            //cppm信号の解析
     int PulseWidth =  CurTime.read_us();
@@ -147,25 +182,9 @@
     if ( PulseWidth > 3000 ) channel = 0;      //reset pulse count
     else {
-        if ( PulseWidth > Pulse_Min && PulseWidth < Pulse_Max ) {
-            switch( channel ) {
-                case IR_THR:
-                    THR = PulseWidth;
-                    break;
-                case IR_AIL:
-                    AIL = PulseWidth;
-                    break;
-                case IR_ELE:
-                    ELE = PulseWidth;
-                    break;
-                case IR_RUD:
-                    RUD = PulseWidth;
-                    break;
-                case IR_AUX:
-                    AUX = PulseWidth;
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
+        if ( PulseWidth > Pulse_Min && PulseWidth < Pulse_Max && channel < 10 ) {
+            CH[Signal[channel-1]] = PulseWidth;
+      }
@@ -180,8 +199,8 @@
     while (  Stick[COL] > Thro_Zero || conf.StartMode == 'C' )          //Shrottol Low
-        if ( Stick[COL] > 890 && -Stick[YAW] < Stick_Limit )              // Shrottle High
-            ESC_SetUp();
+//        if ( Stick[COL] > 890 && -Stick[YAW] < Stick_Limit )              // Shrottle High
+//            ESC_SetUp();
         if ( Stick[COL] > 890 || conf.StartMode == 'C' )              // Shrottle High
             loop_cnt = 0;
@@ -206,7 +225,10 @@
                     if ( Stick[PIT] < -Stick_Limit )    {       //Elevetor Down
                         loop_cnt = 0;
-                        for ( i=0;i<4;i++ ) pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(Pulse_Min);
+                        for ( int x=0; x<6; x++ ) {
+                            pwm[x].pulsewidth_us(PWM_Init[conf.Model_Type][x]);
+                        }
@@ -227,9 +249,10 @@
 void  initialize()
+    i2c.start(conf.LCD_Contrast);
+    for ( int i=0;i<6;i++ ) pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(0);
     ReadConfig();               //config.inf file read
-    i2c.start(conf.LCD_Contrast);
     channel = 0;
     ch1.rise(&PulseCheck);      //input pulse count
@@ -240,7 +263,10 @@
     else InPulseMode = 'P';
     led1 = 0;
-    for ( int i=0;i<4;i++ ) pwm[i].period_us(conf.PWM_Interval);
+#ifdef SOFTPWM
+    Tpwm.attach_us(&Tpwm_interrupt,conf.PWM_Interval);
+    Base_Press = (float)i2c.pressure() / 4096;
@@ -282,15 +308,40 @@
     char *send;
     char *recv;
-    int i,rc;
+    int i;
     config *conf_ptr;
-    if ( sizeof(config) > 255 ) {
+    if ( sizeof(config) > MEM_SIZE ) {
         LCD_printf("config size over");
-    rc = iap.blank_check( TARGET_SECTOR, TARGET_SECTOR );
+//#if defined(TARGET_LPC11U24) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U35_401) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U35_501)
+#if defined(INTERNAL_EEPROM) || defined(EXTERNAL_EEPROM)
+    char buf[MEM_SIZE];
+    #if defined(INTERNAL_EEPROM)
+    iap.read_eeprom( (char*)TARGET_EEPROM_ADDRESS, buf, MEM_SIZE );
+    #else
+    //External Flash Memory Wreite
+    short pos = 0;
+    if ( i2c.read_EEPROM(pos,buf,MEM_SIZE) != 0 )   {
+        while(1)   {
+            FlashLED(3);
+            wait(0.5);
+        }
+    }
+    #endif
+    send = buf;
+    recv = (char*)&conf;
+    conf_ptr = (config*)buf;
+    if ( conf_ptr->Revision == conf.Revision && conf_ptr->Struct_Size == sizeof(config) ) {
+        for ( i=0;i<sizeof(config);i++ ) recv[i] = send[i];
+        return;
+    }
+    int rc = iap.blank_check( TARGET_SECTOR, TARGET_SECTOR );
     if ( rc == SECTOR_NOT_BLANK ) {
         send = sector_start_adress[TARGET_SECTOR];
         recv = (char*)&conf;
@@ -300,6 +351,7 @@
@@ -315,25 +367,27 @@
     char mem[MEM_SIZE];
     char *send;
     int i;
-    if ( sizeof(config) > 255 ) {
+    if ( sizeof(config) > MEM_SIZE ) {
         LCD_printf("config size over");
-//pc.printf("iap start\n\r");
     send = (char*)&conf;
     for ( i=0;i<sizeof(config);i++ ) mem[i] = send[i];
     for ( i=sizeof(config);i<MEM_SIZE;i++ ) mem[i] = 0x00;
-//pc.printf("prepare start\n\r");
-    int rc = iap.prepare( TARGET_SECTOR, TARGET_SECTOR );
-    rc = iap.erase( TARGET_SECTOR, TARGET_SECTOR );
-    rc = iap.prepare( TARGET_SECTOR, TARGET_SECTOR );
-    rc = iap.write( mem, sector_start_adress[ TARGET_SECTOR ], MEM_SIZE );
+//#if defined(TARGET_LPC11U24) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U35_401) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U35_501)
+#if defined(INTERNAL_EEPROM)
+    iap.write_eeprom( mem, (char*)TARGET_EEPROM_ADDRESS, MEM_SIZE );
+#elif defined(EXTERNAL_EEPROM)
+//External Flash Memory Wreite
+    short pos = 0;
+    i2c.write_EEPROM( pos,mem,MEM_SIZE) ;
+    iap.prepare( TARGET_SECTOR, TARGET_SECTOR );
+    iap.prepare( TARGET_SECTOR, TARGET_SECTOR );
+    iap.write( mem, sector_start_adress[ TARGET_SECTOR ], MEM_SIZE );
@@ -345,12 +399,14 @@
 //    Stick_Save[ROL] = Stick[ROL];
 //    Stick_Save[PIT] = Stick[PIT];
 //    Stick_Save[YAW] = Stick[YAW];
+//    Stick_Save[COL] = Stick[COL];
     Stick[ROL] = AIL - conf.Stick_Ref[ROL];
     Stick[PIT] = ELE - conf.Stick_Ref[PIT];
     Stick[YAW] = RUD - conf.Stick_Ref[YAW];
     Stick[COL] = THR - conf.Stick_Ref[COL];
     Stick[GAIN] = ( AUX - conf.Stick_Ref[GAIN] ) / 4;
+    Stick[AUX2] = AX2 - conf.Stick_Ref[COL];
 void Get_Gyro(float interval)
@@ -364,49 +420,37 @@
     if ( conf.Gyro_Dir[3] ==1 ) err=i2c.angular(&x,&y,&z);
     else err=i2c.angular(&y,&x,&z);
     if ( err == false ) return;
-    Gyro[ROL] = x - Gyro_Ref[0] ;
-    Gyro[PIT] = y - Gyro_Ref[1] ;
-    Gyro[YAW] = z - Gyro_Ref[2] ;
-    x -= Gyro_Ref[0];
-    y -= Gyro_Ref[1];
-    z -= Gyro_Ref[2];
-    float i = 3.14 * 2 * 10 * interval;     LPF 10Hz
-    Gyro[ROL] += -Gyro[ROL] * i + x * i;
-    Gyro[PIT] += -Gyro[PIT] * i + y * i;
-    Gyro[YAW] += -Gyro[YAW] * i + z * i;
-    if ( fabs(Gyro[ROL]) > 300.0 ) Gyro[ROL] = Gyro_Save[ROL];
-    if ( fabs(Gyro[PIT]) > 300.0 ) Gyro[PIT] = Gyro_Save[PIT];
-    if ( fabs(Gyro[YAW]) > 300.0 ) Gyro[YAW] = Gyro_Save[YAW];       
+    Gyro[ROL] = gyroLimit[0].calc(x) - Gyro_Ref[0] ;
+    Gyro[PIT] = gyroLimit[1].calc(y) - Gyro_Ref[1] ;
+    Gyro[YAW] = gyroLimit[2].calc(z) - Gyro_Ref[2] ;
 bool Get_Accel(float interval)
     float x,y,z;
     bool err;   
-    Accel_Save[ROL] = Accel[ROL];
-    Accel_Save[PIT] = Accel[PIT];
-    Accel_Save[YAW] = Accel[YAW];    
+//    Accel_Save[ROL] = Accel_Angle[ROL];
+//    Accel_Save[PIT] = Accel_Angle[PIT];
+//    Accel_Save[YAW] = Accel_Angle[YAW];    
     if ( conf.Gyro_Dir[3] ==1 ) err=i2c.Acceleration(&x,&y,&z);
     else err=i2c.Acceleration(&y,&x,&z);
     if ( err == false ) return false;
-//    Accel[ROL] = x - conf.Accel_Ref[0];
-//    Accel[PIT] = y - conf.Accel_Ref[1];
-//    Accel[YAW] = z - conf.Accel_Ref[2];
     x -= conf.Accel_Ref[0];
     y -= conf.Accel_Ref[1];
     z -= conf.Accel_Ref[2];
-//    float i = 3.14 * 2 * 10 * interval;       //LPF 10Hz
-//    Accel[ROL] += -Accel[ROL] * i + x * i;
-//    Accel[PIT] += -Accel[PIT] * i + y * i;
-//    Accel[YAW] += -Accel[YAW] * i + z * i;
-    Accel[ROL] = atan(x/sqrt( pow(y,2)+pow(z,2)))*180/3.14;
-    Accel[PIT] = atan(y/sqrt( pow(x,2)+pow(z,2)))*180/3.14;
-//    Accel[YAW] = atan(sqrt( pow(x,2)+pow(y,2))/z)*180/3.14;      
-    return true;  
+    Accel[ROL] = accLimit[0].calc(x);
+    Accel[PIT] = accLimit[1].calc(y);
+    Accel[YAW] = accLimit[2].calc(z);
+    Accel[ROL] = atan(x/sqrtf( powf(y,2)+powf(z,2)))*180/3.14f;
+    Accel[PIT] = atan(y/sqrtf( powf(x,2)+powf(z,2)))*180/3.14f;
+    Accel[YAW] = atan(sqrtf( powf(x,2)+powf(y,2))/z)*180/3.14f;      
+   return true;  
 void Get_Angle(float interval)
@@ -415,9 +459,9 @@
-    x = ( (Gyro[ROL] + Gyro_Save[ROL]) ) * 0.5;
-    y = ( (Gyro[PIT] + Gyro_Save[PIT]) ) * 0.5;
-    z = ( (Gyro[YAW] + Gyro_Save[YAW]) ) * 0.5;
+    x = ( Gyro[ROL] + Gyro_Save[ROL] ) * 0.5f;
+    y = ( Gyro[PIT] + Gyro_Save[PIT] ) * 0.5f;
+    z = ( Gyro[YAW] + Gyro_Save[YAW] ) * 0.5f;
     if ( Get_Accel(interval) == true )  {
         float i =  3.14 * 2 * conf.Cutoff_Freq * interval;
         Angle[ROL] += -Angle[ROL] * i + Accel[ROL] * i + x * interval;
@@ -428,12 +472,15 @@
         Angle[PIT] += y * interval;
     Angle[YAW] += z * interval;
 void Get_Pressure()
-    Press = i2c.pressure();
+    float P = (float)i2c.pressure()/4096;
+//    Press = 153.8 * ( T + 273.2 ) * ( 1.0 - ( P / Base_Press ) ^ 0.1902f );
+    Press = 8.43f * ( P - Base_Press );
 void CalibrateGyros(void)
@@ -471,109 +518,167 @@
     conf.Accel_Ref[0] = k[0]/16;       
     conf.Accel_Ref[1] = k[1]/16;
     conf.Accel_Ref[2] = k[2]/16-1;  
+//    conf.Accel_Ref[2] = k[2]/16;  
 //    FlashLED(3);
 void PWM_Out(bool mode)
-   int reg[3];
+    int reg[3];
     int i;
     float gain;
+//    float cur_height;
     interval = CycleTime.read();
-    if ( interval > 0.2 ) return;
+    if ( interval > 0.2f ) return;
     TotalTime += interval;
-    if ( TotalTime > 0.5 )    {
+    if ( TotalTime > 0.5f )    {
         led1 = !led1; 
-        if ( ( !buzz ) && ( (float)conf.Flight_Time < FlyghtTime.read() ) ) buzz=0.5f;
+        if ( ( !buzz ) && ( (float)conf.Flight_Time < FlyghtTime.read() ) ) buzz=0.5;
         else buzz=0.0;
         TotalTime = 0;
     pid_interval += interval;
-    if ( pid_interval < conf.PID_Interval && Stick[GAIN] < 0 ) return; 
+    if ( (pid_interval < (float)conf.PWM_Interval/1000000) && (Stick[GAIN] < 0) ) return;
+    pid_interval = 0;
-    M1 = M2 = M3 = M4 = Stick[COL];
+    switch ( conf.Model_Type )   {
+        case Quad_X:
+            M1 = M2 = M3 = M4 = Stick[COL];
+            break;
+        case Quad_H:
+            M1 = M2 = M3 = M4 = Stick[AUX2];
+            M5 = Stick[COL];
+            break;
+        case Delta:
+        case Delta_TW:
+        case AirPlane:
+            M1 = Stick[COL];
+            M2 = conf.Stick_Ref[ROL] - conf.Stick_Ref[COL];
+            M3 = conf.Stick_Ref[PIT] - conf.Stick_Ref[COL];
+            M4 = conf.Stick_Ref[YAW] - conf.Stick_Ref[COL];
+            if ( conf.Model_Type == AirPlane )
+                M5 = conf.Stick_Ref[ROL] - conf.Stick_Ref[COL];
+            else M5 = Stick[COL];
+            break;
+    }
     for ( i=0;i<3;i++ ) {
 //      Stick Angle Mixing
         if ( conf.Gyro_Gain_Setting == 1 ) gain = conf.Gyro_Gain[i] * conf.Gyro_Dir[i];
         else gain = ( (float)abs(Stick[GAIN])/100 + conf.Gyro_Gain[i+3] ) * conf.Gyro_Dir[i];
+        if ( fabsf(Stick[i]) > 0 ) gain -= gain * ( fabsf(Stick[i]) / 500 ) * conf.Active_Jyro_Gain; 
         if ( Stick[GAIN] > 0 
-            || i == YAW 
+            || i == YAW
+            || conf.Model_Type > 0
             )  {
             reg[i] = Stick[i] * conf.Stick_Mix[i];
             reg[i] += Gyro[i] * gain * GYRO_ADJUST;
         else   {
-//            reg[i] = Stick[i] * conf.Stick_Mix[i];
-//            reg[i] += pid[i].calc(Angle[i],0,pid_interval) * conf.Gyro_Dir[i];
-            float x = -(float)Stick[i]*45/400;
-            reg[i] = pid[i].calc(Angle[i],x*conf.Gyro_Dir[i],pid_interval) * conf.Gyro_Dir[i];
-            if ( (i == YAW) || (i2c.GetAddr(ACCEL_ADDR)==0) )   {
-                if ( ( fabsf(Angle[i]) < fabsf(x) ) && ( fabsf(Angle[i]) > fabsf(x*0.7) ) ) { Angle[i] = 0; pid[i].reset(); }
-                if ( abs(Stick_Save[i]) <= abs(Stick[i]) )   {
-                    Stick_Save[i] = Stick[i];
-                }
-                else    {
-                    if ( (abs(Stick_Save[i]) - abs(Stick[i])) > 10 ) {
-                        Stick_Save[i] = 0;
-                        pid[i].reset();
-                        Angle[i] = 0;
-                    }
-                }
-            } 
-//            else    {
-//                if ( fabsf(Accel[i]) < 0.001 )  {
-//                    pid[i].reset();
-//                    Angle[i] = 0;
-//                }
-//            }
+            reg[i] = ( Angle[i]*conf.Gyro_Dir[i]*400/50 + (float)Stick[i] ) * conf.Stick_Mix[i];
+            reg[i] += Gyro[i] * gain * GYRO_ADJUST;
-        pid_reg[i] = reg[i];
+//        pid_reg[i] = reg[i];
     pid_interval = 0;
-    //Calculate Roll Pulse Width
-    M1 += reg[ROL];
-    M2 -= reg[ROL];
-    M3 -= reg[ROL];
-    M4 += reg[ROL];
+    switch ( conf.Model_Type )  {
+    case Quad_X:
+    case Quad_H:
+       //Calculate Roll Pulse Width
+        M1 += reg[ROL];
+        M2 -= reg[ROL];
+        M3 -= reg[ROL];
+        M4 += reg[ROL];
-    //Calculate Pitch Pulse Width
-    M1 += reg[PIT];
-    M2 += reg[PIT];
-    M3 -= reg[PIT];
-    M4 -= reg[PIT];
+        //Calculate Pitch Pulse Width
+        M1 += reg[PIT];
+        M2 += reg[PIT];
+        M3 -= reg[PIT];
+        M4 -= reg[PIT];
-    //Calculate Yaw Pulse Width
-    M1 -= reg[YAW];
-    M2 += reg[YAW];
-    M3 -= reg[YAW];
-    M4 += reg[YAW];
-    for ( i=0;i<4;i++ )
-    {
-//        if ( Stick[COL] > 150 && M[i] < 150 )   M[i] = 150; 
-        if ( M[i] > Thro_Hi )   M[i] = Thro_Hi; 
-        if ( M[i] < Thro_Lo )   M[i] = Thro_Lo;     // motor idle level
+        //Calculate Yaw Pulse Width
+        M1 -= reg[YAW];
+        M2 += reg[YAW];
+        M3 -= reg[YAW];
+        M4 += reg[YAW];
+        break;
+    case Delta:
+    case Delta_TW:    
+        //Calculate Roll Pulse Width
+        M2 += reg[ROL];
+        M3 -= reg[ROL];
+        //Calculate Pitch Pulse Width
+        M2 += reg[PIT];
+        M3 += reg[PIT];
+        //Calculate Yaw Pulse Width
+        M4 -= reg[YAW];
+        //Calculate Yaw Pulse Width
+        if ( conf.Model_Type == Delta_TW ) {
+            M1 += reg[YAW];
+            M5 -= reg[YAW];
+        }
+        break;
+    case AirPlane:
+    //Calculate Roll Pulse Width
+        M2 -= reg[ROL];
+        M5 -= reg[ROL];
+    //Calculate Pitch Pulse Width
+        M3 += reg[PIT];
+        //Calculate Yaw Pulse Width
+        M4 -= reg[YAW];
+        break;
+    }
+    if ( conf.Model_Type != AirPlane )  {
+       for ( i=0;i<4;i++ )
+        {
+            if ( M[i] > Thro_Hi )   M[i] = Thro_Hi; 
+            if ( M[i] < Thro_Lo )   M[i] = Thro_Lo;     // motor idle level
+        }
-    if (Stick[COL] < Thro_Zero ) M1=M2=M3=M4=0;
+    switch ( conf.Model_Type )   {
+    case Quad_X:
+        if ( Stick[COL] < Thro_Zero ) M1=M2=M3=M4=0;
+        break;
+    case Quad_H:
+        if ( Stick[COL] < Thro_Zero ) M5=0;
+        Servo_Reverse(1,4);
+        break;
+    case Delta:
+    case Delta_TW:
+        if ( Stick[COL] < Thro_Zero ) M1=M5=0;
+        Servo_Reverse(2,4);
+        break;
+    case AirPlane:
+        Servo_Reverse(2,5);
+        break;
+    }
     if ( mode ) {
-        for ( i=0;i<4;i++ ) {
-           while ( !pwmpin[i] );
-           if ( conf.PWM_Mode == 1 )
+        for ( i=0;i<6;i++ ) {
+//           while ( !pwmpin[i] );
+            if ( conf.PWM_Mode == 1 )
-           else pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(M[i]);
+            else pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(M[i]);
+void Servo_Reverse(int start,int end)   {
+    for ( int i=start-1; i<end; i++ ) {
+        if ( conf.Servo_Dir[i] == -1 ) 
+            M[i] = 1500 + ( ( conf.Stick_Ref[COL] + M[i] - 1500 ) * conf.Servo_Dir[i] ) - conf.Stick_Ref[COL];
+    }
 void ESC_SetUp(void)    {
     while(1)    {
@@ -585,16 +690,23 @@
 void Flight_SetUp(void)
     int i;
-    for ( i=0;i<4;i++ ) pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(0);
-    for ( i=0;i<4;i++ ) pwm[i].period_us(conf.PWM_Interval);
-    for ( i=0;i<4;i++ ) pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(Pulse_Min);
-    for ( i=0;i<4;i++ ) pid[i].init(conf.kp[i],conf.ki[i],conf.kd[i]
-                                            ,conf.PID_Limit,conf.Differential_Limit);
+#ifdef SOFTPWM
+    Tpwm.detach();
+    Tpwm.attach_us(&Tpwm_interrupt,conf.PWM_Interval);
+    for ( i=0;i<6;i++ ) pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(0);
+    for ( i=0;i<6;i++ ) pwm[i].period_us(conf.PWM_Interval);
+    for ( i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
+        pwm[i].pulsewidth_us(PWM_Init[conf.Model_Type][i]);
+    }
+    hov_control = false;
     loop_cnt = 0;
     pid_interval = 0;
+    Stick_Save[COL] = Stick[COL];
@@ -625,3 +737,9 @@