SSD1306 Example I2C communication without library

Dependencies:   mbed

thanks to this forum

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 22 21:33:27 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define DISPLAY_RESET   D0
+#define SSD1306_LCDWIDTH      128 
+#define SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT      64 
+#define SSD1306_SETCONTRAST   0x81 
+#define SSD1306_DISPLAYALLON 0xA5 
+#define SSD1306_NORMALDISPLAY 0xA6 
+#define SSD1306_INVERTDISPLAY 0xA7 
+#define SSD1306_DISPLAYOFF 0xAE 
+#define SSD1306_DISPLAYON 0xAF 
+#define SSD1306_SETCOMPINS 0xDA 
+#define SSD1306_SETVCOMDETECT 0xDB 
+#define SSD1306_SETPRECHARGE 0xD9 
+#define SSD1306_SETMULTIPLEX 0xA8 
+#define SSD1306_SETLOWCOLUMN 0x00 
+#define SSD1306_SETHIGHCOLUMN 0x10 
+#define SSD1306_SETSTARTLINE 0x40 
+#define SSD1306_MEMORYMODE 0x20 
+#define SSD1306_COLUMNADDR 0x21 
+#define SSD1306_PAGEADDR   0x22 
+#define SSD1306_COMSCANINC 0xC0 
+#define SSD1306_COMSCANDEC 0xC8 
+#define SSD1306_SEGREMAP 0xA0 
+#define SSD1306_CHARGEPUMP 0x8D 
+#define SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC 0x1 
+#define SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC 0x2
+ I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+char _i2c_address; 
+char display_buffer[1024];
+void ssd1306_command(char c){
+    char control = 0x00;
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(_i2c_address);
+    i2c.write(control);
+    i2c.write(c);
+    i2c.stop();   
+void ssd1306_data(char c){
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(_i2c_address);
+    i2c.write(0x40);
+    i2c.write(c);
+    i2c.stop();
+void setColAddress() 
+  ssd1306_command(SSD1306_COLUMNADDR); // 0x21 COMMAND 
+  ssd1306_command(0); // Column start address 
+  ssd1306_command(SSD1306_LCDWIDTH-1); // Column end address 
+void setPageAddress() 
+  ssd1306_command(SSD1306_PAGEADDR); // 0x22 COMMAND 
+  ssd1306_command(0); // Start Page address 
+  ssd1306_command((SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT/8)-1);// End Page address 
+void TransferBuffer() 
+  int j=0; 
+      // set the Column and Page addresses to 0,0 
+      setColAddress(); 
+      setPageAddress(); 
+      i2c.start(); 
+      i2c.write(_i2c_address); 
+      i2c.write(0X40); // data not command 
+      for(j=0;j<1024;j++) 
+      { 
+        i2c.write(display_buffer[j]); 
+      } 
+      i2c.stop(); 
+void InitializeDisplay()
+    DigitalOut(DISPLAY_RESET,1);
+    // VDD (3.3V) goes high at start, lets just chill for a ms
+    wait_ms(1);
+    // bring reset low
+    DigitalOut(DISPLAY_RESET,0);
+    // wait 10ms
+    wait_ms(10);
+    // bring out of reset
+    DigitalOut(DISPLAY_RESET,1);
+    // turn on VCC (9V?)
+// Init sequence for 128x64 OLED module 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_DISPLAYOFF);                    // 0xAE 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV);            // 0xD5 
+    ssd1306_command(0x80);                 // the suggested ratio 0x80 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETMULTIPLEX);                  // 0xA8 
+    ssd1306_command(0x3F); 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETDISPLAYOFFSET);              // 0xD3 
+    ssd1306_command(0x0);                                   // no offset 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETSTARTLINE);// | 0x0);        // line #0 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_CHARGEPUMP);                    // 0x8D 
+    ssd1306_command(0x14);  // using internal VCC 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_MEMORYMODE);                    // 0x20 
+    ssd1306_command(0x00);          // 0x00 horizontal addressing 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SEGREMAP | 0x1); // rotate screen 180 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_COMSCANDEC); // rotate screen 180 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCOMPINS);                    // 0xDA 
+    ssd1306_command(0x12); 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCONTRAST);                   // 0x81 
+    ssd1306_command(0xCF); 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETPRECHARGE);                  // 0xd9 
+    ssd1306_command(0xF1); 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETVCOMDETECT);                 // 0xDB 
+    ssd1306_command(0x40); 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_DISPLAYALLON_RESUME);           // 0xA4 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_NORMALDISPLAY);                 // 0xA6 
+    ssd1306_command(SSD1306_DISPLAYON);                     //switch on OLED
+int main() {
+    // fill buffer with something for test 
+    memset( display_buffer, 0X02, 1024); // tried other values
+    _i2c_address = 0x78;
+    InitializeDisplay();
+    TransferBuffer(); // try sending buffer 
+    while(1) 
+   { 
+     wait_ms(1000); // keyboard code here 
+     if(DigitalIn(LED1) == 0){DigitalOut(LED1,1);}
+     else{DigitalOut(LED1,0);}
+   } 