Lab3 - Pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors displayed on a webpage.

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf NTPClient_NetServices GPS mbed HTTPServer SDFileSystem



File content as of revision 0:dfd0841721d5:

#include "mbed.h"

//#define SD_FS

#include "EthernetNetIf.h"
#include "HTTPServer.h"
#include "HTTPClient.h"
#ifdef SD_FS
#include "SDFileSystem.h"
#include "GPS.h"
#include "NTPClient.h"

#include "SCP1000.h"
#include "PachubeClient.h"
#include "main.h"

 *   I/O   *
DigitalOut listenStatus(LED1);          // Blink when HTTP server is listening
DigitalOut ipStatus(LED2);              // Set when IP address acquired
DigitalOut pollStatus(LED3);            // Reserved
DigitalOut errorStatus(LED4);           // Blink when error condition occurs; read other LEDs for code.

AnalogIn humiditySensor(p17);           // 
//AnalogIn tempSensor(p16);               // Temp sensor.

SCP1000 scp1000(p5,p6,p7,p8);           // Temp & pressure.

GPS gps(p9, p10);

#ifdef SD_FS
SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "fs");  // the pinout on the mbed Cool Components workshop board
LocalFileSystem local("fs");

NTPClient ntp;
PachubeClient pachube("633b3cb4e8ee8ba4a4f6c4f65df283360e0ed3d2ca572c249e532632eb5e19cd");

void postFeed(float pressure, float humidity, float temperature) {  
    char data[256] = {0};

    // feed has two datastreams in this example, values are comma separated
    sprintf("%5.3f,%5.3f,%5.3f", data, temperature, pressure, humidity);

    pachube.PutCsv("10587", data);

    if (pachube.Result() != HTTP_OK || pachube.Response() != 200) {
    } else {
        errorStatus = !errorStatus;

 * Blink the error LED and place the error code on the other LEDs.
 * WARNING: Never returns!
void ledError(ErrorCode code) {
    listenStatus = code & 1;
    ipStatus = (code >> 1) & 1;
    pollStatus = (code >> 2) & 1;

    while (true) {
        errorStatus = !errorStatus;

 * Read sensor data and write it to file.
void pollSensors() {
    int locked = 0;
    float temp = 0;
    //float tempB = 0;
    float lat = 0;
    float lng = 0;
    float pressure = 0;
    float humidity = 0;
    char * timeStr;
    time_t ctTime;
    pollStatus = !pollStatus;
    FILE* fp = fopen("/fs/sensors.htm", "w");
    if (fp == NULL) {

    // Temp
    // (SensorValue/4) - 50
    //temp = tempSensor * 160 - 50; // Analog to deg C
    //temp = 1.8 * temp + 32; // deg C to F.
    temp = scp1000.readTemperature();
    temp = 1.8 * temp + 32; // deg C to F
    // Pressure
    unsigned long ulPressure = scp1000.readPressure();
    pressure = ((float) ulPressure) / 1000.0; // Pa to kPa
    // Humidity
    // RH (%) = (SensorValue x 0.1906) - 40.2
    // This might be wrong.
    humidity = (1000 * humiditySensor * 0.1906) - 40.2;
    ctTime = time(NULL);
    ctTime -= 60 * 60 * 4; // Account for timezone offset.
    timeStr = ctime(&ctTime);
    int i = 0;
    while (timeStr[i] != '\0') {
        if (timeStr[i] == '\n') {
            timeStr[i] = ' ';

    // True if GPS is locked.
    //if (gps.sample()) {
        //locked = 1;
        //lat = gps.latitude;
        //lng = gps.longitude;
    fprintf(fp, "{\n\t\"gpsLocked\": %d,\n", locked);
    fprintf(fp, "\t\"latitude\": %f,\n", lat);
    fprintf(fp, "\t\"longitude\": %f,\n", lng);
    fprintf(fp, "\t\"temperature\": %4.2f,\n", temp);
    fprintf(fp, "\t\"pressure\": %5.2f,\n", pressure);
    fprintf(fp, "\t\"time\": \"%s ET\",\n", timeStr);
    fprintf(fp, "\t\"humidity\": %5.2f\n}", humidity);
    //postFeed(pressure, humidity, temp);

 * Flip listening status LED.
void flipLed() {
    listenStatus = !listenStatus;

 * Entry point
int main() {
    EthernetNetIf eth;
    HTTPServer server;
    ipStatus = 0;
    listenStatus = 0;
    pollStatus = 0;

    EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
    if(ethErr) {
    Host ntpServer(IpAddr(), 123, "");
    ipStatus = 1;
    // Web root directory
    FSHandler::mount("/fs", "/");
    // Bind the filesystem handler for all requests        
    server.addHandler<FSHandler>("/"); // "/" matches every URL
    server.bind(80); // listen port
    Ticker ledTicker;
    ledTicker.attach(&flipLed, BLINK_RATE);
    Ticker pollTicker;
    pollTicker.attach(&pollSensors, SENSOR_POLL_RATE);
    // Listen indefinitely
    return 0;