The program sends the current location over the cellular network.

Dependencies:   aconno_I2C ublox-at-cellular-interface gnss ublox-cellular-base Lis2dh12 ublox-cellular-base-n2xx ublox-at-cellular-interface-n2xx low-power-sleep

Fork of example-gnss by u-blox



File content as of revision 8:2bf886335fd0:

SAP project

In this version, the following is implemented:
In the main loop, gnss initializing process is going first. After it, cellular 
network and NB is initialized.
When a location is fixed and cellular network is initialized, the program is ready
to be alarmed. 
On user button press, program enters in alarm state and sends the current location
on server. This part had to be modified to send flags and old location if gnss
does not work for some reason. Also, UBloxSara class has to be improved with
safety features such as init failure and timeouts.
And fucking mbed-os version MUST be updated (this one is more than a year old).