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MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > Class Template Reference

MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > Class Template Reference
[Basic structures]

Comma-separated Matrix Initializer. More...

#include <mat.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 MatCommaInitializer_ (Mat_< _Tp > *_m)
 the constructor, created by "matrix << firstValue" operator, where matrix is cv::Mat
template<typename T2 >
MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp > & operator, (T2 v)
 the operator that takes the next value and put it to the matrix
 operator Mat_< _Tp > () const
 another form of conversion operator

Detailed Description

template<typename _Tp>
class cv::MatCommaInitializer_< _Tp >

Comma-separated Matrix Initializer.

The class instances are usually not created explicitly. Instead, they are created on "matrix << firstValue" operator.

The sample below initializes 2x2 rotation matrix:

 double angle = 30, a = cos(angle*CV_PI/180), b = sin(angle*CV_PI/180);
 Mat R = (Mat_<double>(2,2) << a, -b, b, a);

Definition at line 452 of file mat.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MatCommaInitializer_ ( Mat_< _Tp > *  _m )

the constructor, created by "matrix << firstValue" operator, where matrix is cv::Mat

Member Function Documentation

operator Mat_< _Tp > (  ) const

another form of conversion operator

MatCommaInitializer_<_Tp>& operator, ( T2  v )

the operator that takes the next value and put it to the matrix