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BOWImgDescriptorExtractor Class Reference

BOWImgDescriptorExtractor Class Reference
[Object Categorization]

Class to compute an image descriptor using the *bag of visual words*. More...

#include <features2d.hpp>

Public Member Functions

CV_WRAP BOWImgDescriptorExtractor (const Ptr< DescriptorExtractor > &dextractor, const Ptr< DescriptorMatcher > &dmatcher)
 The constructor.
 BOWImgDescriptorExtractor (const Ptr< DescriptorMatcher > &dmatcher)
CV_WRAP void setVocabulary (const Mat &vocabulary)
 Sets a visual vocabulary.
CV_WRAP const MatgetVocabulary () const
 Returns the set vocabulary.
void compute (InputArray image, std::vector< KeyPoint > &keypoints, OutputArray imgDescriptor, std::vector< std::vector< int > > *pointIdxsOfClusters=0, Mat *descriptors=0)
 Computes an image descriptor using the set visual vocabulary.
void compute (InputArray keypointDescriptors, OutputArray imgDescriptor, std::vector< std::vector< int > > *pointIdxsOfClusters=0)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
CV_WRAP int descriptorSize () const
 Returns an image descriptor size if the vocabulary is set.
CV_WRAP int descriptorType () const
 Returns an image descriptor type.

Detailed Description

Class to compute an image descriptor using the *bag of visual words*.

Such a computation consists of the following steps:

1. Compute descriptors for a given image and its keypoints set. 2. Find the nearest visual words from the vocabulary for each keypoint descriptor. 3. Compute the bag-of-words image descriptor as is a normalized histogram of vocabulary words encountered in the image. The i-th bin of the histogram is a frequency of i-th word of the vocabulary in the given image.

Definition at line 1252 of file features2d.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CV_WRAP BOWImgDescriptorExtractor ( const Ptr< DescriptorExtractor > &  dextractor,
const Ptr< DescriptorMatcher > &  dmatcher 

The constructor.

dextractorDescriptor extractor that is used to compute descriptors for an input image and its keypoints.
dmatcherDescriptor matcher that is used to find the nearest word of the trained vocabulary for each keypoint descriptor of the image.
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor ( const Ptr< DescriptorMatcher > &  dmatcher )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Member Function Documentation

void compute ( InputArray  image,
std::vector< KeyPoint > &  keypoints,
OutputArray  imgDescriptor,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > *  pointIdxsOfClusters = 0,
Mat descriptors = 0 

Computes an image descriptor using the set visual vocabulary.

imageImage, for which the descriptor is computed.
keypointsKeypoints detected in the input image.
imgDescriptorComputed output image descriptor.
pointIdxsOfClustersIndices of keypoints that belong to the cluster. This means that pointIdxsOfClusters[i] are keypoint indices that belong to the i -th cluster (word of vocabulary) returned if it is non-zero.
descriptorsDescriptors of the image keypoints that are returned if they are non-zero.
void compute ( InputArray  keypointDescriptors,
OutputArray  imgDescriptor,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > *  pointIdxsOfClusters = 0 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

keypointDescriptorsComputed descriptors to match with vocabulary.
imgDescriptorComputed output image descriptor.
pointIdxsOfClustersIndices of keypoints that belong to the cluster. This means that pointIdxsOfClusters[i] are keypoint indices that belong to the i -th cluster (word of vocabulary) returned if it is non-zero.
CV_WRAP int descriptorSize (  ) const

Returns an image descriptor size if the vocabulary is set.

Otherwise, it returns 0.

CV_WRAP int descriptorType (  ) const

Returns an image descriptor type.

CV_WRAP const Mat& getVocabulary (  ) const

Returns the set vocabulary.

CV_WRAP void setVocabulary ( const Mat vocabulary )

Sets a visual vocabulary.

vocabularyVocabulary (can be trained using the inheritor of BOWTrainer ). Each row of the vocabulary is a visual word (cluster center).