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AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > Class Template Reference

AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > Class Template Reference
[Utility and system functions and macros]

Automatically Allocated Buffer Class. More...

#include <utility.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 AutoBuffer ()
 the default constructor
 AutoBuffer (size_t _size)
 constructor taking the real buffer size
 AutoBuffer (const AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > &buf)
 the copy constructor
AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > & operator= (const AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > &buf)
 the assignment operator
 ~AutoBuffer ()
 destructor. calls deallocate()
void allocate (size_t _size)
 allocates the new buffer of size _size. if the _size is small enough, stack-allocated buffer is used
void deallocate ()
 deallocates the buffer if it was dynamically allocated
void resize (size_t _size)
 resizes the buffer and preserves the content
size_t size () const
 returns the current buffer size
 operator _Tp * ()
 returns pointer to the real buffer, stack-allocated or head-allocated
 operator const _Tp * () const
 returns read-only pointer to the real buffer, stack-allocated or head-allocated

Protected Attributes

_Tp * ptr
 pointer to the real buffer, can point to buf if the buffer is small enough
size_t sz
 size of the real buffer
_Tp buf [(fixed_size > 0)?fixed_size:1]
 pre-allocated buffer. At least 1 element to confirm C++ standard reqirements

Detailed Description

template<typename _Tp, size_t fixed_size = 1024/sizeof(_Tp)+8>
class cv::AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size >

Automatically Allocated Buffer Class.

The class is used for temporary buffers in functions and methods. If a temporary buffer is usually small (a few K's of memory), but its size depends on the parameters, it makes sense to create a small fixed-size array on stack and use it if it's large enough. If the required buffer size is larger than the fixed size, another buffer of sufficient size is allocated dynamically and released after the processing. Therefore, in typical cases, when the buffer size is small, there is no overhead associated with malloc()/free(). At the same time, there is no limit on the size of processed data.

This is what AutoBuffer does. The template takes 2 parameters - type of the buffer elements and the number of stack-allocated elements. Here is how the class is used:

 void my_func(const cv::Mat& m)
    cv::AutoBuffer<float> buf; // create automatic buffer containing 1000 floats

    buf.allocate(m.rows); // if m.rows <= 1000, the pre-allocated buffer is used,
                          // otherwise the buffer of "m.rows" floats will be allocated
                          // dynamically and deallocated in cv::AutoBuffer destructor

Definition at line 110 of file utility.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AutoBuffer (  )

the default constructor

AutoBuffer ( size_t  _size )

constructor taking the real buffer size

AutoBuffer ( const AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > &  buf )

the copy constructor

~AutoBuffer (  )

destructor. calls deallocate()

Member Function Documentation

void allocate ( size_t  _size )

allocates the new buffer of size _size. if the _size is small enough, stack-allocated buffer is used

void deallocate (  )

deallocates the buffer if it was dynamically allocated

operator _Tp * (  )

returns pointer to the real buffer, stack-allocated or head-allocated

operator const _Tp * (  ) const

returns read-only pointer to the real buffer, stack-allocated or head-allocated

AutoBuffer<_Tp, fixed_size>& operator= ( const AutoBuffer< _Tp, fixed_size > &  buf )

the assignment operator

void resize ( size_t  _size )

resizes the buffer and preserves the content

size_t size (  ) const

returns the current buffer size

Field Documentation

_Tp buf[(fixed_size > 0)?fixed_size:1] [protected]

pre-allocated buffer. At least 1 element to confirm C++ standard reqirements

Definition at line 147 of file utility.hpp.

_Tp* ptr [protected]

pointer to the real buffer, can point to buf if the buffer is small enough

Definition at line 143 of file utility.hpp.

size_t sz [protected]

size of the real buffer

Definition at line 145 of file utility.hpp.