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Affine3< T > Class Template Reference

Affine transform. More...

#include <affine.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Affine3 (const Mat4 &affine)
 Augmented affine matrix.
 Affine3 (const Mat3 &R, const Vec3 &t=Vec3::all(0))
 Rotation matrix.
 Affine3 (const Vec3 &rvec, const Vec3 &t=Vec3::all(0))
 Rodrigues vector.
 Affine3 (const Mat &data, const Vec3 &t=Vec3::all(0))
 Combines all contructors above. Supports 4x4, 4x3, 3x3, 1x3, 3x1 sizes of data matrix.
 Affine3 (const float_type *vals)
 From 16th element array.
void rotation (const Mat3 &R)
 Rotation matrix.
void rotation (const Vec3 &rvec)
 Rodrigues vector.
void rotation (const Mat &data)
 Combines rotation methods above. Suports 3x3, 1x3, 3x1 sizes of data matrix;.
Vec3 rvec () const
 Rodrigues vector.
Affine3 rotate (const Mat3 &R) const
 a.rotate(R) is equivalent to Affine(R, 0) * a;
Affine3 rotate (const Vec3 &rvec) const
 a.rotate(rvec) is equivalent to Affine(rvec, 0) * a;
Affine3 translate (const Vec3 &t) const
 a.translate(t) is equivalent to Affine(E, t) * a;
Affine3 concatenate (const Affine3 &affine) const
 a.concatenate(affine) is equivalent to affine * a;

Static Public Member Functions

static Affine3 Identity ()
 Create identity transform.

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class cv::Affine3< T >

Affine transform.

Definition at line 61 of file affine.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Affine3 ( const Mat4 affine )

Augmented affine matrix.

Affine3 ( const Mat3 R,
const Vec3 t = Vec3::all(0) 

Rotation matrix.

Affine3 ( const Vec3 rvec,
const Vec3 t = Vec3::all(0) 

Rodrigues vector.

Affine3 ( const Mat data,
const Vec3 t = Vec3::all(0) 
) [explicit]

Combines all contructors above. Supports 4x4, 4x3, 3x3, 1x3, 3x1 sizes of data matrix.

Affine3 ( const float_type *  vals ) [explicit]

From 16th element array.

Member Function Documentation

Affine3 concatenate ( const Affine3< T > &  affine ) const

a.concatenate(affine) is equivalent to affine * a;

static Affine3 Identity (  ) [static]

Create identity transform.

Affine3 rotate ( const Vec3 rvec ) const

a.rotate(rvec) is equivalent to Affine(rvec, 0) * a;

Affine3 rotate ( const Mat3 R ) const

a.rotate(R) is equivalent to Affine(R, 0) * a;

void rotation ( const Mat data )

Combines rotation methods above. Suports 3x3, 1x3, 3x1 sizes of data matrix;.

void rotation ( const Mat3 R )

Rotation matrix.

void rotation ( const Vec3 rvec )

Rodrigues vector.

Vec3 rvec (  ) const

Rodrigues vector.

Affine3 translate ( const Vec3 t ) const

a.translate(t) is equivalent to Affine(E, t) * a;