
Fork of RadioHead-148 by David Rimer

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for RadioHead-148


RH_RF24::CommandInfo Defines the commands we can interrogate in printRegisters
RHMesh::MeshApplicationMessage Signals an application layer message for the caller of RHMesh
RHMesh::MeshMessageHeader Structure of the basic RHMesh header
RHMesh::MeshRouteDiscoveryMessage Signals a route discovery request or reply (At present only supports physical dest addresses of length 1 octet)
RHMesh::MeshRouteFailureMessage Signals a route failure
RH_RF22::ModemConfig Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers
RH_RF69::ModemConfig Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers
RH_RF24::ModemConfig Defines property values for a set of modem configuration registers
RH_RF95::ModemConfig Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers
RH_NRF24 Send and receive addressed, reliable, acknowledged datagrams by nRF24L01 and compatible transceivers
RH_NRF51 Send and receive addressed datagrams by nRF51 compatible transceivers
RH_NRF905 Send and receive addressed, reliable, acknowledged datagrams by nRF905 and compatible transceivers
RH_RF22 Driver to send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams via an RF22 and compatible radio transceiver
RH_RF24 Driver to send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams via an RF24 and compatible radio transceiver
RH_RF69 Driver to send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams via an RF69 and compatible radio transceiver
RH_RF95 Driver to send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams via a LoRa capable radio transceiver
RH_TCP Driver to send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams via sockets on a Linux simulator
RHDatagram Manager class for addressed, unreliable messages
RHGenericDriver Abstract base class for a RadioHead driver
RHGenericSPI Base class for SPI interfaces
RHHardwareSPI Encapsulate a hardware SPI bus interface
RHMesh RHRouter subclass for sending addressed, optionally acknowledged datagrams multi-hop routed across a network, with automatic route discovery
RHNRFSPIDriver Base class for a RadioHead driver that use the SPI bus to communicate with its transport hardware
RHReliableDatagram RHDatagram subclass for sending addressed, acknowledged, retransmitted datagrams
RHRouter RHReliableDatagram subclass for sending addressed, optionally acknowledged datagrams multi-hop routed across a network
RHSPIDriver Base class for a RadioHead drivers that use the SPI bus to communicate with its transport hardware
RHTcpMessage Generic RH_TCP simulator message structure
RHTcpPacket RH_TCP radio message passed to or from the simulator
RHTcpThisAddress RH_TCP message Notifies the server of thisAddress of this client
RHTcpTypeMessage Generic RH_TCP message structure with message type
RHRouter::RoutedMessage Defines the structure of a RHRouter message
RHRouter::RoutedMessageHeader Defines the structure of the RHRouter message header, used to keep track of end-to-end delivery parameters
RHRouter::RoutingTableEntry Defines an entry in the routing table


radio_config_Si4460.h [code]
RadioHead.h [code]
RH_NRF24.cpp [code]
RH_NRF24.h [code]
RH_NRF51.cpp [code]
RH_NRF51.h [code]
RH_NRF905.cpp [code]
RH_NRF905.h [code]
RH_RF22.cpp [code]
RH_RF22.h [code]
RH_RF24.cpp [code]
RH_RF24.h [code]
RH_RF69.cpp [code]
RH_RF69.h [code]
RH_RF95.cpp [code]
RH_RF95.h [code]
RH_TCP.cpp [code]
RH_TCP.h [code]
RHCRC.cpp [code]
RHCRC.h [code]
RHDatagram.cpp [code]
RHDatagram.h [code]
RHGenericDriver.cpp [code]
RHGenericDriver.h [code]
RHGenericSPI.cpp [code]
RHGenericSPI.h [code]
RHHardwareSPI.cpp [code]
RHHardwareSPI.h [code]
RHMesh.cpp [code]
RHMesh.h [code]
RHNRFSPIDriver.cpp [code]
RHNRFSPIDriver.h [code]
RHReliableDatagram.cpp [code]
RHReliableDatagram.h [code]
RHRouter.cpp [code]
RHRouter.h [code]
RHSPIDriver.cpp [code]
RHSPIDriver.h [code]
RHTcpProtocol.h [code]