Morse Code Receiver


This project uses an mBed, TextLCD, photocell, and speaker to take in Morse code using a flashlight and translate it to English on the TextLCD screen. A dot occurs when the light is on for one second while a dash is when the light is on for three seconds. An LED blinks every second to mark the time and make it easier for the user to determine how long to shine their light for. A tone is also played for each dot and dash as it occurs.



  • mbed LPC1768
  • Speaker (including a 2N3904 General Purpose Amplifier and 1k resistor)
  • TextLCD Screen
  • CdS Photocell


Speaker: Refer to the driver circuit as well as the diagram of the amplifier below to connect the speaker


TextLCD: Refer to the following Sparkfun datasheet:


CdS Photocell: Refer to the voltage divider circuit below



Here is an image of the set up:



Import programLightMorseCode

This program takes in Morse code via light using a photocell and translates it into characters on an LCD screen.


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