TOF based Presence Detector

Dependencies:   BLE_API X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 mbed

Fork of BLE_HeartRate_IDB0XA1 by ST



File content as of revision 28:a23b16555909:

// S14_TOF_Detector - Easy GATT setup using bricks for DETECTION services

#include "bricks/bricks.h"
#include "detection.h"
#include "bricks/stop.h"
#include "shields/shields.h"

   typedef DisplayShield Dish;         // a short hand for DisplayShield

   Dish *pShield;                      // to access our 6180XA1 DIsplay SHield
   StopButton  stop(USER_BUTTON);      // press blue button for stop

// Data Ready Callback

   static void cbReady(void)           // called if measurement done, data ready
       pShield->ready();               // forward IRQ callback to ready()

// Simple Loop - Cannot Change Mode

   void loop(Dish &o)
      int err = o.start(cbReady);      // start measuement callback @ cbReady

      if (err == 0)
//       while ( !stop.request() )
            if( o.request() )          // data service requested by 6180XA1 IRQ?
               o.handle();             // handle data transfer

            o.refresh();               // refresh display
         o.stop();                     // stop all current measurements
//    stop.clear();                    // clear stop request (of stop button)

// Callbacks

   void cbError(O&o)                   // Error Reporting Callback
       blinkError(o);                  // 'error' blink sequence

   void cbConnect(O&o)                 // Connection Callback
      blinkConnected(o);               // 'error' blink sequence

   void cbDisconnect(O&o)              // Disconnection Callback
      advertise(o);                    // start advertising on client disconnect
      blinkAdvertise(o);               // 'advertise' blink sequence

   void cbSetup(O&o)                   // Immediately After Initializing BLE 
      services(o);                     // enroll all services & setup callbacks

      onConnect(o,cbConnect);          // setup connection callback
      onDisconnect(o,cbDisconnect);    // setup disconnection callback
      device(o,"S14#0.15 ToF Detector"); // setup device name
      name(o,"Detector");              // setup advertising name
      data(o,"My Layout");             // setup advertising data
      advertise(o,"C:ng",100);         // start advertising @ 100 msec interval
      blinkAdvertise(o);               // 'advertise' blink sequence
// Main Program

#define VL6180X_I2C_SDA   D14 
#define VL6180X_I2C_SCL   D15 

#define RANGE   0
#define ALS     1

   int main(void)
      O o;                             // declare a blob (BLE OBject)
      verbose(o);                      // enable all trace messages
      blinkIdle(o);                    // idle blinking - just started!

      //pShield = new Dish;            // create a DIsplay SHield class instance

      DevI2C *pDevice;
      X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 *pBoard;

      pDevice = new DevI2C(VL6180X_I2C_SDA, VL6180X_I2C_SCL);     
         // next we create the 6180XA1 expansion board singleton obj 
         // after that we are already able to display the init message
      //pBoard = X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(pDevice, A3, A2, D13, D2);

      init(o,cbSetup,cbError);         // init BLE base layer, always do first
      pBoard = X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(pDevice, A3, A2, D13, D2);

      while (true)                     // Infinite loop waiting for BLE events
         sleep(o);                     // low power waiting for BLE events 