ILI9340 Library based on the Arduino version from Adafruit. It has been tested with a custom STM32F103C8 board.

Porting of the ILI9340 Library from Adafruit. It has been tested on a custom board based on a STM32F103C8 microcontroller.

Please, see the Wiki page on how to use the library

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Adafruit_ILI9340.cpp	Tue Nov 04 08:08:46 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+  This is an Arduino Library for the Adafruit 2.2" SPI display.
+  This library works with the Adafruit 2.2" TFT Breakout w/SD card
+  ---->
+  Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
+  These displays use SPI to communicate, 4 or 5 pins are required to
+  interface (RST is optional)
+  Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
+  please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
+  products from Adafruit!
+  Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
+  MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
+ ****************************************************/
+// Modified for mbed
+// by Georgios Moralis 
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Adafruit_ILI9340.h"
+#include "stdint.h"
+#define SET_BIT(dpin) dpin->write(1)
+#define CLEAR_BIT(dpin) dpin->write(0)
+#define digitalWrite(dpin,value) ((value==0)?dpin->write(0):dpin->write(1))
+#define digitalRead(dpin) (dpin->read())
+// Single constructor either for software or hardware SPI
+Adafruit_ILI9340::Adafruit_ILI9340(SPI *defspi) : Adafruit_GFX(ILI9340_TFTWIDTH, ILI9340_TFTHEIGHT) {
+  hwSPI = defspi;
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setMISO(DigitalIn *gport)
+	misoport = gport;
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setMOSI(DigitalOut *gport)
+	mosiport = gport;
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setCLK(DigitalOut *gport)
+	clkport = gport;
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setRST(DigitalOut *gport)
+	rstport = gport;
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setCS(DigitalOut *gport)
+	csport = gport;
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setDC(DigitalOut *gport)
+	dcport = gport;
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::spiwrite(uint8_t c) {
+  //Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(c, HEX); Serial.print(", ");
+  if (hwSPI) {
+	  hwSPI->write(c);
+  } else {
+    // Fast SPI bitbang swiped from LPD8806 library
+    for(uint8_t bit = 0x80; bit; bit >>= 1) {
+      if(c & bit) {        
+        SET_BIT(mosiport);
+      } else {
+        CLEAR_BIT(mosiport);
+      }      
+      SET_BIT(clkport);      
+      CLEAR_BIT(clkport);
+    }
+  }
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::writecommand(uint8_t c) {
+  CLEAR_BIT(dcport);
+	if (!hwSPI)
+		CLEAR_BIT(clkport);
+  CLEAR_BIT(csport);
+  spiwrite(c);
+  SET_BIT(csport);
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::writedata(uint8_t c) {
+  SET_BIT(dcport);
+	if (!hwSPI)
+		CLEAR_BIT(clkport);
+  CLEAR_BIT(csport);
+  spiwrite(c);
+  SET_BIT(csport);
+// Rather than a bazillion writecommand() and writedata() calls, screen
+// initialization commands and arguments are organized in these tables
+// stored in PROGMEM.  The table may look bulky, but that's mostly the
+// formatting -- storage-wise this is hundreds of bytes more compact
+// than the equivalent code.  Companion function follows.
+#define DELAY 0x80
+// Companion code to the above tables.  Reads and issues
+// a series of LCD commands stored in PROGMEM byte array.
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::commandList(uint8_t *addr) {
+  uint8_t  numCommands, numArgs;
+  uint16_t ms;
+  numCommands = pgm_read_byte(addr++);   // Number of commands to follow
+  while(numCommands--) {                 // For each command...
+    writecommand(pgm_read_byte(addr++)); //   Read, issue command
+    numArgs  = pgm_read_byte(addr++);    //   Number of args to follow
+    ms       = numArgs & DELAY;          //   If hibit set, delay follows args
+    numArgs &= ~DELAY;                   //   Mask out delay bit
+    while(numArgs--) {                   //   For each argument...
+      writedata(pgm_read_byte(addr++));  //     Read, issue argument
+    }
+    if(ms) {
+      ms = pgm_read_byte(addr++); // Read post-command delay time (ms)
+      if(ms == 255) ms = 500;     // If 255, delay for 500 ms
+      wait_ms(ms);
+    }
+  }
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::begin(void) {
+  digitalWrite(rstport, LOW);
+  if(hwSPI) {  
+  	hwSPI->frequency(16000000);
+  } else {
+    CLEAR_BIT(clkport);
+    CLEAR_BIT(mosiport);
+  }
+  // toggle RST low to reset
+  digitalWrite(rstport, HIGH);
+  wait_ms(5);
+  digitalWrite(rstport, LOW);
+  wait_ms(20);
+  digitalWrite(rstport, HIGH);
+  wait_ms(150);
+  /*
+  uint8_t x = readcommand8(ILI9340_RDMODE);
+  Serial.print("\nDisplay Power Mode: 0x"); Serial.println(x, HEX);
+  x = readcommand8(ILI9340_RDMADCTL);
+  Serial.print("\nMADCTL Mode: 0x"); Serial.println(x, HEX);
+  x = readcommand8(ILI9340_RDPIXFMT);
+  Serial.print("\nPixel Format: 0x"); Serial.println(x, HEX);
+  x = readcommand8(ILI9340_RDIMGFMT);
+  Serial.print("\nImage Format: 0x"); Serial.println(x, HEX);
+  x = readcommand8(ILI9340_RDSELFDIAG);
+  Serial.print("\nSelf Diagnostic: 0x"); Serial.println(x, HEX);
+  */
+  //if(cmdList) commandList(cmdList);
+  writecommand(0xEF);
+  writedata(0x03);
+  writedata(0x80);
+  writedata(0x02);
+  writecommand(0xCF);  
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writedata(0XC1); 
+  writedata(0X30); 
+  writecommand(0xED);  
+  writedata(0x64); 
+  writedata(0x03); 
+  writedata(0X12); 
+  writedata(0X81); 
+  writecommand(0xE8);  
+  writedata(0x85); 
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writedata(0x78); 
+  writecommand(0xCB);  
+  writedata(0x39); 
+  writedata(0x2C); 
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writedata(0x34); 
+  writedata(0x02); 
+  writecommand(0xF7);  
+  writedata(0x20); 
+  writecommand(0xEA);  
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_PWCTR1);    //Power control 
+  writedata(0x23);   //VRH[5:0] 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_PWCTR2);    //Power control 
+  writedata(0x10);   //SAP[2:0];BT[3:0] 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_VMCTR1);    //VCM control 
+  writedata(0x3e); //
+  writedata(0x28); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_VMCTR2);    //VCM control2 
+  writedata(0x86);  //--
+  writecommand(ILI9340_MADCTL);    // Memory Access Control 
+  writedata(ILI9340_MADCTL_MX | ILI9340_MADCTL_BGR);
+  writecommand(ILI9340_PIXFMT);    
+  writedata(0x55); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_FRMCTR1);    
+  writedata(0x00);  
+  writedata(0x18); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_DFUNCTR);    // Display Function Control 
+  writedata(0x08); 
+  writedata(0x82);
+  writedata(0x27);  
+  writecommand(0xF2);    // 3Gamma Function Disable 
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_GAMMASET);    //Gamma curve selected 
+  writedata(0x01); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_GMCTRP1);    //Set Gamma 
+  writedata(0x0F); 
+  writedata(0x31); 
+  writedata(0x2B); 
+  writedata(0x0C); 
+  writedata(0x0E); 
+  writedata(0x08); 
+  writedata(0x4E); 
+  writedata(0xF1); 
+  writedata(0x37); 
+  writedata(0x07); 
+  writedata(0x10); 
+  writedata(0x03); 
+  writedata(0x0E); 
+  writedata(0x09); 
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_GMCTRN1);    //Set Gamma 
+  writedata(0x00); 
+  writedata(0x0E); 
+  writedata(0x14); 
+  writedata(0x03); 
+  writedata(0x11); 
+  writedata(0x07); 
+  writedata(0x31); 
+  writedata(0xC1); 
+  writedata(0x48); 
+  writedata(0x08); 
+  writedata(0x0F); 
+  writedata(0x0C); 
+  writedata(0x31); 
+  writedata(0x36); 
+  writedata(0x0F); 
+  writecommand(ILI9340_SLPOUT);    //Exit Sleep 
+  wait_ms(120); 		
+  writecommand(ILI9340_DISPON);    //Display on 
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setAddrWindow(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1,
+ uint16_t y1) {
+  writecommand(ILI9340_CASET); // Column addr set
+  writedata(x0 >> 8);
+  writedata(x0 & 0xFF);     // XSTART 
+  writedata(x1 >> 8);
+  writedata(x1 & 0xFF);     // XEND
+  writecommand(ILI9340_PASET); // Row addr set
+  writedata(y0>>8);
+  writedata(y0);     // YSTART
+  writedata(y1>>8);
+  writedata(y1);     // YEND
+  writecommand(ILI9340_RAMWR); // write to RAM
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::pushColor(uint16_t color) {
+  SET_BIT(dcport);
+  CLEAR_BIT(csport);
+  spiwrite(color >> 8);
+  spiwrite(color);
+  SET_BIT(csport);
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color) {
+  if((x < 0) ||(x >= _width) || (y < 0) || (y >= _height)) return;
+  setAddrWindow(x,y,x+1,y+1);
+  SET_BIT(dcport);
+  CLEAR_BIT(csport);
+  spiwrite(color >> 8);
+  spiwrite(color);
+  SET_BIT(csport);
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h,
+ uint16_t color) {
+  // Rudimentary clipping
+  if((x >= _width) || (y >= _height)) return;
+  if((y+h-1) >= _height) 
+    h = _height-y;
+  setAddrWindow(x, y, x, y+h-1);
+  uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color;
+  SET_BIT(dcport);
+  CLEAR_BIT(csport);
+  while (h--) {
+    spiwrite(hi);
+    spiwrite(lo);
+  }
+  SET_BIT(csport);
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w,
+  uint16_t color) {
+  // Rudimentary clipping
+  if((x >= _width) || (y >= _height)) return;
+  if((x+w-1) >= _width)  w = _width-x;
+  setAddrWindow(x, y, x+w-1, y);
+  uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color;
+  SET_BIT(dcport);
+  CLEAR_BIT(csport);
+  while (w--) {
+    spiwrite(hi);
+    spiwrite(lo);
+  }
+  SET_BIT(csport);
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::fillScreen(uint16_t color) {
+  fillRect(0, 0,  _width, _height, color);
+// fill a rectangle
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
+  uint16_t color) {
+  // rudimentary clipping (drawChar w/big text requires this)
+  if((x >= _width) || (y >= _height)) return;
+  if((x + w - 1) >= _width)  w = _width  - x;
+  if((y + h - 1) >= _height) h = _height - y;
+  setAddrWindow(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1);
+  uint8_t hi = color >> 8, lo = color;
+  SET_BIT(dcport);
+  //digitalWrite(_dc, HIGH);
+  CLEAR_BIT(csport);
+  //digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
+  for(y=h; y>0; y--) {
+    for(x=w; x>0; x--) {
+      spiwrite(hi);
+      spiwrite(lo);
+    }
+  }
+  //digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
+  SET_BIT(csport);
+// Pass 8-bit (each) R,G,B, get back 16-bit packed color
+uint16_t Adafruit_ILI9340::Color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
+  return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | (b >> 3);
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::setRotation(uint8_t m) {
+  writecommand(ILI9340_MADCTL);
+  rotation = m % 4; // can't be higher than 3
+  switch (rotation) {
+   case 0:
+     writedata(ILI9340_MADCTL_MX | ILI9340_MADCTL_BGR);
+     _width  = ILI9340_TFTWIDTH;
+     _height = ILI9340_TFTHEIGHT;
+     break;
+   case 1:
+     writedata(ILI9340_MADCTL_MV | ILI9340_MADCTL_BGR);
+     _width  = ILI9340_TFTHEIGHT;
+     _height = ILI9340_TFTWIDTH;
+     break;
+  case 2:
+    writedata(ILI9340_MADCTL_MY | ILI9340_MADCTL_BGR);
+     _width  = ILI9340_TFTWIDTH;
+     _height = ILI9340_TFTHEIGHT;
+    break;
+   case 3:
+     writedata(ILI9340_MADCTL_MV | ILI9340_MADCTL_MY | ILI9340_MADCTL_MX | ILI9340_MADCTL_BGR);
+     _width  = ILI9340_TFTHEIGHT;
+     _height = ILI9340_TFTWIDTH;
+     break;
+  }
+void Adafruit_ILI9340::invertDisplay(char i) {
+  writecommand(i ? ILI9340_INVON : ILI9340_INVOFF);
+////////// stuff not actively being used, but kept for posterity
+uint8_t Adafruit_ILI9340::spiread(void) {
+  uint8_t r = 0;
+  if (hwSPI)
+  {
+	  r = hwSPI->write(0);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) {
+      digitalWrite(clkport, LOW);
+      digitalWrite(clkport, HIGH);
+      r <<= 1;
+      if (digitalRead(misoport))
+	r |= 0x1;
+    }
+  }
+  return r;
+ uint8_t Adafruit_ILI9340::readdata(void) {
+   digitalWrite(dcport, HIGH);
+   digitalWrite(csport, LOW);
+   uint8_t r = spiread();
+   digitalWrite(csport, HIGH);
+   return r;
+ uint8_t Adafruit_ILI9340::readcommand8(uint8_t c) {
+   digitalWrite(dcport, LOW);
+	 if (!hwSPI)
+		digitalWrite(clkport, LOW);
+   digitalWrite(csport, LOW);
+   spiwrite(c);
+   digitalWrite(dcport, HIGH);
+   uint8_t r = spiread();
+   digitalWrite(csport, HIGH);
+   return r;
+ uint16_t Adafruit_ILI9340::readcommand16(uint8_t c) {
+ digitalWrite(_dc, LOW);
+ if (_cs)
+ digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
+ spiwrite(c);
+ pinMode(_sid, INPUT); // input!
+ uint16_t r = spiread();
+ r <<= 8;
+ r |= spiread();
+ if (_cs)
+ digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
+ pinMode(_sid, OUTPUT); // back to output
+ return r;
+ }
+ uint32_t Adafruit_ILI9340::readcommand32(uint8_t c) {
+ digitalWrite(_dc, LOW);
+ if (_cs)
+ digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
+ spiwrite(c);
+ pinMode(_sid, INPUT); // input!
+ dummyclock();
+ dummyclock();
+ uint32_t r = spiread();
+ r <<= 8;
+ r |= spiread();
+ r <<= 8;
+ r |= spiread();
+ r <<= 8;
+ r |= spiread();
+ if (_cs)
+ digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
+ pinMode(_sid, OUTPUT); // back to output
+ return r;
+ }
+ */