Temperature control on an industrial device

Temperature control on an industrial device


That have been my engineering second year project in ENSIM. That is a predictive and preventive maintenance system of wind turbines. It operates wireless and works with an analogue temperature sensors AD590.


  1. Function
    1. Presentation
    2. Specifics devices & cost
  2. Mbed development
    1. First microcontroler
    2. Second microcontroler
  3. ZigBee programming
  4. Data base issue and PHP API
  5. Bibliography



The general objective is to inform of the temperature evolution of an industrial device. A sensor gives a temperature information. A fist microcontroler send this data by a Zigbee specification, a wireless communication protocol. The data can be read in direct direct flow with a specific software which work on RS232 protocol (USB). Moreover, all the data are published on the internet by a specific API. The communication is made with ethernet and TCP/IP. An email is sent when the temperature is over a threshold.

Specifics devices & cost

3 Xbee Serie 190 EUR
1 USB socket5 EUR
1 USB cable2 EUR


Don't use Digi Xbee serie 2. Data programming is too difficult. If any one is ready to help me with my Xbee serie 2, I am okay !

Mbed development

It is the easier part of this project. TMP102 is an I2C temperature sensor. TMP102 is available in SOT.

I have developed a DIP package on eagle.

Mbed pinsTMP102 pinsfunction
p27SDAData bus
p28SCLClock information
VU+3.3 V DC


Not used pins of you TMP102 need to be connecting to GND

next at soon...


T(°F) = 9/5 T(°C) + 32

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