Driver for CC3000 Wi-Fi module

Dependencies:   NVIC_set_all_priorities

Dependents:   CC3000_Simple_Socket Wi-Go_IOT_Demo


The current code has been reworked to a full object oriented application and contains an mbed socket compatible API.

CC3000 Wi-Fi module library


This is the low level driver for TI's SimpleLink CC3000 device.
Port from Avnet's Wi-Go KEIL code (based on TI's CC3000 code).
Special thanks to Jim Carver from Avnet for providing the Wi-Go board and for his assistance.

Differences with TI's original code

The code functionality stays exactly the same.
In order to make it easier to use the code, following changes were made :

  • Addition of a tool to shift all IRQ priorities to a lower level since it is very important to keep the SPI handler at the highest system priority, the WLAN interrupt the second highest and all other system interrupts at a lower priority, so their handlers can be preempted by the CC3000 interrupts.
  • Addition of low level I/O controls and conditional compiler controls in cc3000_common.h.
  • CC3000 initialisation, pin declarations, SPI and WLAN irq priorities are set in Init_HostDriver , we need to call this function at the start of the main function.
  • The SPI and HCI code are joined into one file.
  • The include list has been rearranged - Only #include "wlan.h" is needed in the user API.
  • Part of the CC3000's user eeprom memory is used to store additional info (52 bytes in NVMEM_USER_FILE_1):
# bytesDescriptionInfo
1First time config parameterUseful when connecting
2Firmware updater versionused with the Firmware update tool
2Service Pack versionused with the Firmware update tool
3Driver Versionused with the Firmware update tool
3Firmware Versionused with the Firmware update tool
1CIK validation (Client Interface Key)
40CIK data (Client Interface Key)used with the exosite

Using the Library

A user API is needed to access the CC3000 functions.

Using the library with other processors

cc3000_common.cpp loads the irq tool for all targets:
All current mbed targets are supported by this library.

#include "NVIC_set_all_priorities.h"

All low level settings that need to change are available in cc3000_common.h

// Compiler control
#define CC3000_UNENCRYPTED_SMART_CONFIG   // No encryption
//#define CC3000_TINY_DRIVER                // Driver for small memory model CPUs

//Interrupt controls
#define NVIC_ALL_IRQ        NVIC_set_all_irq_priorities(3);         // Set ALL interrupt priorities to level 3
#define NVIC_SPI_IRQ        NVIC_SetPriority(SPI0_IRQn, 0x0);       // Wi-Fi SPI interrupt must be higher priority than SysTick
#define NVIC_PORT_IRQ       NVIC_SetPriority(PORTA_IRQn, 0x1);
#define NVIC_SYSTICK_IRQ    NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0x2);    // SysTick set to lower priority than Wi-Fi SPI bus interrupt
//#define NVIC_ADC_IRQ        NVIC_SetPriority(ADC0_IRQn, 0x3);       // ADC is the lowest of all

// Wlan controls
#define WLAN_ISF_PCR        PORTA->PCR[16]
#define WLAN_ISF_MASK       (1<<16)

#define WLAN_ASSERT_CS      wlan_cs = 0;   //CS : active low
#define WLAN_DEASSERT_CS    wlan_cs = 1;

#define WLAN_ASSERT_EN      wlan_en = 1;   //EN : active high
#define WLAN_DEASSERT_EN    wlan_en = 0;

#define WLAN_READ_IRQ       wlan_int

#define WLAN_ENABLE_IRQ     wlan_int.fall(&WLAN_IRQHandler);
#define WLAN_DISABLE_IRQ    wlan_int.fall(NULL);

#define WLAN_IRQ_PIN_CREATE         InterruptIn wlan_int (PTA16);
#define WLAN_EN_PIN_CREATE          DigitalOut  wlan_en  (PTA13);
#define WLAN_CS_PIN_CREATE          DigitalOut  wlan_cs  (PTD0);
#define WLAN_SPI_PORT_CREATE        SPI wlan(PTD2, PTD3, PTC5); // mosi, miso, sclk

#define WLAN_SPI_PORT_INIT          wlan.format(8,1);
#define WLAN_SPI_SET_FREQ           wlan.frequency(12000000);
#define WLAN_SPI_SET_IRQ_HANDLER    wlan_int.fall(&WLAN_IRQHandler);

#define WLAN_SPI_WRITE              wlan.write(*data++);
#define WLAN_SPI_READ               wlan.write(0x03);          // !! DO NOT MODIFY the 0x03 parameter (CC3000 will not respond).

API documentation

Due to a little problem with the links on the mbed site, the API documentation is not directly accessible (will be solved in a next release).
Currently, it is only accessible by adding modules.html to the API doc link:

--- a/wlan.h	Sat Jul 13 13:12:46 2013 +0000
+++ b/wlan.h	Mon Jul 15 14:19:46 2013 +0000
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 #ifndef __WLAN_H__
 #define __WLAN_H__
-//#include "mbed.h"
 #include "GlobalAssigns.h"
 #include "cc3000_common.h"
 #include "hci.h"
@@ -48,73 +47,97 @@
 /** CC3000 Host driver - WLAN
-// If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header
-// have a C binding.
 #ifdef    __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+#define SMART_CONFIG_PROFILE_SIZE        67        // 67 = 32 (max ssid) + 32 (max key) + 1 (SSID length) + 1 (security type) + 1 (key length)
+/* patches type */
+#define PATCHES_HOST_TYPE_WLAN_FW       0x02
+#define SL_SIMPLE_CONFIG_PREFIX_LENGTH           (3)
+#define ETH_ALEN                                 (6)
+#define MAXIMAL_SSID_LENGTH                      (32)
+#define SL_PATCHES_REQUEST_DEFAULT               (0)
+#define SL_PATCHES_REQUEST_FORCE_HOST            (1)
+#define SL_PATCHES_REQUEST_FORCE_NONE            (2)
+#define      WLAN_SEC_UNSEC  (0)
+#define      WLAN_SEC_WEP    (1)
+#define      WLAN_SEC_WPA    (2)
+#define      WLAN_SEC_WPA2   (3)
+#define WLAN_SL_INIT_START_PARAMS_LEN           (1)
+#define WLAN_PATCH_PARAMS_LENGTH                (8)
+#define WLAN_DEL_PROFILE_PARAMS_LEN             (4)
+#define WLAN_SET_MASK_PARAMS_LEN                (4)
+#define WLAN_SET_SCAN_PARAMS_LEN                (100)
+#define WLAN_ADD_PROFILE_NOSEC_PARAM_LEN        (24)            
+#define WLAN_ADD_PROFILE_WEP_PARAM_LEN          (36)
+#define WLAN_ADD_PROFILE_WPA_PARAM_LEN          (44)
+#define WLAN_CONNECT_PARAM_LEN                  (29)
 #define      WLAN_SEC_UNSEC (0)
 #define      WLAN_SEC_WEP   (1)
 #define      WLAN_SEC_WPA   (2)
 #define      WLAN_SEC_WPA2  (3)
-//! \addtogroup wlan_api
-//! @{
+* @param  usPatchesAvailableAtHost  flag to indicate if patches available
+*                                   from host or from EEPROM. Due to the 
+*                                   fact the patches are burn to the EEPROM
+*                                   using the patch programmer utility, the 
+*                                   patches will be available from the EEPROM
+*                                   and not from the host.
+* @return   none
+static void SimpleLink_Init_Start(unsigned short usPatchesAvailableAtHost);
-//!  wlan_init
-//!  @param  sWlanCB   Asynchronous events callback.  
-//!                    0 no event call back.
-//!                  -call back parameters:
-//!                   1) event_type: HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_CONNECT connect event,
-//!                     HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DISCONNECT disconnect event,
-//!                     HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_SIMPLE_CONFIG_DONE config done,
-//!                     HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DHCP dhcp report, 
-//!                     HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_PING_REPORT ping report OR 
-//!                     HCI_EVNT_WLAN_KEEPALIVE keepalive.
-//!                   2) data: pointer to extra data that received by the event
-//!                     (NULL no data).
-//!                   3) length: data length.
-//!                  -Events with extra data:
-//!                     HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DHCP: 4 bytes IP, 4 bytes Mask, 
-//!                     4 bytes default gateway, 4 bytes DHCP server and 4 bytes
-//!                     for DNS server.
-//!                     HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_PING_REPORT: 4 bytes Packets sent, 
-//!                     4 bytes Packets received, 4 bytes Min round time, 
-//!                     4 bytes Max round time and 4 bytes for Avg round time.
-//!  @param    sFWPatches  0 no patch or pointer to FW patches 
-//!  @param    sDriverPatches  0 no patch or pointer to driver patches
-//!  @param    sBootLoaderPatches  0 no patch or pointer to bootloader patches
-//!  @param    sReadWlanInterruptPin    init callback. the callback read wlan 
-//!            interrupt status.
-//!  @param    sWlanInterruptEnable   init callback. the callback enable wlan 
-//!            interrupt.
-//!  @param    sWlanInterruptDisable   init callback. the callback disable wlan
-//!            interrupt.
-//!  @param    sWriteWlanPin      init callback. the callback write value 
-//!            to device pin.  
-//!  @return   none
-//!  @sa       wlan_set_event_mask , wlan_start , wlan_stop 
-//!  @brief    Initialize wlan driver
-//!  @warning This function must be called before ANY other wlan driver function
+* Initialize wlan driver
+* @param  sWlanCB   Asynchronous events callback.  
+*                   0 no event call back.
+*                 -call back parameters:
+*                  1) event_type: HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_CONNECT connect event,
+*                    HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DISCONNECT disconnect event,
+*                    HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_SIMPLE_CONFIG_DONE config done,
+*                    HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DHCP dhcp report, 
+*                    HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_PING_REPORT ping report OR 
+*                    HCI_EVNT_WLAN_KEEPALIVE keepalive.
+*                  2) data: pointer to extra data that received by the event
+*                    (NULL no data).
+*                  3) length: data length.
+*                 -Events with extra data:
+*                    HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DHCP: 4 bytes IP, 4 bytes Mask, 
+*                    4 bytes default gateway, 4 bytes DHCP server and 4 bytes
+*                    for DNS server.
+*                    HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_PING_REPORT: 4 bytes Packets sent, 
+*                    4 bytes Packets received, 4 bytes Min round time, 
+*                    4 bytes Max round time and 4 bytes for Avg round time.
+* @param    sFWPatches              0 no patch or pointer to FW patches 
+* @param    sDriverPatches          0 no patch or pointer to driver patches
+* @param    sBootLoaderPatches      0 no patch or pointer to bootloader patches
+* @param    sReadWlanInterruptPin   init callback. the callback read wlan interrupt status.
+* @param    sWlanInterruptEnable    init callback. the callback enable wlan interrupt.
+* @param    sWlanInterruptDisable   init callback. the callback disable wlan interrupt.
+* @param    sWriteWlanPin           init callback. the callback write value to device pin.  
+* @return   none
+* @sa       wlan_set_event_mask , wlan_start , wlan_stop 
+* @warning  This function must be called before ANY other wlan driver function
 extern void wlan_init(tWlanCB               sWlanCB,
                       tFWPatches            sFWPatches,
                       tDriverPatches        sDriverPatches,
@@ -124,81 +147,66 @@
                       tWlanInterruptDisable sWlanInterruptDisable,
                       tWriteWlanPin         sWriteWlanPin);
+* Trigger Received event/data processing - called from the SPI library to receive the data
+* @param         pvBuffer - pointer to the received data buffer
+*                The function triggers Received event/data processing
+* @param         Pointer to the received data
+* @return        none
+void SpiReceiveHandler(void *pvBuffer);
-//!  wlan_start
-//!  @param   usPatchesAvailableAtHost -  flag to indicate if patches available
-//!                                    from host or from EEPROM. Due to the 
-//!                                    fact the patches are burn to the EEPROM
-//!                                    using the patch programmer utility, the 
-//!                                    patches will be available from the EEPROM
-//!                                    and not from the host.
-//!  @return        none
-//!  @brief        Start WLAN device. This function asserts the enable pin of 
-//!                the device (WLAN_EN), starting the HW initialization process.
-//!                The function blocked until device Initialization is completed.
-//!                Function also configure patches (FW, driver or bootloader) 
-//!                and calls appropriate device callbacks.
-//!  @Note          Prior calling the function wlan_init shall be called.
-//!  @Warning       This function must be called after wlan_init and before any 
-//!                 other wlan API
-//!  @sa            wlan_init , wlan_stop
+* Start WLAN device. This function asserts the enable pin of 
+* the device (WLAN_EN), starting the HW initialization process.
+* The function blocked until device Initialization is completed.
+* Function also configure patches (FW, driver or bootloader) 
+* and calls appropriate device callbacks.
+* @param   usPatchesAvailableAtHost - flag to indicate if patches available
+*                                     from host or from EEPROM. Due to the 
+*                                     fact the patches are burn to the EEPROM
+*                                     using the patch programmer utility, the 
+*                                     patches will be available from the EEPROM
+*                                     and not from the host.
+* @return        none
+* @Note          Prior calling the function wlan_init shall be called.
+* @Warning       This function must be called after wlan_init and before any 
+*                other wlan API
+* @sa            wlan_init , wlan_stop
 extern void wlan_start(unsigned short usPatchesAvailableAtHost);
-//!  wlan_stop
-//!  @param         none
-//!  @return        none
-//!  @brief         Stop WLAN device by putting it into reset state.
-//!  @sa            wlan_start
+* Stop WLAN device by putting it into reset state.
+* @param         none
+* @return        none
+* @sa            wlan_start
 extern void wlan_stop(void);
-//!  wlan_connect
-//!  @param    sec_type   security options:
-//!               WLAN_SEC_UNSEC, 
-//!               WLAN_SEC_WEP (ASCII support only),
-//!               WLAN_SEC_WPA or WLAN_SEC_WPA2
-//!  @param    ssid       up to 32 bytes and is ASCII SSID of the AP
-//!  @param    ssid_len   length of the SSID
-//!  @param    bssid      6 bytes specified the AP bssid
-//!  @param    key        up to 16 bytes specified the AP security key
-//!  @param    key_len    key length 
-//!  @return     On success, zero is returned. On error, negative is returned. 
-//!              Note that even though a zero is returned on success to trigger
-//!              connection operation, it does not mean that CCC3000 is already
-//!              connected. An asynchronous "Connected" event is generated when 
-//!              actual association process finishes and CC3000 is connected to
-//!              the AP. If DHCP is set, An asynchronous "DHCP" event is 
-//!              generated when DHCP process is finish.
-//!  @brief      Connect to AP
-//!  @warning    Please Note that when connection to AP configured with security
-//!              type WEP, please confirm that the key is set as ASCII and not
-//!              as HEX.
-//!  @sa         wlan_disconnect
+* Connect to AP
+* @param    sec_type   security options:
+*              WLAN_SEC_UNSEC, 
+*              WLAN_SEC_WEP (ASCII support only),
+*              WLAN_SEC_WPA or WLAN_SEC_WPA2
+* @param    ssid       up to 32 bytes and is ASCII SSID of the AP
+* @param    ssid_len   length of the SSID
+* @param    bssid      6 bytes specified the AP bssid
+* @param    key        up to 16 bytes specified the AP security key
+* @param    key_len    key length 
+* @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, negative is returned. 
+*           Note that even though a zero is returned on success to trigger
+*           connection operation, it does not mean that CCC3000 is already
+*           connected. An asynchronous "Connected" event is generated when 
+*           actual association process finishes and CC3000 is connected to
+*           the AP. If DHCP is set, An asynchronous "DHCP" event is 
+*           generated when DHCP process is finish.
+* @warning  Please Note that when connection to AP configured with security
+*           type WEP, please confirm that the key is set as ASCII and not as HEX.
+* @sa       wlan_disconnect
 #ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
 extern long wlan_connect(unsigned long ulSecType,
                          char *ssid,
@@ -211,48 +219,35 @@
-//!  wlan_disconnect
-//!  @return    0 disconnected done, other CC3000 already disconnected            
-//!  @brief      Disconnect connection from AP. 
-//!  @sa         wlan_connect
+* Disconnect connection from AP. 
+* @return    0 disconnected done, other CC3000 already disconnected            
+* @sa        wlan_connect
 extern long wlan_disconnect(void);
-//!  wlan_add_profile
-//!  @param    ucSsid    ssid  SSID up to 32 bytes
-//!  @param    ulSsidLen ssid length
-//!  @param    ucBssid   bssid  6 bytes
-//!  @param    ulPriority ulPriority profile priority. Lowest priority:0.
-//!  @param    ulPairwiseCipher_Or_TxKeyLen  key length for WEP security
-//!  @param    ulGroupCipher_TxKeyIndex  key index
-//!  @param    ulKeyMgmt        KEY management 
-//!  @param    ucPf_OrKey       security key
-//!  @param    ulPassPhraseLen  security key length for WPA\WPA2
-//!  @return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief     When auto start is enabled, the device connects to
-//!             station from the profiles table. Up to 7 profiles are supported. 
-//!             If several profiles configured the device choose the highest 
-//!             priority profile, within each priority group, device will choose 
-//!             profile based on security policy, signal strength, etc 
-//!             parameters. All the profiles are stored in CC3000 NVMEM.
-//!  @sa        wlan_ioctl_del_profile 
+* Add profile
+* When auto start is enabled, the device connects to
+* station from the profiles table. Up to 7 profiles are supported. 
+* If several profiles configured the device choose the highest 
+* priority profile, within each priority group, device will choose 
+* profile based on security policy, signal strength, etc 
+* parameters. All the profiles are stored in CC3000 NVMEM.
+* @param    ucSsid    ssid  SSID up to 32 bytes
+* @param    ulSsidLen ssid length
+* @param    ucBssid   bssid  6 bytes
+* @param    ulPriority ulPriority profile priority. Lowest priority:0.
+* @param    ulPairwiseCipher_Or_TxKeyLen  key length for WEP security
+* @param    ulGroupCipher_TxKeyIndex  key index
+* @param    ulKeyMgmt        KEY management 
+* @param    ucPf_OrKey       security key
+* @param    ulPassPhraseLen  security key length for WPA\WPA2
+* @return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @sa        wlan_ioctl_del_profile 
 extern long wlan_add_profile(unsigned long ulSecType,
                              unsigned char* ucSsid,
                              unsigned long ulSsidLen, 
@@ -264,172 +259,133 @@
                              unsigned char* ucPf_OrKey,
                              unsigned long ulPassPhraseLen);
-//!  wlan_ioctl_del_profile
-//!  @param    index   number of profile to delete
-//!  @return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief     Delete WLAN profile 
-//!  @Note      In order to delete all stored profile, set index to 255.
-//!  @sa        wlan_add_profile 
+* Delete WLAN profile 
+* @param    index   number of profile to delete
+* @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @Note     In order to delete all stored profile, set index to 255.
+* @sa       wlan_add_profile 
 extern long wlan_ioctl_del_profile(unsigned long ulIndex);
-//!  wlan_set_event_mask
-//!  @param    mask   mask option:
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_CONNECT connect event
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DISCONNECT disconnect event
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_SIMPLE_CONFIG_DONE  smart config done
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_INIT init done
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DHCP dhcp event report
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_PING_REPORT ping report
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_KEEPALIVE keepalive
-//!       HCI_EVNT_WLAN_TX_COMPLETE - disable information on end of transmission
-//!         Saved: no.
-//!  @return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief    Mask event according to bit mask. In case that event is 
-//!            masked (1), the device will not send the masked event to host. 
+* Mask event according to bit mask. In case that event is 
+* masked (1), the device will not send the masked event to host. 
+* @param    mask   mask option:
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_CONNECT connect event
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DISCONNECT disconnect event
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_SIMPLE_CONFIG_DONE  smart config done
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_INIT init done
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DHCP dhcp event report
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_PING_REPORT ping report
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_KEEPALIVE keepalive
+*                  HCI_EVNT_WLAN_TX_COMPLETE - disable information on end of transmission
+*           Saved: no.
+* @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
 extern long wlan_set_event_mask(unsigned long ulMask);
-//!  wlan_ioctl_statusget
-//!  @param none 
-//!  @brief    get wlan status: disconnected, scanning, connecting or connected
+* Get wlan status: disconnected, scanning, connecting or connected
+* @param none 
 extern long wlan_ioctl_statusget(void);
-//!  wlan_ioctl_set_connection_policy
-//!  @param    should_connect_to_open_ap  enable(1), disable(0) connect to any 
-//!            available AP. This parameter corresponds to the configuration of 
-//!            item # 3 in the brief description.
-//!  @param    should_use_fast_connect enable(1), disable(0). if enabled, tries 
-//!            to connect to the last connected AP. This parameter corresponds 
-//!            to the configuration of item # 1 in the brief description.
-//!  @param    auto_start enable(1), disable(0) auto connect 
-//!            after reset and periodically reconnect if needed. This 
-//!              configuration configures option 2 in the above description.
-//!  @return     On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief      When auto is enabled, the device tries to connect according 
-//!              the following policy:
-//!              1) If fast connect is enabled and last connection is valid, 
-//!                 the device will try to connect to it without the scanning 
-//!                 procedure (fast). The last connection will be marked as
-//!                 invalid, due to adding/removing profile. 
-//!              2) If profile exists, the device will try to connect it 
-//!                 (Up to seven profiles).
-//!              3) If fast and profiles are not found, and open mode is
-//!                 enabled, the device will try to connect to any AP.
-//!              * Note that the policy settings are stored in the CC3000 NVMEM.
-//!  @sa         wlan_add_profile , wlan_ioctl_del_profile 
+* Set connection policy
+* When auto is enabled, the device tries to connect according the following policy:
+* 1) If fast connect is enabled and last connection is valid, 
+*    the device will try to connect to it without the scanning 
+*    procedure (fast). The last connection will be marked as
+*    invalid, due to adding/removing profile. 
+* 2) If profile exists, the device will try to connect it 
+*    (Up to seven profiles).
+* 3) If fast and profiles are not found, and open mode is
+*    enabled, the device will try to connect to any AP.
+* Note that the policy settings are stored in the CC3000 NVMEM.
+* @param    should_connect_to_open_ap  enable(1), disable(0) connect to any 
+*           available AP. This parameter corresponds to the configuration of 
+*           item # 3 in the brief description.
+* @param    should_use_fast_connect enable(1), disable(0). if enabled, tries 
+*           to connect to the last connected AP. This parameter corresponds 
+*           to the configuration of item # 1 in the brief description.
+* @param    auto_start enable(1), disable(0) auto connect 
+*           after reset and periodically reconnect if needed. This 
+*           configuration configures option 2 in the above description.
+* @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @sa       wlan_add_profile , wlan_ioctl_del_profile 
 extern long wlan_ioctl_set_connection_policy(unsigned long should_connect_to_open_ap,
                                              unsigned long should_use_fast_connect,
                                              unsigned long ulUseProfiles);
-//!  wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results
-//!  @param[in]    scan_timeout   parameter not supported
-//!  @param[out]   ucResults  scan result (_wlan_full_scan_results_args_t)
-//!  @return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief    Gets entry from scan result table.
-//!            The scan results are returned one by one, and each entry 
-//!            represents a single AP found in the area. The following is a 
-//!            format of the scan result: 
-//!             - 4 Bytes: number of networks found
-//!          - 4 Bytes: The status of the scan: 0 - aged results,
-//!                     1 - results valid, 2 - no results
-//!          - 42 bytes: Result entry, where the bytes are arranged as  follows:
-//!                          - 1 bit isValid - is result valid or not
-//!                         - 7 bits rssi - RSSI value;     
-//!                 - 2 bits: securityMode - security mode of the AP:
-//!                           0 - Open, 1 - WEP, 2 WPA, 3 WPA2
-//!                         - 6 bits: SSID name length
-//!                         - 2 bytes: the time at which the entry has entered into 
-//!                            scans result table
-//!                         - 32 bytes: SSID name
-//!                 - 6 bytes:    BSSID 
-//!  @Note      scan_timeout, is not supported on this version.
-//!  @sa        wlan_ioctl_set_scan_params 
+* Gets entry from scan result table.
+* The scan results are returned one by one, and each entry represents a single AP found in the area.
+* The following is a format of the scan result: 
+* - 4 Bytes: number of networks found
+* - 4 Bytes: The status of the scan: 0 - aged results, 1 - results valid, 2 - no results
+* - 42 bytes: Result entry, where the bytes are arranged as  follows:
+*             - 1 bit      isValid      - is result valid or not
+*             - 7 bits     rssi         - RSSI value     
+*             - 2 bits     securityMode - security mode of the AP: 0 - Open, 1 - WEP, 2 WPA, 3 WPA2
+*             - 6 bits     SSID name length
+*             - 2 bytes    the time at which the entry has entered into scans result table
+*             - 32 bytes   SSID name
+*             - 6 bytes    BSSID 
+* @param[in]    scan_timeout   parameter not supported
+* @param[out]   ucResults  scan result (_wlan_full_scan_results_args_t)
+* @return       On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @Note      scan_timeout, is not supported on this version.
+* @sa        wlan_ioctl_set_scan_params 
 extern long wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results(unsigned long ulScanTimeout,
                                         unsigned char *ucResults);
-//!  wlan_ioctl_set_scan_params
-//!  @param    uiEnable - start/stop application scan: 
-//!            1 = start scan with default interval value of 10 min. 
-//!            in order to set a different scan interval value apply the value 
-//!            in milliseconds. minimum 1 second. 0=stop). Wlan reset
-//!           (wlan_stop() wlan_start()) is needed when changing scan interval
-//!            value. Saved: No
-//!  @param   uiMinDwellTime   minimum dwell time value to be used for each 
-//!           channel, in milliseconds. Saved: yes
-//!           Recommended Value: 100 (Default: 20)
-//!  @param   uiMaxDwellTime    maximum dwell time value to be used for each
-//!           channel, in milliseconds. Saved: yes
-//!           Recommended Value: 100 (Default: 30)
-//!  @param   uiNumOfProbeRequests  max probe request between dwell time. 
-//!           Saved: yes. Recommended Value: 5 (Default:2)
-//!  @param   uiChannelMask  bitwise, up to 13 channels (0x1fff). 
-//!           Saved: yes. Default: 0x7ff
-//!  @param   uiRSSIThreshold   RSSI threshold. Saved: yes (Default: -80)
-//!  @param   uiSNRThreshold    NSR threshold. Saved: yes (Default: 0)
-//!  @param   uiDefaultTxPower  probe Tx power. Saved: yes (Default: 205)
-//!  @param   aiIntervalList    pointer to array with 16 entries (16 channels) 
-//!           each entry (unsigned long) holds timeout between periodic scan 
-//!           (connection scan) - in milliseconds. Saved: yes. Default 2000ms.
-//!  @return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief    start and stop scan procedure. Set scan parameters. 
-//!  @Note     uiDefaultTxPower, is not supported on this version.
-//!  @sa        wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results 
+* start and stop scan procedure. Set scan parameters. 
+* @param    uiEnable             start/stop application scan: 
+*                                1 = start scan with default interval value of 10 min. 
+*                                To set a different scan interval value, apply the value in milliseconds.
+*                                minimum = 1 second. 0=stop.
+*                                Wlan reset (wlan_stop() wlan_start()) is needed when changing scan interval value.
+*                                Saved: No
+* @param   uiMinDwellTime        minimum dwell time value to be used for each channel, in milliseconds.
+*                                Saved: yes
+*                                Recommended Value: 100
+*                                Default: 20
+* @param   uiMaxDwellTime        maximum dwell time value to be used for each channel, in milliseconds.
+*                                Saved: yes
+*                                Recommended Value: 100
+*                                Default: 30
+* @param   uiNumOfProbeRequests  max probe request between dwell time. 
+*                                Saved: yes.
+*                                Recommended Value: 5
+*                                Default:2
+* @param   uiChannelMask         bitwise, up to 13 channels (0x1fff). 
+*                                Saved: yes.
+*                                Default: 0x7ff
+* @param   uiRSSIThreshold       RSSI threshold.
+*                                Saved: yes
+*                                Default: -80
+* @param   uiSNRThreshold        NSR threshold.
+*                                Saved: yes
+*                                Default: 0
+* @param   uiDefaultTxPower      probe Tx power.
+*                                Saved: yes
+*                                Default: 205
+* @param   aiIntervalList        pointer to array with 16 entries (16 channels) 
+*                                Each entry (unsigned long) holds timeout between periodic scan 
+*                                and connection scan - in milliseconds.
+*                                Saved: yes.
+*                                Default 2000ms.
+* @return  On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @Note    uiDefaultTxPower, is not supported on this version.
+* @sa      wlan_ioctl_get_scan_results 
 extern long wlan_ioctl_set_scan_params(unsigned long uiEnable,
                                        unsigned long uiMinDwellTime,
                                        unsigned long uiMaxDwellTime,
@@ -441,92 +397,46 @@
                                        unsigned long *aiIntervalList);
-//!  wlan_smart_config_start
-//!  @param    algoEncryptedFlag indicates whether the information is encrypted
-//!  @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief   Start to acquire device profile. The device acquire its own 
-//!           profile, if profile message is found. The acquired AP information
-//!           is stored in CC3000 EEPROM only in case AES128 encryption is used.
-//!           In case AES128 encryption is not used, a profile is created by 
-//!           CC3000 internally.
-//!  @Note    An asynchronous event - Smart Config Done will be generated as soon
-//!           as the process finishes successfully.
-//!  @sa      wlan_smart_config_set_prefix , wlan_smart_config_stop
+* Start to acquire device profile. The device acquire its own profile, if profile message is found.
+* The acquired AP information is stored in CC3000 EEPROM only when AES128 encryption is used.
+* When AES128 encryption is not used, a profile is internally created by the device.
+* @param    algoEncryptedFlag indicates whether the information is encrypted
+* @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @Note     An asynchronous event - Smart Config Done will be generated as soon
+*           as the process finishes successfully.
+* @sa       wlan_smart_config_set_prefix , wlan_smart_config_stop
 extern long wlan_smart_config_start(unsigned long algoEncryptedFlag);
-//!  wlan_smart_config_stop
-//!  @param    algoEncryptedFlag indicates whether the information is encrypted
-//!  @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief   Stop the acquire profile procedure 
-//!  @sa      wlan_smart_config_start , wlan_smart_config_set_prefix
+* Stop the acquire profile procedure 
+* @param    algoEncryptedFlag indicates whether the information is encrypted
+* @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @sa      wlan_smart_config_start , wlan_smart_config_set_prefix
 extern long wlan_smart_config_stop(void);
-//!  wlan_smart_config_set_prefix
-//!  @param   newPrefix  3 bytes identify the SSID prefix for the Smart Config. 
-//!  @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief   Configure station ssid prefix. The prefix is used internally 
-//!           in CC3000. It should always be TTT.
-//!  @Note    The prefix is stored in CC3000 NVMEM
-//!  @sa      wlan_smart_config_start , wlan_smart_config_stop
+* Configure station ssid prefix. The prefix is used internally in CC3000. It should always be TTT.
+* @param   newPrefix  3 bytes identify the SSID prefix for the Smart Config. 
+* @return  On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
+* @Note    The prefix is stored in CC3000 NVMEM
+* @sa      wlan_smart_config_start , wlan_smart_config_stop
 extern long wlan_smart_config_set_prefix(char* cNewPrefix);
-//!  wlan_smart_config_process
-//!  @param   none 
-//!  @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
-//!  @brief   process the acquired data and store it as a profile. The acquired 
-//!           AP information is stored in CC3000 EEPROM encrypted.
-//!           The encrypted data is decrypted and stored as a profile.
-//!           behavior is as defined by connection policy.
+* Process the acquired data and store it as a profile.
+* The acquired AP information is stored in CC3000 EEPROM encrypted.
+* The encrypted data is decrypted and stored as a profile.
+* behavior is as defined by connection policy.
+* @param    none 
+* @return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned        
 extern long wlan_smart_config_process(void);
-// Close the Doxygen group.
-//! @}
-// Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers.
 #ifdef    __cplusplus
 #endif // __cplusplus