Driver for CC3000 Wi-Fi module

Dependencies:   NVIC_set_all_priorities

Dependents:   CC3000_Simple_Socket Wi-Go_IOT_Demo


The current code has been reworked to a full object oriented application and contains an mbed socket compatible API.

CC3000 Wi-Fi module library


This is the low level driver for TI's SimpleLink CC3000 device.
Port from Avnet's Wi-Go KEIL code (based on TI's CC3000 code).
Special thanks to Jim Carver from Avnet for providing the Wi-Go board and for his assistance.

Differences with TI's original code

The code functionality stays exactly the same.
In order to make it easier to use the code, following changes were made :

  • Addition of a tool to shift all IRQ priorities to a lower level since it is very important to keep the SPI handler at the highest system priority, the WLAN interrupt the second highest and all other system interrupts at a lower priority, so their handlers can be preempted by the CC3000 interrupts.
  • Addition of low level I/O controls and conditional compiler controls in cc3000_common.h.
  • CC3000 initialisation, pin declarations, SPI and WLAN irq priorities are set in Init_HostDriver , we need to call this function at the start of the main function.
  • The SPI and HCI code are joined into one file.
  • The include list has been rearranged - Only #include "wlan.h" is needed in the user API.
  • Part of the CC3000's user eeprom memory is used to store additional info (52 bytes in NVMEM_USER_FILE_1):
# bytesDescriptionInfo
1First time config parameterUseful when connecting
2Firmware updater versionused with the Firmware update tool
2Service Pack versionused with the Firmware update tool
3Driver Versionused with the Firmware update tool
3Firmware Versionused with the Firmware update tool
1CIK validation (Client Interface Key)
40CIK data (Client Interface Key)used with the exosite

Using the Library

A user API is needed to access the CC3000 functions.

Using the library with other processors

cc3000_common.cpp loads the irq tool for all targets:
All current mbed targets are supported by this library.

#include "NVIC_set_all_priorities.h"

All low level settings that need to change are available in cc3000_common.h

// Compiler control
#define CC3000_UNENCRYPTED_SMART_CONFIG   // No encryption
//#define CC3000_TINY_DRIVER                // Driver for small memory model CPUs

//Interrupt controls
#define NVIC_ALL_IRQ        NVIC_set_all_irq_priorities(3);         // Set ALL interrupt priorities to level 3
#define NVIC_SPI_IRQ        NVIC_SetPriority(SPI0_IRQn, 0x0);       // Wi-Fi SPI interrupt must be higher priority than SysTick
#define NVIC_PORT_IRQ       NVIC_SetPriority(PORTA_IRQn, 0x1);
#define NVIC_SYSTICK_IRQ    NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0x2);    // SysTick set to lower priority than Wi-Fi SPI bus interrupt
//#define NVIC_ADC_IRQ        NVIC_SetPriority(ADC0_IRQn, 0x3);       // ADC is the lowest of all

// Wlan controls
#define WLAN_ISF_PCR        PORTA->PCR[16]
#define WLAN_ISF_MASK       (1<<16)

#define WLAN_ASSERT_CS      wlan_cs = 0;   //CS : active low
#define WLAN_DEASSERT_CS    wlan_cs = 1;

#define WLAN_ASSERT_EN      wlan_en = 1;   //EN : active high
#define WLAN_DEASSERT_EN    wlan_en = 0;

#define WLAN_READ_IRQ       wlan_int

#define WLAN_ENABLE_IRQ     wlan_int.fall(&WLAN_IRQHandler);
#define WLAN_DISABLE_IRQ    wlan_int.fall(NULL);

#define WLAN_IRQ_PIN_CREATE         InterruptIn wlan_int (PTA16);
#define WLAN_EN_PIN_CREATE          DigitalOut  wlan_en  (PTA13);
#define WLAN_CS_PIN_CREATE          DigitalOut  wlan_cs  (PTD0);
#define WLAN_SPI_PORT_CREATE        SPI wlan(PTD2, PTD3, PTC5); // mosi, miso, sclk

#define WLAN_SPI_PORT_INIT          wlan.format(8,1);
#define WLAN_SPI_SET_FREQ           wlan.frequency(12000000);
#define WLAN_SPI_SET_IRQ_HANDLER    wlan_int.fall(&WLAN_IRQHandler);

#define WLAN_SPI_WRITE              wlan.write(*data++);
#define WLAN_SPI_READ               wlan.write(0x03);          // !! DO NOT MODIFY the 0x03 parameter (CC3000 will not respond).

API documentation

Due to a little problem with the links on the mbed site, the API documentation is not directly accessible (will be solved in a next release).
Currently, it is only accessible by adding modules.html to the API doc link:

--- a/netapp.cpp	Sat Jul 13 13:12:46 2013 +0000
+++ b/netapp.cpp	Mon Jul 15 14:19:46 2013 +0000
@@ -35,64 +35,12 @@
 #include "netapp.h"
-#define MIN_TIMER_VAL_SECONDS      20
-#define MIN_TIMER_SET(t)    if ((0 != t) && (t < MIN_TIMER_VAL_SECONDS)) \
-                            { \
-                                t = MIN_TIMER_VAL_SECONDS; \
-                            }
-#define NETAPP_DHCP_PARAMS_LEN                 (20)
-#define NETAPP_SET_TIMER_PARAMS_LEN         (20)
-#define NETAPP_PING_SEND_PARAMS_LEN            (16)
-//!  netapp_config_mac_adrress
-//!  @param  mac   device mac address, 6 bytes. Saved: yes 
-//!  @return       return on success 0, otherwise error.
-//!  @brief        Configure device MAC address and store it in NVMEM. 
-//!                The value of the MAC address configured through the API will
-//!                     be stored in CC3000 non volatile memory, thus preserved 
-//!                over resets.
 long netapp_config_mac_adrress(unsigned char * mac)
     return  nvmem_set_mac_address(mac);
-//!  netapp_dhcp
-//!  @param  aucIP               device mac address, 6 bytes. Saved: yes 
-//!  @param  aucSubnetMask       device mac address, 6 bytes. Saved: yes 
-//!  @param  aucDefaultGateway   device mac address, 6 bytes. Saved: yes 
-//!  @param  aucDNSServer        device mac address, 6 bytes. Saved: yes 
-//!  @return       return on success 0, otherwise error.
-//!  @brief       netapp_dhcp is used to configure the network interface, 
-//!               static or dynamic (DHCP).\n In order to activate DHCP mode, 
-//!               aucIP, aucSubnetMask, aucDefaultGateway must be 0.
-//!               The default mode of CC3000 is DHCP mode.
-//!               Note that the configuration is saved in non volatile memory
-//!               and thus preserved over resets.
-//! @note         If the mode is altered a reset of CC3000 device is required 
-//!               in order to apply changes.\nAlso note that asynchronous event 
-//!               of DHCP_EVENT, which is generated when an IP address is 
-//!               allocated either by the DHCP server or due to static 
-//!               allocation is generated only upon a connection to the 
-//!               AP was established. 
 long netapp_dhcp(unsigned long *aucIP, unsigned long *aucSubnetMask,unsigned long *aucDefaultGateway, unsigned long *aucDNSServer)
     signed char scRet;
@@ -120,58 +68,8 @@
-//!  netapp_timeout_values
-//!  @param  aucDHCP    DHCP lease time request, also impact 
-//!                     the DHCP renew timeout. Range: [0-0xffffffff] seconds,
-//!                     0 or 0xffffffff == infinity lease timeout.
-//!                     Resolution:10 seconds. Influence: only after 
-//!                     reconnecting to the AP. 
-//!                     Minimal bound value: MIN_TIMER_VAL_SECONDS - 20 seconds.
-//!                     The parameter is saved into the CC3000 NVMEM. 
-//!                     The default value on CC3000 is 14400 seconds.
-//!  @param  aucARP     ARP refresh timeout, if ARP entry is not updated by
-//!                     incoming packet, the ARP entry will be  deleted by
-//!                     the end of the timeout. 
-//!                     Range: [0-0xffffffff] seconds, 0 == infinity ARP timeout
-//!                     Resolution: 10 seconds. Influence: on runtime.
-//!                     Minimal bound value: MIN_TIMER_VAL_SECONDS - 20 seconds
-//!                     The parameter is saved into the CC3000 NVMEM. 
-//!                        The default value on CC3000 is 3600 seconds.
-//!  @param  aucKeepalive   Keepalive event sent by the end of keepalive timeout
-//!                         Range: [0-0xffffffff] seconds, 0 == infinity timeout
-//!                         Resolution: 10 seconds.
-//!                         Influence: on runtime.
-//!                         Minimal bound value: MIN_TIMER_VAL_SECONDS - 20 sec
-//!                         The parameter is saved into the CC3000 NVMEM. 
-//!                         The default value on CC3000 is 10 seconds.
-//!  @param  aucInactivity   Socket inactivity timeout, socket timeout is
-//!                          refreshed by incoming or outgoing packet, by the
-//!                          end of the socket timeout the socket will be closed
-//!                          Range: [0-0xffffffff] sec, 0 == infinity timeout.
-//!                          Resolution: 10 seconds. Influence: on runtime.
-//!                          Minimal bound value: MIN_TIMER_VAL_SECONDS - 20 sec
-//!                          The parameter is saved into the CC3000 NVMEM. 
-//!                             The default value on CC3000 is 60 seconds.
-//!  @return       return on success 0, otherwise error.
-//!  @brief       Set new timeout values. Function set new timeout values for: 
-//!               DHCP lease timeout, ARP  refresh timeout, keepalive event 
-//!               timeout and socket inactivity timeout 
-//! @note         If a parameter set to non zero value which is less than 20s,
-//!               it will be set automatically to 20s.
 #ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
-netapp_timeout_values(unsigned long *aucDHCP, unsigned long *aucARP,unsigned long *aucKeepalive,    unsigned long *aucInactivity)
+long netapp_timeout_values(unsigned long *aucDHCP, unsigned long *aucARP,unsigned long *aucKeepalive,    unsigned long *aucInactivity)
     signed char scRet;
     unsigned char *ptr;
@@ -204,30 +102,8 @@
-//!  netapp_ping_send
-//!  @param  ip              destination IP address
-//!  @param  pingAttempts    number of echo requests to send
-//!  @param  pingSize        send buffer size which may be up to 1400 bytes 
-//!  @param  pingTimeout     Time to wait for a response,in milliseconds.
-//!  @return       return on success 0, otherwise error.
-//!  @brief       send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts 
-//! @note         If an operation finished successfully asynchronous ping report 
-//!               event will be generated. The report structure is as defined
-//!               by structure netapp_pingreport_args_t.
-//! @warning      Calling this function while a previous Ping Requests are in 
-//!               progress will stop the previous ping request.
 #ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
-netapp_ping_send(unsigned long *ip, unsigned long ulPingAttempts, unsigned long ulPingSize, unsigned long ulPingTimeout)
+long netapp_ping_send(unsigned long *ip, unsigned long ulPingAttempts, unsigned long ulPingSize, unsigned long ulPingTimeout)
     signed char scRet;
     unsigned char *ptr, *args;
@@ -252,29 +128,6 @@
-//!  netapp_ping_report
-//!  @param  none
-//!  @return  none
-//!  @brief   Request for ping status. This API triggers the CC3000 to send 
-//!           asynchronous events: HCI_EVNT_WLAN_ASYNC_PING_REPORT.
-//!           This event will carry  the report structure:
-//!           netapp_pingreport_args_t. This structure is filled in with ping
-//!           results up till point of triggering API.
-//!           netapp_pingreport_args_t:\n packets_sent - echo sent,
-//!           packets_received - echo reply, min_round_time - minimum
-//!           round time, max_round_time - max round time,
-//!           avg_round_time - average round time
-//! @note     When a ping operation is not active, the returned structure 
-//!           fields are 0.
 #ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
 void netapp_ping_report()
@@ -294,18 +147,6 @@
-//!  netapp_ping_stop
-//!  @param  none
-//!  @return  On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned.      
-//!  @brief   Stop any ping request.
 #ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
 long netapp_ping_stop()
@@ -326,31 +167,6 @@
-//!  netapp_ipconfig
-//!  @param[out]  ipconfig  This argument is a pointer to a 
-//!                         tNetappIpconfigRetArgs structure. This structure is
-//!                         filled in with the network interface configuration.
-//!                         tNetappIpconfigRetArgs:\n aucIP - ip address,
-//!                         aucSubnetMask - mask, aucDefaultGateway - default
-//!                         gateway address, aucDHCPServer - dhcp server address
-//!                         aucDNSServer - dns server address, uaMacAddr - mac
-//!                         address, uaSSID - connected AP ssid
-//!  @return  none
-//!  @brief   Obtain the CC3000 Network interface information.
-//!           Note that the information is available only after the WLAN
-//!               connection was established. Calling this function before
-//!           associated, will cause non-defined values to be returned.
-//! @note     The function is useful for figuring out the IP Configuration of
-//!               the device when DHCP is used and for figuring out the SSID of
-//!               the Wireless network the device is associated with.
 #ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
 void netapp_ipconfig( tNetappIpconfigRetArgs * ipconfig )
@@ -373,17 +189,6 @@
-//!  netapp_arp_flush
-//!  @param  none
-//!  @return  none
-//!  @brief  Flushes ARP table
 #ifndef CC3000_TINY_DRIVER
 long netapp_arp_flush(void)
@@ -407,3 +212,4 @@